Frankie A

Chapter 1: "Chores"

"Dad! I'm not doing my chores. Liam doesn't have to do his chores," I shouted across the living room.

"That's because he's in a wheelchair and has two broken arms and one broken leg," Dad replied.

"That's no excuse," I muttered under my breath.

"What?" boomed Dad, cocking an eyebrow.

"Nothing," I retorted, feeling my cheeks go bright red. I sat down on the living room sofa; a huge red seat that's ancient to our family and grabbed the remote lying on the wooden table next to the chair. I scanned the remote for the power button and found it in the top right corner of the rectangle-like object. Clicking the small button would make the TV turn on, and that's what happened. The TV read: "Weighing 202 pounds, on the left side of the boxing arena, is... Muhammed Al-" The TV turned black again.

"What the heck?" I shouted.

Suddenly, I realised who would do this, this monstrous thing, that would make my great day turn bad: Dad; known as a villain to Liam (my brother), Tonya (my sister) and Mum (Kate).

Dad does not like TV. Whenever it is turned on, he will instantly turn it off. Tonya, my older sister (she’s 16) isn't even allowed to watch television. My mum, Kate, is 43 and she isn’t allowed to watch television either. Whenever Dad goes out; which is three times a week, the television is ours. We watch him from the window drive off down the street, and we dash to the kitchen; we grab chips and soda and turn on the TV. For two or three hours we watch it non-stop. But, when we hear a horrible scrapping noise on the road from our old car, (which would be our car because that noise is familiar); we turn the TV off, grab the empty chip packets and soda cans and throw them in the bin, flitter upstairs and pretend to read a book or do homework.

Anyway, on this particularly day, my eyes were so glued to the screen that I didn't notice Dad unplug the cables behind the screen.

"Hey! I'm trying to watch a fascinating documentary called Planet Earth by David Attenborough," I lied.

"Definitely!" Dad remarked. "I never knew boxing was a fascinating documentary about our planet."

"Well it is," I blurted out feeling like I had a dislocated brain.

"You know what, if-"

"WHAT?" I bellowed so rudely interrupting Dad's time to talk.

Q"If you do one chore, I'll let you watch five minutes of TV, any show you want that's appropri-" "DEAL!" I screamed, already out of the living room and outside mowing the lawn.

Crink Crink, Crink Crink! The mowing device filled the air. I was enjoying the morning, it was exceedingly sunny and a cryptical smell wafted through the air. I looked around and spied a humongous black hole.

"That's weird," I thought as I trotted towards the hole and peered inside it, keeping caution in case I fell down. The emerging deep black hadn’t been there before. Recklessly, I let go of the mower's handle and it came to a stop on the ground. All of sudden, the mower strangely started jumping towards me.

"Help!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I hopped backwards, avoiding the huge hole and shouting for help once again. No one attended to my needs, and my feet started to hurt.

"Oh no; not pins and needles!"

Chapter 2: Meet Devil's Nigh

My legs collapsed and I was crawling away from the jumping mower. The mower was now leaping in my direction, and I had no choice but to fall into the colossal hole. I dragged myself slowly to it and was about to fall inside the dark cavernous space.

“Here goes nothing," I said with a wistful face. I slipped down the hole and screamed "ahhhhh!" A pinkish platform approached me rapidly, and I realised the platform was cotton candy. I opened my mouth and collided into the delicious treat. I sunk right through the cotton candy and fell onto a black platform head first.

"Ow," I mumbled, rubbing my head. Spikes surrounded me and smoke uncovered a horrible place: Hell, but I didn’t know it, yet!

An emerald encrusted throne sat in front of me, and abominable figures lumbered towards me, bleeding, face down.

"Disgusting," I whispered. Suddenly, a horrendous beast with blood dripping from his mouth emerging with a fiery, round orange eyes, blood freely flowing out of its sockets, no nose appeared, only remarks of a deep black hole with teeny magnitudes of blood departing from it. The blood danced for 2 seconds before evaporating. His mouth was an unpredictable type of shape, it was like an isosceles triangle curving slightly towards the left, containing gruesome sharp teeth with blood trickling off its apex. His chin was swollen, precisely pink, or if you were color blind, blue. The beasts guts was ripped open, exposing glossy bones reflecting off an ample light source. His shoulders were dark blue and crinkly, its arms were dark blue, no hands were shown, only lustrous silver knives stuck out of where his hands should of been and had tender looking legs and diminutive knives were protruded out of his pink bruised ankles.

"w-w-wh-wh- who- who are you?" I eventually managed to say.

"Devil of Devil's, just call me Devil's Night," answered the beast in a low and scary tone. "Wh-wh- whe-where am I-I?"

"In Hell, fool. If you didn't know you were in hell, you are a complete idiot and disgrace to our world; known as the 'Underworld'.

"S-s-so-soz,” I replied, thinking that I was going to have a heart attack. I remembered my Mum and Dad telling me that hell isn't a real place, boy were they wrong!

"What is the, soz?" questioned Devil's Night.

"I-It me-means s-s-sorry," I countered. "H-how d-d do y-y-you get ou-out o-o-of he-hell?" I inquired.

"You can't, fool."

"W-w-what?" I spluttered, nearly crying.

"You can't, fool." Devil's Night paused, and resumed his sentence, muttering:

"Well, I guess you can leave hell if you break "The Indecipherable."

"wh-wh what di-did you s-s say?" I asked, feeling as if there was an actual way to leave hell.

"I said," boomed Devil's Night, "if you type in the code to "The Indecipherable," it might allow you to leave."

"O-okay" I muttered, “I’ll do it!”

Chapter 3: "The Indecipherable"

"W-well, can w-w-we go to the, "The Indecipherable?" I begged.

