William K

“Beat it kids,” said Rex. Quickly the kids scrambled, knowing what happens if they don't. “Honey, where are you going? said Mel.

“None of your business,” said Rex, rudely. As he charged out of the room, he slammed the door and feeling the code air shoot into his face while doing it.

He rubbed his face, took a deep breath and went on his way to the portal. 5 hours later, Rex burst out of the portal grinning with a suitcase of money. As he got to the tacky block he lived in, he saw a blazing light but couldn’t tell what it was. Also, he saw dead black car speed out of his driveway. Rex was too tired to even care, knowing that it was already midnight. Suddenly, he saw the a burst of fire straight in front of him. Rex rubbed his eyes and to his surprise his whole house was about to collapse from an extreme fire. Flames were burning everywhere. I know the normal response to this would be to run, but all Rex did was drop his big suitcase of money from his hand and went down onto his knees and started to cry. He now knew that everything in that house was gone, including his family. This was the first time in many years that Rex felt a strong love for his family .

3 years later...

Rex was now only working at his miserable job at the post office. No longer was he going into the portal to the other dimension doing his heists. The misery of losing his family had made him realise it was his fault from being a target, after stealing all of the jewels and cash.

Rex was standing behind the old tacky desk. The post office doors swung open so fast you would think the people coming through were being chased by a vicious creature. Luckily they weren't. Before Rex could say his tacky and totally cheesy line, the one that is boss makes him say to welcome every customer, two men in black burst through. They grabbed him and tied him up in high-tech electrical wire and chucked him into the back of a black car. It was the same car that had pulled out of his driveway the night of the fire. This made Rex very suspicious.

Rex tried and tried to get out of the electrical wire but every time he tried to escape from its grasp, he was tasered. Finally, after the seventh try, Rex passed out from all of the zaps. When Rex woke up he was very dizzy. Everything was very blurry. After a couple of minutes, his eyes started to focus on things in the room he was in. It was very cramped, probably around the size of a large closet. He was in the corner of it, resting on a pile of messy profile papers. He was still in the electrical wire when he saw one of the profile pages. It was his. He realised it was his his old identity, when he was a master criminal. Rex gasped.

He desperately tried to free himself again but nothing happened except for another zap on his belly. Then Rex realized that the wire wasn't tied up, it was locked on. That worried him more, but to his surprise, the profile pages had paper clips attached to them. Rex knew that he was one of the best lock pickers in the world. Then he tried to grasp it from the back of his hand. This is very hard because his hands were behind his back, so he couldn’t see. The only device you could use was his touch sense. Finally he got it and bent it into a key, slotted in the lock and twisted it; a couple times left, then right, then right again and finally it opened. He gently untangled the wire, knowing that if he did it too frantically he would get tasered again.

After about five minutes, he was out of the closet. Although as soon as he was on his feet, the door of the laundry closet swung open. The same two men in black suits grabbed him and tasered him again. This time it wasn't a little shock like the wire, it was a full on taser - one that knocked him out straightaway. Here we go again, Rex thought. When he woke up, he was tied up again!

This time he was tied to a chair in a different room, which was completely empty except for TV screen a desk and another chair on the other side of the desk. Suddenly, Rex realized what it was - an interrogation room. The rope tied him to the chair. It was not electrical this time but it was tied in a pretty complex way that Rex couldn't handle. As he was trying to undo it with his nails, the door of the room swung open.

At first Rex thought it was just the wind because he couldn't see anything come in. Then, out of nowhere, a sort of baby sized head came up on the other side of the desk standing on the other chair. Suddenly, the TV screen flashed on and baby man in the full black suit said, “is this you?” As he pointed at the screen, showing Rex in his super villains suit holding a gun. Rex didn't know what to say. So he ended up with this. “How did you find me?” Rick said.

“It doesn't matter how we found you. All that matters is that you're with us or are you against us,” said the baby man in the full black suit.

“Well it depends,” said Rex. “What's in it for me?”

“Well, what do you want most?” said the baby man in the full black suit .

“You can't get me what I really want,” said Rex. “I want my family, but they're gone now.”

“I can do that for you,” said the baby man in the black suit.

“No you can't,” said Rex.

“Oh yes I can.” Just as he said that, he clicked his fingers twice and the door swung open. The two same men that had brought him here were holding his family, who were were tied up with ropes.

Rex got up from the chair, forgetting that he was tied to it. All that happened was him walking like a hunchback but he didn't care. He went up to his family and gave them a big hug and started to cry. Rex went back to the desk and told him, “I'm in. What do you want me to do? I want my family back now,” said Rex.

“Oh, I don't think that's going to happen until you do the job,” said the man.

“What job?” said Rex.

“Come with me and I'll show you,” he said. Suddenly, he was picked up by one of the men and was brang into another room that looked exactly the same as the first, except for some people at the computers and a bigger TV screen with a remote with very complex buttons on it.

