Max J

Lava Boy’s Big Adventure by Max Jenkinson 5P

Chapter 1: The Beginning.

In a magical land there was a rocky mountain next to a wide blue ocean. Under the mountain there was a cave and in the cave lived Lava Boy. Lava Boy was created by two wizards, one wizard was the wizard of Earth, one wizard was the wizard of Fire. The two wizards used their powers to create Lava Boy.

Inside the cave it looked like a normal home. It had 5 rooms inside, some bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room with a hammock that Lava boy liked to sit in.

Today was Lava Boy’s 10th birthday. Lava Boy woke up happy in his rock bed. The wizard of Fire told him that his uncle was coming to his house. Lava Boy was excited he thought that his uncle would bring him some presents.

The two wizards whispered to each other,

“Lava Boy doesn’t know that he is a wizard, he is not prepared for wizardry, he should only learn when he is older.”

Chapter 2: To the Volcano.

When his uncle arrived he was laughing, he got out his wand.

“Noooooooooooooo!!!” his parents screamed.

A beam of ice came out of the uncle’s wand and froze his parents. He pointed his wand at Lava Boy and a green light hit him. Lava Boy was feeling ill.

“This curse will drain your powers. I will use your magic to destroy the world and turn it into nothing. Lava Kid the only way to break your curse is to find this magical volcano in the middle of the ocean.” The Wizard laughed, waved his wand and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Lava Boy suddenly understood that he was a wizard, it gave him ideas. He thought that if he knew how to use his powers he could stop his uncle and save his parents.

He packed his birthday cake in his bag so that he wouldn’t starve. Lava Boy almost forgot that he was cursed. He was worried that he wouldn’t make it to the volcano.

He put his frozen parents upstairs in their bedrooms. Lava Boy went to his Dad’s garage to get his Dad’s giant boat. He was really strong, he pushed the boat offshore and sailed off.

Chapter 3: The Dangerous Ocean.

As the boat was sailing, Lava Boy got out his map and set the course for the giant volcano on the map. Lava Boy looked at the giant waves and said to himself,

‍‍”I’m going to die, this is too difficult.” Lava Boy got thirsty. He got out some cold water from his bag and drank it. Lava Boy fell to the ground, he began to pray to the lord of the wizards,

“Dear Lord, I am weak and tired, my curse is killing me. Can you please help me to get to this magical volcano?

This volcano will set me free and break my curse and save my parents. If I don’t get to the volcano, evil will destroy the world. Lord why would you let evil wreck the world, Lord?.

Lord Wizard you’re the only person I know who can save the world. I am dying, can you help me?”

Nothing happened, but a few moments later a light that came from the sky healed Lava Boy a little. Lava Boy’s curse was still there but the light broke a bit of the curse. He felt some of his magic powers growing inside of him, he continued to go to that volcano.

Chapter 4: The Evil Water Spirit.

The blue ocean was in every direction. Lava Boy stopped the boat by pulling down the sails. He saw his Evil uncle floating in the sky, zapping a shark with his wand. His uncle turned back and said,

“Hey Lava Kid, I just killed the last shark in the world, I have a surprise for you.” His evil uncle created a huge lightning bolt that struck the water, storm clouds appeared and it started to rain. Waves started to crash the boat. Lava Boy’s uncle said,

“Lava Kid I’m going to destroy the volcano you’re on the way to.” Lava Boy’s uncle disappeared with a flash of smoke out of his wand.

Suddenly a huge water spirit popped out of the ocean and hit the boat. The water spirit looked like a scary ghost, covered by a huge amount of water. Lava Boy got out his sword and stabbed the water spirit in the belly. The water spirit didn’t get hurt, the sword bounced off the water spirit and hit Lava Boy. He didn’t know how to fight a water spirit. Lava Boy felt his magic glowing, his hands were on fire he touched the water spirit. The water spirit screamed and began evaporating.