"Double axed executor!" shouted Devil's Night, "come here!"

"Okay," moaned a figure that abruptly emerged from a dark corridor. "What?" it announced. "Take this fool to "The Indecipherable”. I can't stand another second with this, this... Uhh."

“Young boy?" I pronounced with a sense that Devil's Night would be quick to anger with my correction.

"Don't interrupt, fool."

"How am I a fool?" I whispered to myself, "for interrupting a monster communicating with another monster?"

"Now, take this bo-boy to "The Indecipherable." declared Devil's Night.

Double Axed Executor waved one of his glossy bloody axes over his head and stomped in my direction. I stepped backwards and eyeballed him. The towering creature swung his axes violently, in numerous directions, as he walked. He grimaced at me and ordered:

"Follow me, so called fool."

"Stop calling me a fool." I whispered.

"What?!" Boomed Double Axed Executor.

"N-n-n nothing." I spluttered. I could never keep my mouth shut when I needed to.

The monster lead me to a humongous black spike, that towered over the rest of the spikes; above me were magnitudes of silver rocks, that protruded out of a roof. As I approached the spike, letters appeared on a small keypad. I squinted my eyes to search for a letter that I knew, but all the words were foreign.

I pressed the letter 👁‍🗨...

"Don't touch." ordered Double Axed Executor. “I'll dial the password and you'll be out of here in any moment. But there's a twist: you have to put your hands by your side and close your mouth. Once you arrive at your world, you can change your posture, and move however you want," advised Double Axed Executor.

"Okay." I mumbled.

"So," said Double Axed Executor.

"So what?" I beamed cheekily.

"So get your hands in position to be taken back to your Earth," he shouted, spitting slimy extents of spit onto my face.

I immediately removed the spit and gawked at the keypad; it was extraordinarily small. Double Axed Executor pressed his finger against some of the buttons, not even squinting his eyes and made “The Indecipherable” light up a pathway towards the roof; three silver rocks vanished and the roof gradually moved leftwards creating an opening.

"This is it?" I whispered. Double Axed Executor stared at me compellingly. I eventually managed to talk.

"What?" Double Axed Executor replied with a bit of hmph in his voice, "put your arms by your side, otherwise you will die; taking the wrong route to the land of H.H.P, where killer clowns reunite and plot vengeance, on us demon-gods.

"So you're a god?" I questioned, with a suspicious look on my face.

"Indeed, yes," replied Double Axed Executor.

I put my arms by my side and asked one more question, "Are you stronger than the killer clowns?"

"Yes, we are," he answered. "Killer clowns are weak; in fact, timid. If one demon like me versus a killer clown, it would devour the clown, but when various clowns, like, let's say, thirty versus one demon, it would be a challenge to us gods.

I stared, amazed at the knowledge I was receiving. Double Axed Executor continued, without hesitation.

“A war, including our strongest 300 gods against twenty thousand killer clowns will commence in one month, and we will win, proving the clowns wrong. The clown population is increasing by four each day, taking the H.H.P's population to approximately fifty million killer clowns.”

“Before you leave, it has been nice knowing you: a funny fool that wants to learn our ways. I respect that, and Okay boy, I think it is..."

"Yep, I’m a boy." I replied, nearly feeling a tear drop down my eye from the weak bind we'd made. "See ya!" said Double Axed Executor, as a tear glinted in his eye too.

Chapter 4: "Not Home?"

My eyes closed and I awoke with a start on my house car. I rolled off the car and collided into my cat; Pennywise.

"Ouch," I whispered. I stood up, wiping the dust off my clothes and lumbered to the door, my left leg badly hurt; I think it twisted when I fell off the car. Once I was at the house door, I pressed the buzzer notifying that I was home. It had been a minute, and nobody has answered the door.

"Why is that?" I pondered. "Wait! It's Saturday: shopping day." I turned around and decided to wait on the concrete slabs that I was leaning on.

"Aahhhh!" I said with comfort. When I sat down, my leg felt relaxed, even though the floor was as hard as a rock.

Suddenly, a truck appeared.

"Oh no." I whispered. I've heard about this truck from my friends; that truck contained a bad person in the interior of the truck. A shadow appeared from the window, and the window slowly rolled downwards. A man with a wrinkled face and a cigar in his mouth was seen, looking at me with a smirk on his face. The truck door opened, and a shiver ran down my spine. The man stepped out of his vehicle and approached me nonchalantly.

"Help!" I hollered, making myself hoarse.

No one appeared, except the man that was drawing closer and closer to me, until he was face to face with me. He was right in front of me, and his breath smelt like rotten wasabi. I turned my face away; closing my eyes, scrunching my nose and briefly breathing. I opened a quarter of my left eye, and peered at the man. He raised his hand and was about to punch me. His hand began to move, when a figure suddenly appeared from thin air, towering over the man who had a cigar in his mouth. I stood up, and realised that the towering figure was Double Axed Executor, the man with the cigar punched Double Axed in the stomach. Double Axed raised his leg high in the air and grasped the truck driver’s throat. He choked and Double Axed Executor flung the man miles away from here.

"Woah, I’m not allowed to watch R rated movies. But thanks for saving me, Double Axed Executor."

"No worries," he said, whilst unclipping an ancient fish-like object from his neck which I haven't noticed before.

"Whenever you need me, place your finger inside this fish's mouth and I will come, but be warned, if you call me for no reason I will never attend your needs for the next time you call me. Okay?" said Double Axed Executor.

"Okay," I replied with a smirk appearing on my face.

Double Axed Executor vanished. A car, which was lime green, drove into my driveway: it was our back up family car. As Dad drove it into the garage, I spotted a new bumper sticker. "Devil's Night!" I froze in horror. I would never ask my dad to allow me to watch TV ever again.