Toby T

Jacob's Competition

By Toby Torrible

Jacob looked down at his small, scaly hands and wondered how he would get more food. As a young dinosaur he was always hungry. He often spent his days wandering caves looking for food and HOPEFULLY some pizza which was his favorite food of all.

"Not that one" said Jacob. Jacob spent much of his time searching caves for pizza. Jacob was not that smart. "When can I ever get to a cave that has lots of pizza? I think I should pray to find a cave with pizza because in the movies if they pray, they get what they want!" So Jacob prayed "Dear lord, I want a cave with some pizza in it, amen."

"I hope I'll get it!" he said to himself. Then a great big prehistoric lady bug that could smash down trees, was buzzing right at him! Jacob ducked, but not in time and he got hit hard. Jacob had a big mound on his head that looked like a giant golf ball. To make him even more miserable a giant fire ant was crawling on his shoulder. The ant pierced into the flesh of Jacob. Jacob was absolutely miserable and hungry!

He ran to a cave that again had no pizza. Frustrated, he kneeled down and whispered "Looks like praying only works out in movies.” He fell asleep and couldn't think of anything else other than pizza.

He woke up and was forced to eat berries from in front of the cave. He wondered if he would ever see a pizza again in his whole life. He thought about praying again because there was nothing else to do. He decided he would pray: "Dear lord, please can I have a cave with pizza? Amen."

Miraculously, one hour later he found a cave with pizza! But Jacob did not see it as a miracle. He was MAD it has taken him this long to find pizza! He thought about how he had said please to the lord and how his mum said that was the magic word. Still, this was a better life than getting hit by a giant lady bug in the forehead. After that he ate the pizza and fell asleep.

He dreamed that he was in a pizza eating competition going for a record breaking 80 pizzas! The world record is 75 pizzas and his own record was 72 pizzas. After such an intense dream, he woke up feeling sick and hungry! All that he could think of was pizza. He fell asleep again.

This time his pizza dream was not so happy! His throat felt like it was burning like a wild bushfire. He had eaten a HOT SALAMI PIZZA! He thought he was going to die! But luckily there was a fire ant at the competition. Fire ants were the one thing you could rely on to extinguish hot burning salami sensations with their water hoses. Jacob refused to go near the fire ant remembering the bite he has suffered before. Jacob awoke in a sweat and scared! Not sure what he should have done. He asked the fire ant for help and risked a bite or have his throat burnt from the fiery salami!

Deep in thought, he barely noticed there was a boy staring at him. When he realized he jumped back in fright! The boy yelled to his parents "It woke up!"

Jacob said "You know ITS got a name?"

"No, what is it?" said the boy.

"You first" Jacob replied.



Jacob and Axel became great friends and spent their time dreaming of pizza, avoiding fire ants and giant lady bugs, but waiting to find a time to enter a pizza eating competition.

Jacob dreamed to be at a pizza eating competition his whole life and he even kept an advertisement from a newspaper that he found from inside a cave.

"Come on, come on, let’s go" said Jacob in a forceful whisper voice. Once they were far enough away from the house they went to a cave, which happened to be the cave where the family found him. They talked about what they would do. They decided that they would finally go to a pizza eating competition.

Once there Jacob was confident he could win. He knew he may even be able to go for the record that he had been dreaming about!

He started off doing well and eating lots. He was coming close to his record and he could not help but think something may be about to go wrong ... and then it did. The 71st pizza was a HSP - hot salami pizza! He could already feel his throat starting to burn!

He looked and saw fire ants in the distance with their salami fighting water on them. He could see something else in the distance. It was a giant pig in googles with two bazookas and it was coming for him! He was yelling that salami were pork products and Jacob was eating his family. The bazookas looked big and scary … and he did not even like hot salami pizza!

Right then a giant lady bug that could knock down trees flew in and smacked the pig right between the googles! The pig was knocked right out!

In all of the excitement he grabbed and swallowed the HSP and now his throat was burning big time! "Oh no Axel my throat is on fire!" Axel knew what he had to do and ran over to the fire ants and stole their salami water! Axel threw it to Jacob who glugged it back. With that he could focus on the record - only 4 more to go!

Jacob prayed for no more HSP. He could not believe he was actually praying for no pizza now. His whole world had changed so much with his new friend Axel.

Two more pizzas down and he started to know the record was his. He was not even worried about the HSP. He just ate. He got to 80 and knew that was enough - he did not want pizza anymore. He just wanted to thank his friend for changing his life for the better!

They both went home and never went to a pizza competition and Jacob’s record still stands. Now they act like brothers and are always together.