Hugo H

Planet 2

By Hugo.H

Screams: Chapter 1

April 12th 2036

“We found him,” said a lady.

“What is it?” said a man at a computer.

“It’s a new life specimen,” said a man in a white lab coat.

“But how?” replied the man at the computer, now walking over to a metal table.

“We don’t know,” said the lady.

“What happened?” demanded the man in the white coat.

“Rescue services found him under a bridge. Probably got crushed by the fallen building, that crumbled somehow,” said the lady.

By now the mysterious man was strapped to the table laying there lifeless. Metal spikes with electricity hung from the walls and, metal body parts lay on a machine. That were then being pressed against a hand that grabbed the metal parts.that was then put the on the mysterious man. Screams escaped the room as no one knew what was happening. After all the screams had stopped. A lady then walked into the room with a handgun tucked away in her labcoat pocket.

Lighting struck the mysterious man and more screams escaped the room. About twelve hours later, three men arrived in suits that looked like they were undercover. A symbol on the suits read ‘Spectating Sector’. The three men walked into a heavily guarded room with metal walls that surrounded the room. Finally the mysterious man gained enough power to speak. “Where am I?” said the mysterious man.

“You're a man made weapon to fight for us as we command,” replied the lady in a white labcoat.

“But what happened to me and why am I a machine,” stammered the man.

You are a weapon that will kill on my command, to end this constant war that is still going on. If you don’t you blow up, so you are basically fighting for your life.”

Finally, the man replied, “Yes master.”

Chapter 2

The Choice

5 years later

April 12th


“What happened over time computer?” said the man.

“Well time passed over time sir. Time doesn't stop because you want it to sir.” Replied the


“But … what if it could? A place where I could be free and not kill for the privilege of life,” exclaimed the man. “Is there a place that I could do that?” said the man again.

“Searching galaxy for habitable planet. Found a habitable planet estimated 1 light year away.” crackled the computer.

“But should I stay or seek a new life? Does it have the correct resources to start a new life and what will it take to build a ship which can withstand the force of the gravity?” Well i’ll have to give it a shot.

2 months later

June 12th

“How is the building of the ship going computer”said X953

“The process is 97 percent done and still estimated to finish in 7 hours.” Replied the computer.

The sound of the metal plates being bent and placed, deafened out the sound of the phone ringing. X953 spoke into the phone only being returned with a bing on a tv in the livingroom. The tv announced that Earth’s pollution levels has rising by 90 percent since 2017. Immediately X953 remembered what happened on a day that he would never forget. 2017, X953’s birthday. Otherwise know as the day his mother died. All these years X953 held in his anger but now he knew that the earth that X953 knew was gone.

All his memories wiped from all the park’s shops that he walked to with his mum 21 years ago. Suddenly the tv crackled making X953’s mind focus on the tv. Then shortly after 6 numbers appeared on the screen. They read 13 76 54. The first thing that came to his mind was coordinates. “Computer, tell me where the coordinates lead me to. 13 76 54.”

“These set of coordinates lead to Area 67!” replied the computer.

“Should I go and risk my life to save others?... It’s what my mother would've have done.”

Chapter 3 Area 67

The thudding wind continued to block all other sounds. The continuous lush green forest seemed to go on forever. The car came to a stop as X953 came to a patch of grass. The grass came to a stop and all was silent except for the birds chirping and the sound of water running down a set of rocks. “What a strange spot for a hidden extraterrestrials research base,” X953 thought to himself. Suddenly all his memories of his mum taking him for strolls in the park. “It’s just what I have to live with. I have to make friends with the sadness and not become enemies.” he tells himself. Even though it looks like he has no feelings, X953 inside is soft and emotional. A tear fell from X953’s real eye while he saw the movement in the middle of the clearing. X953 was amazed because he didn't know that this was here considering how much pollution surrounded the world like a blanket on a ball… totally covered by pollution.

A great big grey cube stood in the middle surrounded by a tall barbed wire fence with cameras patrolling the land for movement. Men in all black uniforms surrounded the perimeter of the cube. A red sign read AREA 67 on the fence. A gate slid from the walls making a path for X953 to go into the cubes experiment room. All the men held guns down to the ground. A man in an orange uniform said ”proceed through to sector A1.” So he did. The car rolled forward into the dark cube not knowing what waited beyond the outside world.

