Joshua I

“Yes Sensei, I’m coming.”

“Oh well, then hurry up.” I was sprinting down the garden. I jumped over the bridge and ran into the Dojo.

“Let me tell you something. Your time has come.” I sat down, sweating.

“This mission is more important than normal,” he continued, standing at his desk. “You see, Dr Jinsu has stolen our village’s legendary sword. He is planning to return and wipe out our whole village and everyone in it. You shall leave tomorrow at 6:00 am. It is up to you to save the village.”

“To help you on your journey, I will give you your cyborg suit.”



“Ok Sensei, but how does it work?’”

“Listen closely. You think of what you want to do and it does it for you. It amplifies your strength, speed and accuracy according to how far you can push your mind and body.” Sensei walked out of the room. I ran out of the dojo and sped up to my house. I stuffed my face with rice balls, hung up my cyborg suit and went to bed.

‘BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!’ My alarm clock went off. It was 6:00 am. I hadn’t even had my breakfast. I ran to my closet, slipped my cyborg suit on, grabbed a dumpling and snatched my sword from the front door. I was sprinting at full speed. It was like I was running at the speed of light because I had my cyborg suit on. It only took me 10 seconds to get there.

I walked through the curtain like doors of the dojo, with Japanese writing on it. It said that destiny is revealed. Then, I saw Sensei standing there. He said, “hurry up, are you ready to leave on the mission?”


“Ok then. Here is a map. Scan it with your cyborg suit so you can see it whenever you need it.” I scanned the map. Then Sensei said, “OK. Rin you should leave.”

“Yes Sensei, I’ll be off then.” I ran outside then jumped up into the sky out of Sensei's view.

“Map!” I shouted. A hologram of the map popped op on the visor on my suit. I have to go north, then I have to go through a cave, I thought to myself. That must be the exit to the Ninja Village and the entrance to Japan.

About 5 minutes later, I saw a shadow fly over my head. I jumped up and pulled out my sword. The shadowy figure fired an arrow. It was so fast that if I didn’t have me cyborg suit on, it would have hit me. I sliced the arrow in half, teleported behind him and kneed him in the back. Then I got my two hands, put them together above my head and smashed him to the ground. The impact from when his body hit the ground made a mini crater. I swiftly landed and put my sword to his neck. I asked him, “Do you work for Dr Jinsu?”

“No! I heard that a ninja was going on a mission to stop Dr Jinsu so I decided to become a ninja could always use a trusty archer.”

“Follow me. I am the ninja sent to stop Dr Jinsu. I didn't catch your name?”

“My name is Yuki.”

“We are going to Japan, to stop Dr Jinsu.” I said.

“Map!” I shouted. It popped on the visor of my cyborg suit but it was showing that the figure on the map is currently moving. “It's getting faster it's actually moving from us as we speak.”

“Let's run!” said Rin.

We were running super fast but I knew I could go faster. This was the cave that leads us to Japan and on the other side is the city of Tokyo. We started walking into the cave. It was dark and about ten metres long. We could see a bright a light at the end and as soon as we stepped out a gush of fresh air hit us in the face. Tokyo was absolutely amazing with tall skyscrapers lit with the most amazing lighting ever seen.

“Woohoo! This is amazing,” Yuki said.

“I know but we need to get going. No time for sightseeing.”

I ran and then jumped, flying up towards the top of the massive skyscraper in front of me. I landed and then called out to Yuki, “get up here.”

“I can't jump but I can climb super fast.” She looked up at me.

“Well climb!” I said.

In about three minutes, Yuki had arrived on top of the skyscraper.

“Do you know the basics of Ninja?” Yuki started following me. We were jumping from rooftop to rooftop across the city skyline. I looked at the map on my visor and the house was not far from here. In two minutes, we were right at the spot but there was no building but the figure of the house on the map was continuing to move slowly. It just didn't make sense. “Wait a second,” said Yuki. He grabbed an arrow and put it on his bow. He clicked a button on his bow and then fired the arrow about fifty meters up above his head. It climbed the distance in about two seconds.

Suddenly, the arrow stopped in mid air. Then I saw flicker in the sky. A spacecraft appeared. It was absolutely massive, about the size of approximate four football fields. “What was that?” I asked Yuki.

“That was a hacking arrow it can hack all kinds of machines and mechanical systems.”

“Come on, let's go.” We jumped up into the ship entering through the door we smashed with a cyborg kick. We were inside the ship. Suddenly, out of the blue we saw some guards heading towards us armed with laser guns. I pulled out my sword teleported behind them and defeated them with a fury of blows from my sword.