Suddenly, the screen was flashed on. The TV showed a picture of a launch alien in a working out singlet. His skin was purple and he was very muscular. But, he also had four arms and legs. In your head he would sound funny but when you see him in real life he looked like a killer. When Rex first saw him, he jumped. Right beside the giant alien was another slightly smaller vicious creature. It looked like it was from the ocean. It was like a crab but wasn't quite the same. He had an enormous claw and six crab legs, but the other arm was a normal. It had a extremely hard crab like shell on it - practically a normal arm made out of Crab Shells.

“I want to you to defeat this team of supervillains. I know from my research all of your practical skills will help you through this task,” said the baby man in the full black suit, in a serious voice.

Rex took a moment to think. Was this the only way to get back his family? Or, was there another way? Rex quickly ran through all of the plans to get his family back that he could think of. All of them ended with the FBI getting him and bringing him back, and not giving him the second chance for the deal. He made his decision. “Yes, I’ll do it,” said Rex.

“Great!” said the baby man in the full black suit. “Let's go. I will meet you here tomorrow at 4pm.”

Rex went out of the room and hugged his family as he sadly and excitedly went back home. As soon as he got home, he went straight into his room. Opened up the closet door, pressed a hidden button behind all of his tacky shirts. As soon as he did, the whole closet transformed into a storage room with great big lights which made it really easy see. It also held all of his guns such as his rifle, his pistol, his sniper and all of his attachments. But, straight in the middle of it was his suit, which still had Hash Marks on it from the fire three years ago. Rex remembered the thought of his family that had gone for those years. Suddenly, he realised that the FBI were the ones that took his family. Rex went rage in that room. After a while he calmed down because he knew after all these years, he will get them back.

When Rex woke up the next day yawning and stretching his bad back, all he could think about was the thought of seeing his family today. He remembered the joy of seeing them yesterday. He couldn't wait; that warm feeling inside his chest that gave him a tingle of joy inside. At 4 o'clock, Rex was already to leave.

As soon as Rex got there, they went straight to business. After he had gone through all of the files that the baby man had given him, he was ready to defeat the one of the three goons that belonged to the muscular purple alien.

Rex, and some of the FBI agents went in a really basic car to the site that the alien was located. Rex jumped out of the car with expression releasing he was back in the game and ready for action. Rex was surprised when his locater directed him into the ocean. Rex shouted, “Noooooooooooooo!!! It’s the crab guy with the rock hard skin.” Rex edged closer to the ocean. As soon as he had a foot in the lake, Rex was tugged under.

Rex went lower and lower under the water. As he was going lower, he had less and less air. His arms were unable to move. Rex remembered that sharks love crab as food. The only way to attract a shark is blood, he thought. Rex could see a sharp rock ahead. As soon as he got up to it, he slit his leg. In a matter of seconds, sharks were coming for them. They were all going for Rex but then the sharks saw the enormous crab. Their eyes were targeted on the crab. As quickly as a bullet, the shark chased the crab. Rex went chasing up for the surface.

When Rex climbed out of the water, trying to get as much air as possible. He got back into the car relieved but also anxious knowing that if he thought that was hard, how hard would it be trying to defeat the big purple alien. Maybe even impossible, he thought to himself.

When Rex got back to base at the FBI center he was pooped. All he did was walk a couple steps in the center and flopped down onto a couch. As soon as his face hit the cool surface of the couch, he fell into a deep slumber. After what only felt like a couple of minutes, Rex was startled.

Surprisingly, the baby man the black suit's strength was actually strong. Rex was getting tugged by the ear from him. Soon Rex was in an identical room that he was in the interrogation. Suddenly, the screen next to him flashed on brightly. Rex’s eyes were still in a bit of a delay. Then the pixels on the screen started to form. The picture turned out to be the purple alien with the four arms and his workout singlet. There was an arrow pointing to him and under the arrow was word saying ‘Name: Striker’. Rex was surprised when he heard the name Striker. He thought the name was unknown and was a mystery to the whole world. Suddenly, the baby man in the black suit said, “you are going to be versing him tomorrow at 4pm. He is making a handoff with a gun factory at that time.”

He handed Rex a folder that said ‘Striker Information’. Rex opened it up. It showed all of his crimes and his weaknesses and strengths. Sadly, on the weaknesses there was only one. Tickle-ish, it said. But, Rex didn't think you'd be able to get that close to him to take a look at it. Rex took a deep breath, knowing that today could be his last full day of being alive.

The next day, when Rex woke up he didn't want to get out of bed. He knew that today could be his last. Rex stumbled out of bed into his kit, had his breakfast and went to the FBI center. Rex was about to try and reason with the baby man in the black suit but then he saw his family in one of the sales, as he was walking by in the center. He thought to himself, I am going to redeem myself, get my family back and be the best Dad that had ever lived for the rest of my life. But he still had a very anxious feeling about it.