The rooms ceiling looked like it went on forever! Computers lent up on tables and laser projectors lay on metal tables. X953 noticed that two other men were already standing at a table with the American president. X953 hopped out of the car and walked over, to the two other men. The president offered the three other men something to eat but all said no thank you. Then men guided the two other men to a boardroom where it took 4 hours for them to come out again. A blueprint lay on a metal table. It read Apollo 937! A rocket never made before, one of a kind, a rocket that would be able to journey further than ever. A high tech rocket designed to withstand the great forces of gravity. Then the American President walked out of the heavily guarded room and said. “come with us to the American space field kid and you’ll make the world a much safer place.”

Chapter 4

Blast Off

X953 was driven to a special base in the middle of a desert. Huge doors swung open as X953 entered the space fields control room.

“All mechanics, move to Apollo 973,” boomed through a speaker. Immediately X953 remembered the blue print on the metal table. Little did he know that he would take Apollo 973 on an amazing journey. X953 walked through a sensor that beeped once he walked through. He was stopped and checked for any metal items. They didn’t find anything that could possibly harm anything. After that commotion, men in fully white suits guided X953 to an elevator. The journey up the elevator took forever but really, it was just about 2 minutes.

X953 entered the rocket. The two other men waited in their seats looking braced and worried. X953 clicked his belt and his seat suddenly tilted back making him face the top of the rocket. One of the men who was at a control panel said into his headset ”starting safety procedure. The engine roared and rumbled to life as if it was a monster waking up. About ten minutes later the other man said “already for take off.” About 5 seconds later a reply came through saying, “ready to start take off.” The engines rumbled even louder. Now the timer started to countdown slowly. 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, blastoff. The two other men looked stiff and straight. The had obviously done this before.

Chapter 5

Feels Like Forever

1st December 3194

Dear diary. I am still on this rocket. I’m not sure where we are going to end up or how long until we can go home. The signal from the space field is too far, so we can’t contact home. It’s been at least 2 years since I’ve last seen grass and I’m starting to think that I might be the first one to die. We have about no rations left and we don't have any water so I will say goodbye dear diary because I think I won’t be here tomorrow.

2nd December 3914

If anyone gets this message, HELP! We’ve crashed on a big blue plant with tiny islands around it. It has an asteroid ring around it and we have no food or water!

Please, please send help soon. One of the crew has died and I think I’m next.

Chapter 6

Alpha Life

2nd December 3196

“Roars surround the tiny island that i’m on, and i’m starting to think that i’m not the only life on this planet.” Then X953 walked right into the water. He dove into the water with a loud splash and little did he know what lurked beneath the ocean carpet. He screamed immediately when he saw the gigantic beast. A serpent like creature that was following him to the island.

The beast revealed every time when it swam X953’s way. 90,000 sharp teeth the size

of 50 elephants stacked on top of each other. “How did this beast survive? It’s huge,” thought X953. By now the water level has risen and X953 is now 5 metres from the top. The water has risen and that’s how, the beast has survived here for thousands of years.

The beast was going to go to kill him and no one would know. That meant that his life had been wasted on trying to find a place that would become a new earth. He knew that he at least had to contact the space field that he had found a new planet. “I have to kill the beast so at least I have a chance on getting off this planet.”

Chapter 7

The End

X953 remembered back to when he crashed. The rocket should’ve blown up but he knew that there was one toxic invention that could withstand the force of the crash. He looked for a special substance that could kill the beast instantly. Liquid plasma. X953 saw the substance in an a container. X953 smeared the dead body in the liquid and saw the monster coming towards him. He gently pushed the body out to the monster. The next thing he saw was a big splash and groans immediately were made from the beast. A pool of blood rose from the spot where the monster was. A ship just insight was spotted just outside the atmosphere. X953 knew that he had to signal the passing ship. He started gathering some palm tree trunks and coconut shells. He started to make a fire inside the mess and soon caught fire. The smoke was carried just as far as the people in the ship could see. At first it looked like the ship continued flying onwards. Then the ship turned and came down towards him. When they finally got to the tiny island, two men in a white jumpsuit said, “You're alright now.” By then, X953 was passed out and was lifted up to the ship.

In the ship when James finally woke up. He saw two people in a chair looking at him. “You’ve done good,” said one of the people. Then the other said, “Hello. We were sent to find you and… we did.” Then he noticed that they were the same as him. Half robot, half person. Suddenly all of his memories started flooding back, one by one remembering all of his mum's favourite experiences. Light surrounded his vision as he gently closed his eyes for the last time. But was this really the end of the legacy?


Will he survive on a deserted planet, 1 light year away from Earth? Or will he die without anyone knowing whatever happened to the mysterious man on planet 2.

Join X953 on a thrilling, amazing journey through the future world, known as Planet 2. Little does he know what horrors await him on the planet soon to become hell.