We were progressing ahead when we then saw a large titanium door. “Ninja skill, ice fist!” I shouted. The cyborg suit generated a thick layer of ice around my arm. I then proceeded to punch through the door with a tremendous bang. There through the door, was a mob of guards charging towards us. Yuki speedily grabbed an arrow, put it on his bow and pressed a button and shot it. There was a blue essence flowing around the arrow. The arrow hit the floor below the mob of guards and exploded into a thousand mini arrows and took out every guard.

We kept on going until we got to large room that was completely white. We were looking into the middle of the humongous room with our villages golden sword, the one that had been stolen by Dr Jinsu. It was stuck in a iceberg. I quickly ran toward the middle of the room. When I was about half way, I heard a shing when behind me.

I turned around and saw Dr Jinsu was holding a sword to Yuki’s neck. He swung the sword… in the nick of time I teleported in front of the sword then karate chopped it in pieces, just before it got to Yuki’s neck. Dr Jinsu did a flip and kicked Yuki in the head and knocked him out cold. He teleported towards the ice in the middle of the room and said, “I'll just have to use the power of the legendary sword from the ninja village.” He pulled it out of the ice.

I ran towards him and drew my sharp powerful sword, clash! Our swords hit again and again. I jumped up and dodged a slice from his sword that nearly cut my foot. Slash! He had put a cut on my leg. He then went for my arm and cut it. I was limping backwards my head was pressed against the wall. It was hopeless. The legendary ninja sword, it was just too powerful. He was getting ready to perform a vertical strike. Just as Dr Jinsu was bringing down the sword, in the back of my head I heard Sensei shout, teleport behind him. I teleported behind him just in time. The sword was stuck in the wall so with all the power in my body I kicked Dr Jinsu in the ribs. He went flying across the room, smashed the iceberg and hit the wall the on the other side of the room with a tremendous thump.

He turned and began running towards me. I then pulled the sword out of the wall. I held it in my hand and then I started to rise up into the sky inside the room. Blue and green neon essence was flowing around me. The cuts on my arm and leg healed and I could feel an enormous power rush into my body.

Then I heard the sword speak to me. It said, “you are the chosen one and I grant you my full power.” I slowly floated back to the ground. I was ready to end this fight, I pointed my new sword at Dr Jinsu. He was about twenty meters away from me. At the very top of my sword a blue sphere started to charge and get bigger. It was the legendary Kai blast of the legendary ninja sword. Now the blue sphere was twelve by twelve meters long. It was at the tip of the sword. I aimed my sword at Dr Jinsu and said “ Ka-me-ha-me-ha!” The blue sphere on the tip of my sword into a beam of blue light came shooting for Dr Jinsu. Then it hit. He was paralysed and burnt all over and could not move. Then I let go of my sword. It hovered in the air, I pointed at Dr Jinsu and my sword flew at him. Splat-Crack. The sword went right through Dr Junsu's chest, blood started gushing out. “Why did you do this to me? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO STOP ME FROM DESTROYING THE NINJA VILLAGE! NOOOOOO!”

I saw Dr Jinsu fall to the floor with a dispersing thud. My new sword flew back to me. I put it back into my sheath, strapped around by back. The sheath turned gold and blue gemstones popped up and appeared to be embellishing the sheath in a Japanese symbol that meant, Power for the worthy one, Power for Hiroshima. I walked over to Yuki. “Wake up,” I whispered.

Yuki's eyes slowly opened. “Where is Dr Jinsu?”

“I defeated him in an epic duel. Don't worry I got the whole thing recorded on my cyborg suit. Let’s go.” We stood up and jumped. We smashed through the roof of the spacecraft, landed back down onto the rooftop of the skyscraper. Then we watched the spacecraft fall slowly to the ground.

Yuki and I began sprinting home and heading out the cave. We ran towards the forest where we had first met. “I guess this is where we part ways.”

“Yeah wait. How about you come and live in the ninja village for a while?” I said. “You could stay as long as you like.”

“Cool I would love to,” said Yuki.

“Awesome, follow me, as this is this way back to the ninja village.” Two minutes later we were standing at the entrance to the Ninja village. We walked to the door of the dojo. Yuki and I walked through the doors. “Ah! good to see you again. I see the legendary sword has chosen its owner,” Sensei said.

Yuki and I left the dojo. We walked towards my house with the cherry blossoms fallen, the grass slowly swaying and the sun setting in the distance. It was a perfect ending for such a massive adventure. I sure was looking forward to my next adventure. Who knows where my new powers would lead me.