Jimmy S


I opened my heavy eyes and saw nothing but destruction. There were metal crates floating around.

“Where am I?”I thought to myself.

I looked at myself. I was wearing a heavy metal suit of armour but the plating on my right arm and left leg had been torn off. I was wearing a helmet that had been cracked open to show my right eye. I stepped forward,well at least tried to step forward. I was floating.

“Would you like to activate gravity systems? ”a robotic voice boomed.

“Uhh...yes?” I replied slowly.

My feet were suddenly pulled to the ground like a lead block being dropped from a 50 story building but at least I could walk. I stepped through mountains of debris to get to get to a door on the other side of the room. The bolted shut door was heavily sealed so I couldn’t get through. I looked around for something to bust it open with. In the corner of the room there was a broken laser blaster. I picked it up and seen that it only had 5% power left. I ran to the door as quickly as I could and cut a hole through the middle of the door. I stepped through cautiously into a dark and mysterious room. I could barely see but I heard something coming nearer. Footsteps.

I hid behind a box of parts as quick as lightning. I felt something small on the floor; metal, cold, strong. I grabbed it to observe it. It was a gun. Not much of a good gun but it was a plasma blaster so it could still kill someone. The lights flashed on. The footsteps grew nearer and nearer until I jumped out and held up the gun.

“I have a gun,” I shouted, “so don’t try and hurt me.”

“Well I have a stick,” the man said, “so don’t hurt me!”

We lowered our weapons, watching the other, waiting to react to a moment of distrust. The man had long grey hair covering his breathing mask. He was old and had a long stick. There was a small amulet hanging from his neck. He was also faking being scared.

“What’s a child like you doing in battle armour and on a destroyed space cruiser?” the man asked.

“Umm…I don’t know?” I answered.

“I’m Benka!” he said excitedly.

“I’m…” I said.

It was that point I realised I didn’t remember my name or anything about myself.

“You don’t know who you are?” he asked. “Hmm, follow me.”

As we walked down the halls he told me that we were on a giant space cruiser that had been destroyed by Kamorians. Benka said that he was looking for Commander Josh Flameroar who had been killed during war on the ship. I looked at my reflection in the shining metal wall. I had green hair and orange blue armour. It seemed familiar somehow. Suddenly A flash of light burst open in my brain and I remembered everything about myself.


I was Josh Flameroar; the one Benka was looking for.

“I remember now,” I said excitedly. “I am Josh Starkiller.”

“I wish,” Benka said. The look on his face told me he didn’t believe me.

“You’re a kid. How could you be one of the veterans of the army?” he asked.

I told him everything about myself before today. About my battles and my friends; everything I had gone through.

“I believe you but it’s too late now,” Benka said grumpily.

“Why is it too late now?”

“The ‘Nexa’ have already taken over."

“Who are the ‘Nexa’?”I asked curiously.

“No one knows,” Benka replied.

I felt like he knew more than he said he did.

When we finally reached the end of the hall, I saw a ship sitting on a landing pad, ready to take off. I ran towards it. CRASH! BOOM! Suddenly, a squadron of Kamorian fighters exploded the ship into a million pieces.

“RUN!” I shouted.

We ran into the landing bay and tried to find shelter; a ship. The roof was collapsing on us. Sheets of metal were falling everywhere. We ran into the nearest ship. I tried to start the engine but it wouldn’t budge.

“It has no fuel,” I shouted, watching a red light flashing on the control panel.

Benka clicked his fingers and suddenly we were up in the air. I didn’t have time to ask questions as I steered the ship forward trying to dodge as much debris as I could. The exit was only four metres wide so I didn’t have a chance… unless I could turn sideways to get through. I went full speed through the door. POP! We were flying through empty space towards a nearby planet.

I walked through the ship looking for somewhere to lie down. I turned a corner and saw a hall of rooms with beds in them. I stepped into one of them and looked around. There was a rack of weapons next to a suit of armour in the corner. I put on the suit of armour and grabbed a knife of the shelf. The knife had a long sharp kamozite blade which could be useful for getting out of any rope. I went and showed Benka. He said it looked good.

“We’re going to land on planet Foxius!” Benka shouted over the roar of the engine. “It’s the only place we can land safely.”

As we descended through the atmosphere, I watched the purple clouds float through the air.

“We’re going to land in three, two…” Benka said as we slided down onto the rough surface of the planet. CLANK! As the ship stopped, I ran to the exit and opened the door. I didn’t expect there to be oxygen but the air was as fresh as 2017 Earth. The ground looked like soil but when I inspected it closely it was a carpet of grey pebbles.

