James B

The Art Battle

Chapter One


“Will, Will get on the plane,” shouted his dad.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” After a long flight we made it to Mount Everest. In the morning I started to climb Mount Everest. I was scared because I had got stuck on a rock at the top of the mountain. My arm turned purple, it wouldn't move. I was panicking and then I blacked out. My dad showed me the video of me in the hospital, I bounced up when I saw my arm getting amputated. “So that’s how you’re so good at drawing, you got a special arm,” said Zac.”And that's how I got a special arm zac” Ding, ding the bell rang

“Art is in two minutes, I’ve been waiting all day for art.”

After Will remade the Mona Lisa in art and got an award for artist of the week, Zach, Hu and I sat outside eating lunch. I had a vegemite sandwich and a packet of chips. It was so deliciously good because I was starving. I zoomed into the hall because I heard over the PA system that the principle was giving out new lockers.

“Yes, thank you very much. Thank you! You don’t know how much I needed this,” said Will. She looked at me with a weird look like the locker was dangerous or something. She walked away suspiciously, I've never seen her walk that way. She told me the way to open the locker, “With a hand print.” I slowly, but carefully, put my hand on the scanner...cher er cher.

Chapter Two

The New Planet

Where am I? How did I get here? What is this place? There's orange rocky mountains and a huge x-shaped hole. I turned to look behind me. There was a sign saying welcome to Mech Tropless. “Excuse me sir, do you know a way I can get back home?” asked Will. He didn’t answer me so I walked around to see if I could find a way to get out. But instead, I saw a temple and some poles. On the poles, it said my name, Will, and a picture of me with a reward of five million bolts. Next thing you know, I was surrounded by robots that were rusty black, white and red with huge strong arms. They started punching me, I don't remember the rest. Now I’ve been dumped in a huge hole. “How can I ever get get out of this hole?” I knelt down and I started drawing a ladder on the warm rocky ground because drawing calms me down. “Wow, the ladder really came to life! I’ve always wanted to draw something and it comes to life.” I started climbing up the ladder and I saw the strong robots waiting for me, like they knew I would get out. I started sketching a laser, I quickly fired the laser beam and all the robots died.

“Clap, clap, clap.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Mech God and I was the one who brought you here, you’ve defeated my minions but you’ll never kill me Mech God.”

Chapter Three

The Battle - Will VS Mech God

“Yeah, I can easily kill you.” Pue! Pue! Pue!

“What, impossible, lasers can destroy everything.”

“Not everything not stopper.” Mech God grabbed my arm and said,

“I want your arm because it will power my suit so I can become perfect, so I can fit in with my people on my planet.” I hit his arm, he let my arm go and I started climbing up the mountain. I thought that he wouldn't see me. I knew my expert climbing skills would come in handy. I knelt down and and drew a jet pack, l flew away and I looked back to see an arm, it pulled me back to him. Mech God said “We should settle this with an art battle. The rules are, you have to draw.”

I started drawing soldiers with AK74 and he drew a tsunami. It killed all my soldiers so I drew a shark as big as fifty hectares the shark’s teeth crushed him.

“I won!” I said to myself.

Two seconds later the shark exploded then Mech God opened a portal to earth and and drew monsters with shark teeth and as tall as a building, I was panicking. I drew everything to a five gajillion ant army to a tornado bigger than a planet. I told Mech God to stop.

“I give up,” I said. He stopped everything. He even closed the portal to earth. I told him you can have my arm. I tricked him and used hard math problems that cause headaches by drawing in this mind. Mech God dropped to the ground. I took the portal gun and threw him in the huge x -shaped hole and drew concrete to put in the hole so he would die and stay there forever. I pulled out the portal gun and opened the portal to earth. Cher er cher.

Chapter Four

The End

“I’m back!” I saw the people. Everyone loved me for saving the world. The next day I was invited by the Queen to her Buckingham Palace, so I told my parents and they got even more proud of me. We got ready, my dad drove us there and when we arrived the Queen announced a toast. “We are lucky to have Will.” She brought me up close and gave me a bravery award. The Queen said, “We thank you very much for saving the world so we got you a new house, car and three million dollars to spend.” My Mum and Dad were crying in tears, “We couldn’t be prouder of you,” they sobbed. They grabbed me and hugged me tightly.

The end


Meet Will a 15 year old boy who loves art and is creative, funny and has a special power. Will gets trapped in a different dimension where he is wanted. Read the book to discover how he gets out. If you love fantasy, drawing and a crazy adventure this is the book for you.