It was 3 o'clock. One hour to the big fight. All of the FBI soldiers were packing up the elite vehicles, filling them up with all types of explosives guns and ammo. Roxanne in the car preparing himself for the worst. At 3:50, they were at the place they needed to be. All of the men were getting into position. They were in buildings ready to snipe and other men went into the old subway tunnels to make sure they could monitor what was going on with a high-tech sound detector. The whole place was very shabby, old and abandoned. Nobody had been there for many years and was now turned into a trade-off place.

Suddenly a truck appeared and it was very large. Rex realized that must have been the one that was holding Striker and all of the money because Striker was a very large man and would not be able to fit into a regular car. Rex was correct. The truck stopped and there was a long deathly silence. Suddenly, click! The door was being unlocked and Rex was ready to pounce. Striker came out of the car. He was in a cloak that covered his face. All of the FBI agents, including Rex wondered why. It was probably because the dealer was human and wasn't aware that Striker was an alien.

Suddenly, another car appeared. It was smaller than the truck but had a big trailer in the back probably holding all of the military weapons. Rex zoomed in with his bionic eye to see what was happening. Striker and the other guy in the military got up and started to talk. Striker went back to his truck and got a ginormous suitcase, filled with money. As soon as he was about to do the handoff, Rex jumped up from his hiding position and shot the suitcase out of Striker’s hand. Striker’s face turned like a frog about to shoot out it's tongue to get the fly. In this case, Rex was sadly the fly.

Strikers started to charge like a bull at Rex. He was now shaking with fear. Rex had never fought anybody this vicious and he was scared even more. He could see every time Striker took a step, the cement in the ground started to crack. All Rex could think of was Run! But in this case he had barely any room, as buildings were surrounding him. It was very foggy, so if you went in the wrong direction, he could have run straight into a wall, faint and Striker you would get him.

So Rick got out his zip line gun and shot it straight up. Luckily and thankfully, he grabbed onto something. Rex shot off like a bullet. He had to get Striker down. By this time, the guy in the military had already driven off with all of the guns and equipment and was long gone. Rick remembered from the file, that Striker was ticklish but if he couldn't figure out a way to get up to them that close without being ripped to shreds.

Rex thought if Striker couldn't see him or hear him, he would be able to get up close enough to take him. So he fell to the ground. Then he would be able to tie him up but this place was dead silent and the fogginess was very light so it would be very hard for Rex to do that. Suddenly, Rex missed a rocket. A flame sparked out of a circle from one of the subway tunnels and then it came straight back down with a boom.

Everything was so foggy now, Rex could barely see anything. Luckily, his high tech gear was able to go in thermal mode so he could still see where Striker was. Rex thought this was his chance. Surely Striker couldn't see anything from the fog and the boom was so close to him he should probably be deaf. Rex should be able to get him without being heard. Rex loaded himself from the zip line and landed around 5.40am. He tiptoed closer and closer to Striker but Striker had heard him.

Rex start on a twig which made a loud crack. Striker sort of knew where he was and started charging again. Rex jumped up just in time to land on Striker’s back. Striker was not happy. He was now like a mechanical bull, charging around jumping up-and-down. Rex somehow managed to hold onto him from his fitness singlet like how you would hold a horse.

Rex’s only chance was to take on Striker, so Rex went all in and took off his gloves. He started tickling under the armpits, around the neck on his feet, still somehow managing to stay on. Striker was laying on the floor, laughing and giggling, but still so angry. All Rex cared about was staying alive, getting his family back and the defeating Striker.

Finally, Striker was all tickled out and Rex’s fingers were numb. Rex was began tying Striker up, relieved that he actually survived. As he was about to put the final lock on him, Stricker gave him one ginormous blow which sent Rex around 5 m away giving Striker a chance to run! But with four legs and forearms, it was hard to control them all at once. Striker was not a fast runner but luckily Rex was. In 5 to 6 minutes Rex was out of breath and he had caught up to Striker.

Rex had to sacrifice all his gear to get him. As the Rex caught up to Striker, he rugby tackled Striker’s Face first just sent strike of falling down and down making him unconscious which gave waxed the perfect chance to tie him up. When Rex was finished, he put Striker away in jail. Rex was so relieved he had survived the big fight and was now going to receive his reward; his family.

As soon as they got back to FBI center, Rex bolted to the cell where his family was. He opened it up and hugged his family. He had so many tears running down his whole face, you think you actually just had a shower. His family was so surprised to see him and were so affectionate. After hugging them for a good two minutes, Rex told them, “I would never treat you like garbage again. I will always love you and never stop loving you and be the best father and husband in the world.” As Rex and his family were walking out of the door to the new home, the baby man in the black suit pulled on Rex’s pants. Rex turned around and was relieved to see that it was him. The baby man in the black suit said, "thank you for all of your help you have given us. Before you go, I just want to put a hand out to you and make you an offer. How would you like to be a proper member of the FBI center agency?"

"Will it have safety on my family as well?" said Rex hopefully.

“Of course it will,” said the baby man.

“Then I will do it,” said Rex, with a serious and excited tone at the same time. Rex and his family went happily out of the FBI center. He left happily with a new mindset on life. Now that Rex felt a strong love for his family.