Thomas K

It was a normal Autumn day. The leaves sailed around Jordan. The wind gently slapped his face and the trees were rustling angrily like a lion wanting food. "Found you! Ohhhhhhhhh.” Jordan was looking for his friend Edwin, who was still hiding.

"Honey munchers... your lunch is ready,” Jordan’s mum called from the lovely and beautiful white mansion. Suddenly, Jordan heard noises creeping from the tree that had branches like claws. "Found you!"

"Gees, Jordan you scared me."

Edwin dropped his cheese toasty but picked it up. His jaws struck into it like a python.

"I'll hide again and you won't find me."

"Okay." Jordan sighed, as he walked slowly on his aching feet to the counting tree.

Jordan gazed with his eyes on every single atom of his garden. Suddenly, Jordan had a breathtaking idea. He would track Edwin’s phone down and find his position. "Ah- ha!" Jordan laughed suspiciously. As he got the reading, he noticed Edwin’s position was in the North Pole. “What? He couldn’t just vanish straight away. A million thoughts zoomed through his head.

"What the devils?" Jordan cried. “What? No way. Impossible… certainly not.” He scrunched his hair puzzled.” Agrhhhhh!” he screamed anxiously. “I did learn last year how to steer a boat.” he said aloud. “Oright, this may sound ridiculous, but I’m gonna steal a ship and sail there.”

He ran to the coast like a swift cheetah. When he got to the coast, there was a magnificent panelled ship with fragile sails and a glowing golden unicorn statue. As he climbed on the rope, pirates raged and started climbing on the rope too. Suddenly, he noticed a butter knife on the deck. As he got cutting, his heart rate began to quicken like a race car. His eyes were bloodshot red and his cheeks were blossoming pink. He heard laughing and it felt like he was soaring through the air. His head felt like a balloon. As the rope was cut, the pressure threw him to the ground. He saw black dots and then everything blackened…

Jordan woke up smothered in sweat. The cold shrivelled into his skin. He opened his eyes and looked down at himself. When he looked up he saw the dull grey sky and a lady with an enormous brown afro and brilliant blue eyes. “Who are you?” he mumbled.

“I’m Ellyn, Ellyn Pomena. I’m a scientist.”

“Where am I?”

”You… you’re in the North Pole.”

“Yes!” Jordan screamed excitedly.

Ellyn turned her head and said, “What is this?” pointing at the butter knife.

”Um…. it’s a butter knife.” Jordan said suspiciously. “What are you doing in the North Pole?” asked Jordan.

“I’m studying the myth of Cobara.” She sat down to explain. “Urghhh! That filth. All he wants is money!” Jordan widened his eyes, thrilled as he was rich. Suddenly the ice was cracking and it sounded like heavy chained metal. Both of began to fall.

Ellyn wasn’t there. The place was a maze. It had walls that were made of clay. Jordan walked in full awareness that anything was about to kill him. He looked to his left. Then made a sudden turn to his right. Suddenly an old man appeared. “Who? What? Why?” The man stumbled over a few words. “Who are you?” he grunted grumpily.

“I’m Jordan Rai, and you are?”

“I’m Nick Wisely. I got trapped in this stupid thing,” he said, kicking a wall and becoming momentarily enraged. “What brings you here mister?”

“My friend Edwin went missing”.

“Edwin? I know that boy. I saw him come here.”

“Get up,” Nick shouted. “We’ll find him.” They both walked as the maze became more and more uphill. Their legs were in excruciating pain. Suddenly, a TV popped out of the wall. As they peered closer, Nick noticed it showed Ellyn with a laser gun pointed at her head. “Bring the boy to me.” Nick came to a sudden halt…

Right in front of them were 3 passageways. The 1st tunnel had a skeleton and screams. The 2nd one had a sign saying ‘Paradise’ with happy music. The 3rd one had both of those things. Nick walked to the skeleton one. “NO!” Jordan shouted.

“It’s the one that nobody expects, the one with no logic,” Nick said.

They both crouched down and crawled. The place was stuffy and congested. Rats were squirming, cockroaches legs were ticking on the floor and making echoes that were like an elephant stomping. The tunnel was coming to an end as the light shone. As they crawled out, Nick searched the room like a hawk looking for its prey. Peo, Peo. A gun was shot at Nick. He collapsed to the floor and his head fell heavily to the floor. Jordan burst out with tears flowing like rivers to his cheeks into his mouth. Jordan was shocked and did everything for Nick to stay alive.“Jordan, Jordan. Press the brick. Get the Crinolite Ninzo 3000,” Nick shivered and he remained still.

A green hairy beast with red eyes and razor sharp teeth slapped Jordan. The monster was huffing and puffing. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ellyn tied up to a wall. She had the butter knife from the ship cutting herself out. Jordan remembered that Nick said to press the brick. He searched the room and Jordan found it. He dived rapidly and hit the brick’s nozzle. Suddenly…

The Crinolite Ninzo 3000 (CN3) popped out of the floor. Ellyn was out of the ropes and tried to jump but was slammed to the floor by the monster. He raged and grabbed Ellyn by the hair and put her in between his colossal thighs and squeezed. Cobara said, “give me your money and I let her go.” Ellyn tried to throw the butter knife but her arm was trapped by the monsters leg. Jordan took a step forwards and tumbled. As he tumbled, he picked up the butter knife. “Oooooo, sorry. I had a slight tumble there.” Jordan acted like it was an accident. He crept towards Cobara and pretended to get his wallet out and pay. Suddenly, he flicked the knife through his hands to the flashing green button on the CN3.

When it hit it, the Monster reached out to grab Jordan but missed miserably. Once again coiled his fist and tried to get Jordan. This time he successfully grabbed him. Jordan grabbed the knife and stabbed Cobara’s fist. The monster cried in agony and dropped Ellyn from his thighs and dropped Jordan. Cobara started laughing and said, “I’m going to blow up.” He laughed devilishly. Suddenly Edwin was screaming. A cheese toasty was on the floor. That’s what Edwin was eating, thought Jordan. Edwin was found behind the monster in a mouldy prison. Ellyn grabbed the gun and shot the bars. The bars disintegrated from the bullets heat. Suddenly Cobara was counting down. “3, 2, 1...” Edwin came out, speechless. Boom! Cobara exploded. Ellyn wrapped us in her silk dress for protection. Suddenly fire was burning on her head. She screamed. She shot the gun to the roof which made a hole to the Artic. Someone wired us up.They got out of the maze safely.

On the ice was the FBI. They wrapped them in a warm blankets and let them rest. They poured water on Ellyn’s hair.

When they returned home, Cobara’s body was put in the latest museum. Ellyn won lots of money for discovering him. But the only thing that laid on Jordan’s mind was Nick’s death. He remembered the man’s bravery and sacrifice. Ever since then, Jordan was brave and was ready to risk his life for another person. Jordan learnt his lesson and when someone annoyed him he didn't get furious, he calmed himself and was happy. He thought everyday was a good day and never was grumpy because he never knew if he would lose his loved ones. Nick was one of them and Jordan lost him.