Lava Boy had no choice but to finish off the water spirit, he had to jump on the water spirit. He was afraid to jump on the water spirit but knew he had to do it. Lava Boy closed his eyes and jumped on the water spirit to defeat his uncle’s first trial. The water spirit made a loud scream and Lava Boy was knocked out.

Chapter 5: The Giant Fish.

Lava Boy opened his eyes and he saw that it had stopped raining and the clouds were gone. Lava Boy’s evil uncle appeared hovering in the sky, one metre away from the boat and said,

“Well, well, well, you passed my first trial, I have another surprise for you.” He got out a goldfish from his robe and zapped it. Clouds came and it started to rain again. Lava Boy was staring at the fish. He was shivering as the fish was growing, a few seconds later the fish was 1000 times bigger than its normal size. Lava Boy’s uncle said,

“I’m going to watch you die!” Lava Boy’s uncle was watching carefully. He laughed and said, “Goodbye Lava Kid,” and disappeared with a flash of light. The huge monstrous gigantic fish looked down at Lava Boy and gobbled him up.

Lava Boy was falling down the big fish’s mouth to its stomach. He landed with a big crash! The stomach was gooey, disgusting and was big as a small room. He stomped his foot, full of anger that he was stuck in a fish’s stomach. He tried to use his lava powers to create a big hole to get out but it just cooked a bit of the stomach.

A few moments later there was a little hole in the wall of the stomach. Water started to flow in quickly. Lava Boy was slowly floating up the fish’s stomach. He had a happy grin because he thought that he will still make it out alive. A few moments later, Lava Boy was being spat out of the fish’s mouth. The fish was shaking violently. A few seconds later the fish popped with a huge amount of water that splashed the boat.

Chapter 6: The Volcano.

Lava Boy was on the boat feeling weak and getting weaker every minute. He almost forgot that he was cursed. The boat suddenly stopped. Lava Boy got a fright and looked around. He saw that his boat had run aground at the bottom of the magical volcano.

“I’m almost there!” he shouted in a tired voice.

Lava Boy jumped out of the boat and started to crawl up the volcano. The ground was black and it hurt his knees while he crawled up. After 10 minutes of climbing his uncle appeared and said,

“Not so fast you have to get past me, you passed both of my trials and I will kill you this time.” Lava Boy did not listen and kept climbing up. When Lava Boy got up to the top of the volcano his uncle grabbed him with both hands and threw him in the lava.

Lava Boy closed his eyes as he fell through the lava. When he hit the lava, he felt much better. Instead of burning into a crisp, his body glowed with red, orange and black light. He was getting his lava powers back.

His uncle said,

“This is impossible, my plan didn’t work but I have another surprise for you.” He got out his sword and threw it. Lava Boy melted the sword with a stream of lava out of his mouth. He had enough power to destroy all his uncle’s evil with a flash of magic lava. His uncle fainted and rolled down the side of the volcano into the sea.

Chapter 7: Home Again

The volcano was still giving Lava Boy a boost to his powers. He brought back the sharks that were extinct. Lava Boy returned home with a flash of lava and ran upstairs to check on his parents. They were still frozen in their beds. He drew out his Uncle’s wand and zapped the ice. The ice cracked and his parents woke up.

”What happened Lava Boy?” the Wizard of Fire asked.

“I stopped my Uncle and saved the world” he replied.

“Well done!” said the Wizard of Earth. “Yes well done. Rest up Lava Boy, we are going to send you to wizard school because you are ready.” said the Wizard of Fire.

Lava Boy was excited so he got out his journal to write about his story.

The End.


Lava Boy has to take a quest to a magical volcano to break his curse and save his family. Will he be able to break his curse? Join Lava Boy on his journey to the volcano to stop evil. Lava Boy has to face many tiring challenges to get to the hardest one of them all... his evil uncle.

‘A perfect set out story.’The New York Times.

‘Fantastic.’ Time Magazine.

‘Wildly powerful.’ Chicago Sun Times.‍‍