“We’re going to need food and water,” Benka said from behind me.

“How? Where?” I questioned.

All he did was point in a direction and I walked off, obediently.


I rolled in a somersault down the slope. I hauled myself up and looked. I was in an abandoned shipyard. There were small fighters which were overpowered by the ginormous space cruisers which loomed over me. PEW! A plasma shot missed me by inches. I jumped behind a fighter as quick as a flash.

“I thought I saw someone,” grunted a man who was slowly creeping nearer.

“Where’s Benka when you need him?” I whispered to myself.

I was suddenly hauled out from behind and thrown to the ground.

“Who are you?” the man shouted at me.

He had Kamorian armour on and and held a plasma axe in his hand. He was tall but a tiny ant compared to the space cruisers.

“I’m J… Josh Fla… Flameroar,” I stammered.

The roar of the ships fighting in the air was so loud I doubted that he heard me.

“Posh Hamesoar? What an...unusual name.”

“Its Josh Flameroar!” I shouted.

“Suurree it is,” he answered sarcastically.

He told me his name was Axen and that he was an exiled member of the special forces Kamorian army.

“Aren’t the Kamorians our enemies?” I asked.

“I betrayed them,” Axen said quickly, avoiding eye contact.

“Do you have any food or water?” I asked, remembering why I was sent out to explore in the first place.

“Tons,” he answered. Before my relief could sink in, my thoughts were interrupted. CRASH! BOOM!


I looked forward. There were giant dragon people flying towards us. I knew what they were. Colitials. I pulled out my plasma rifle and aimed at the Colitials. The Colitials were from Colita and are extremely dangerous. Their claws could cut through metal. There wings were six metres long and these ones were angry. I lifted my plasma gun. Axen lifted his plasma axe. I didn’t even realise it was a MK.36, one of the strongest weapons ever. The six Colitials were storming nearer. I took my first shot. It blasted through the head of one of the Colitials. They started blasting the ground with fire and started firing back.

Axen charged at the Colitials and swiped his axe at them. He managed to take down three of them before one of them launched him through the air into me. Blood started pouring down my neck as I rolled back into shooting position and fired at one of them. It slumped to the ground dead. The last one grabbed me and threw me at a giant rock and pinned me there. It opened its mouth ready to bite. I tried to slip out of its hands but stopped when I caught a glimpse at the fourteen metre drop. It was about to chomp me into into a million pieces when Axen came charging. I gasped as the blade went straight through the Colitials neck. I fell to the ground with a depressing thud. The last thing I remember seeing was Axen, hauling me over his shoulder and walking off.


I woke up suddenly. Axen was still walking.

“Put me down,” I said angrily.

He dumped me on the ground and still didn’t speak. He pushed through the bushes and I saw Benka sitting in front of a fire. I walked to Benka and he came to question me but when he saw Axen, he stopped and stared.

“You do realise there’s a guy standing next to you,” Benka whispered loudly.

“Yes I do,” I replied.

“Is he friendly?”

“Yes!” Benka shot out his hand for Axen to shake. Axen cautiously shook Benka’s hand.

Axen joined us. As we flew through space, Axen told me that the Nexa had found a way to make planets crash into each other. He shared their plan to crush the Earth system.

CRASH! Our ship was blasted by a Kamorian missile. Axen grabbed his plasma axe and turned around in circles. Clink,Clink,Clink. I looked up at the roof window. My mouth gaped wide open. A Kamorian was watching us with its long claws, scaly skin and wide eyes. POW lightning zapped it. Its body flew down to the depths of space. I stared at Benka. Sparks were zapping in his hands

“RUN JOSH!” He shouted as a Kamorian had broken in.

“I’m not leaving you,” I said as I shot the Kamorian dead.

“AAGH!” I groaned as a Kamorians claw jabbed into my back.

Axen chopped the head straight of the ugly beast and grabbed me as I struggled to run to Benka.

“No!” I shouted as Benka hovered in the air trying his hardest to keep the Kamorians at bay.

“You’re the only one left,” Benka shouted. “You’re the only one left to save us.”

Axen locked me in the capsule room and locked me in a safety chair. He locked himself in one as well. I struggled but I was locked in there hard so I stopped struggling and braced for impact.


I searched through the flames shouting.

“Benka? Axen?”

I saw someone’s shadow in the distance. It was Axen.

“Have you seen Benka?” I asked.

