Christopher B

On a beautiful sunny morning Danny woke up like every other day at 6:30 and slapped juicy jam on some toast. He put vegemite on the toast, and made a nice greek coffee. Danny was 31 years old. He liked adventuring and fishing. He is also a mechanic. Danny sat on his couch to eat his breakfast and to watch the news.

After about 5 minutes, Danny heard on the news there was treasure at the top of a massive mountain called Mountain Tops. The treasure had come from Germany into Queensland as a contest for people to find. Mountain Tops was a 2 minute drive to get there from Dann’s house. “I will call Jim and Bob to see if they want to come to adventure with me.”


Danny - Hi Jim

Jim - Sup

Danny - Jim do you want to come adventure with me to MountainTops with Bob?

Jim - Sure I will bring food and drinks? K?

Danny - K. Bye.

Jim and Bob arrived at Danny's house with food and drinks. “So we got everything. Yeah?” asked Danny.

They all all arrived at the forest that leads to the bottom of the mountain and then they had to get through some obstacles and get to the top of the mountain. “Let's start walking,” said Bob. They started walking through the forest.

Jim said, “Do you think there will be other people trying to get the treasure as well?”

Danny replied, “I don't know. Good question.”

When they were nearly out of the forest, they sat on a yellow-golden coloured rock. This rock was massive. They all had a drink of water and then continued walking.

They got out of the the forest and got to the bottom of the mountain. They started walking up it. The Mountain wasn't that steep to their surprise. On the way up, Jim said, “do you think there will be more people near us?”

“I don't think so.” answered Bob.

As they got past a quarter of the way, they saw people sitting on a rock eating in front of them. Jim went up to them and asked, “are you trying to find the treasure that is located at the top of the mountain?”

“Yes,” they replied back. Suddenly, the other people tried to push Jim off the mountain, because they wanted to get to the treasure first, but they failed. Jim pushed them off instead, into a river five metres below them. Jim didn’t really care much about what he did, as the others had tried to push him off first.

The three boys reached halfway up the mountain after 2 hours and 35 minutes of walking. They had a drink and chicken sandwiches. Once they had finished eating they continued their adventure up the mountain. They found a massive windy tree with roots curled around the stump. They stopped and had a look at it. Jim took out his new camera that he bought super early for $830 in 2017. It was supposed to come out for sale in June 2018. Jim took many photos of the tree with his new camera as the leaves on the tree were shaped very weirdly. He was surprised

Once Jim had finished taking the photos, Bob said, “Do you think the treasure has already been taken?”

Danny replied, “It might have been taken, but they only put the treasure in the mountain today.”

After walking for 3 hours and 45 minutes, Danny looked at the map and realised that there was only 10 minutes left of the walk until they reached the top of the mountain. They climbed up a very steep dirt hill. Luckily there were holes big enough for them to put their feet in to help them get up the steep hill.

They approached the top of the mountain. Suddenly, Bob slipped on a muddy rock and nearly fell off the top. Jim was able to catch Bob just in time and save him. Finally, they reached the top of the mountain and searched for the treasure.

After 11 minutes, Danny saw a big gold box in a dip in the ground. He ran up to it and found it was the treasure. All the boys helped get the treasure out of the dip in the ground even though it wasn’t as heavy as they thought it would be.

They finally were able to get the treasure out of the dip. Bob said, “we have no time to look at the treasure now. Other people are up here and they might find us.”

The boys looked around and another group of four people rushed towards them. One of the new group saw the boys lifting something out of the ground. He called out to his group to rush over to rip the treasure away from Danny.

Danny and his friends panicked and started heading down the mountain super, super fast, like pro runners. They kept running along a different route than the way up until they bumped into Danny’s friend. Danny said to his friend, “got no time, sorry!”

In the distance they saw the road. They walked a little closer and saw a silver ute which was Danny’s. They got in the ute after 2 minutes and placed the treasure carefully in the back tray.

Danny started up the engine as Jim and Bob quickly jumped into the ute. They zoomed off and went to Danny’s house. Bob opened the front door and pushed the password on the keypad as Danny and Jim carefully grabbed the treasure out of the ute and rushed inside the house into the living room.

The boys slowly opened up the treasure in the box and tipped it out carefully onto the carpet. In the treasure box was gold, bronze, silver, massive diamonds, rubies, blue rubies and 500 million dollars. It was the best day ever!

The three boys split the treasure equally. Bob and Jim spent their money on a brand new house each. Danny already had a 2 story house with a massive backyard and a hot tub. Danny spent his money from the treasure on his house and a new luxury car. He added another story onto his house and a massive swimming pool on the top floor where the balcony was. Danny bought a car worth 7 million dollars, but he got a special deal for 900 thousand dollars. The salesman said to Danny, “we do a great sale every year.” Danny bought a Rolls Royce as a luxury car. Danny also went to Greece to relax in an Emirates A380 First Class for 20 thousand dollars.

Danny called Jim and Bob to see if they wanted to come to Greece with him. Jim said, “Yes, sure.” So did Bob. Sadly, Jim and Bob booked on the same flight as Danny, but in business Class.

Danny left his house with everything packed and ready to go. He caught an Uber to the airport. Jim called Danny to say that both Jim and Bob had been upgraded to First Class. Also, Jim said they were given the last 2 seats left in First Class. At the airport, Danny went up to the lounge and found Jim and Bob there. They had to board the plane in five minutes.

They all boarded the plane. As they walked into the plane they saw another massive plane next to theirs. They got in their seats. They all had a snack bar, lots of drinks and a lamp. Also, it had a seat that turns into a bed to sleep on. The economy class people then boarded the plane. They were about to take off and the boys were very excited. Take off. Off they go, up in the air to Greece.

When the seatbelt sign went off, the three boys went to the First Class bar to have a look at what it’s like and grab a drink and a snack.They are looking forward to going to forests and hiking up mountains. Danny then said to Jim and Bob, “Do you think we will go on another adventure in Greece?”

“A hundred percent!” They excitedly agreed.