All he did was stare for a second,After that he shook his head. I saw the crash in the distance and ran to it. I heard faint wheezing in the ship. I crawled in and looked around. There were wires sticking out of every wall. Kamorian bodies were sprawled across the floor but no Benka.

“BENKA!” I shouted.

“Josh?” someone wheezed.

I looked left. Benka was up against a wall bleeding from everywhere in his body.

“Don’t stay here Josh,” he coughed, “I feel this place is unsafe.”

“I can get help Benka, they can help you.”

He put out a fist and opened it. His amulet rested in his hand.

“Every great person with powers has once held this amulet, now I am going its the next great persons turn,” Benka slowly explained, “and that great person is you.”

He dropped the amulet into my hand.

“What are my powers?”

“Your power is strength. Not physical strength but inner strength; bravery to be exact,” Benka said.

“Stop the Nexa and don’t give up,” he said.

He slowly closed his eyes and he took his final breath.

“Goodbye,” I said. A tear rolled down my cheek as I left the ship. Axen was waiting outside, looking like he already knew. He stared sympathetically at me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“I never really knew him but I bet he was a great man,” he said.

I walked back inside the ship and my jaw dropped. Benka’s body was fading away, almost disintegrating.


A few weeks later we had the ship fixed and ready for flight. I was still thinking of Benka. I stepped inside the ship and looked around. I heard Axen calling for me so I went in to him.

“I’m testing these prisoner chains, can you please lock yourself in,” he said.

“Sure,” I replied and locked myself up. Axen laughed.

“Idiot!” he chuckled.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Take the name ‘Axen’ and flip it backwards what do you get? Nexa!”

I gasped. That meant that Axen was the Nexa all along and I was now his prisoner.

I watched the monitor in the ship showing the planets gliding towards each other as ‘Nexa’ tweaked with the machine. Axen had guarded the place heavily with Nexan guards who were keeping me locked up. I realised I had my knife attached to my leg. I leaned back and it slipped onto the floor. I grabbed it and stabbed it into the energy box next to me. Sparks flew up and chains exploded. I stabbed the first guard and side kicked the second. I sprinted out of the room and charged down the hall. I stopped. A battalion of Nexan guards were blocking the hall with guns ready.

I had grabbed the guns of the two guards earlier so I pulled them up and fired crazily. The guards fired but to their dismay they were flattered by an army of bullets. I thought I was done when the commander stormed out with a minigun firing at me. I dodged as much as I could. I jumped over him and before he could turn I shot him through the back. I ran to Axen’s room and kicked down the door.


Axen was in there watching the planets out his window.

“Josh Flameroar, once the most powerful leader in the universe is now nothing but a child,” he chuckled to himself, not turning around.

“You traitor!” I shouted.

I threw my grenades at him but they didn’t even put a dent in him. I used every weapon I had until I came to my jade fishing hook Benka had given me. I lowered my head thinking of Benka. A tear rolled down my cheek and plopped onto the hook. FLASH! The hook enlarged to the size of child.

My eyes widened as I stared at the giant hook. I slashed at Axen but he immediately blocked it with his plasma axe. The battle of swiping and slashing seemed like it lasted ages until I realised that the machine was right behind Axen. I jumped around Axen and narrowly missed a blade through the neck. I charged at the machine and threw the hook into it

“NOOOO!” shouted Axen.

WOOP-WOOP-WOOP! The sound of sirens blasted in my ears. I ran through the hall as Nexan guards panicked in the halls. I sprinted to the life pods to escape. When I arrived I jumped in the nearest one and hit the start button as quick as a cheetah.WHOOSH! I hadn’t even buckled up the seat belt before I was flying in the direction of earth. I turned back and looked at the pieces of the destroyed ship. It looked like a truck had exploded and smashed to a million pieces.


As I took my first step on earth in years I thought about everything I had been through. Losing Benka, betrayed by Axen and more. I looked at the sky and saw a shooting star coming in my direction.

“Weird!” I thought, shooting stars don’t come at day. Suddenly I realised it was a life pod. CRASH! It landed next to me. The door whooshed open and I saw someone I thought I’d never see again. Axen.

“I will return,” he said and turned around and ran away off to the middle of nowhere.

I stepped in my house and looked around. The TV was on. I walked to the room and saw an old man sitting on the couch.

“I’m sorry but this is my house,” I said.

“You wouldn’t let an old friend stay,” he said and turned around to show his face. My jaw dropped as I saw his face. It was Benka.