Joel Z

The J’s Journey

by Joel Zipure

One beautiful and sunny day in Sydney, Australia, there were about 20 Olympians boarding a plane flying to Peru. It was the year of the Olympics and the passengers were all Olympians ready to represent Australia. Joel was representing Australia at shooting and James at Archery were amongst those on board.

As the plane ascended from Sydney, the excitement was racing along the plane like a bullet. A few hours later there was chatter until silence suddenly descended across the plane. There was weird beeping, then the captain was heard saying, “Fasten your seat belts and hold tight. It’s going to be a rough landing!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh” screamed John. The plane started a rapid descent and crashed into the jungle.

As Joel opened his eyes, he saw a horrid picture. There were bodies everywhere around him. The blood was like a carpet of red, with legs and arms scattered across it. His head hurt and he was scared. He heard another voice. He was scared that they were cannibals. He crept off into the jungle grabbing his gun bag on the way. From a distance he saw some young men and fired a warning shot. They ran off into the opposite direction,

Joel tracked them until he had a clear shot with his net gun. As the day has gotten darker the men stopped to build a fire. Joel shot his gun and knocked the flaming stick out of Jack's hand. It went pitch black. Joel has captured them in his net which looped round a tree branch. They were dangling upside down wriggling like worms. Joel went up to them and asked who they were. He then recognised one of them from the plane. It was James and with him is his brother Jack.

Jack had seen the plane descent from the Kokoda track and raced over to try and help. Funnily enough, his brother was the survivor that he found. Time went by and Joel realised that the brothers didn’t want to eat him!

The three Js decided that they needed to work together and find somewhere safe to stay for the night. Joel was used to the jungle life as he had no family and had always survived in the outback. He built a fire and they took out Jack’s supplies from his backpack.

In the morning they woke up and started their new diet of jungle spaghetti (worms and grubs). They kicked the fire out as the temperature started to rise. Joel said, “Is it getting hot in here?” The boys agreed and the looked up and above them they saw the glistening eyes and sharp teeth of a fire breathing dragon as he swooped over their heads. The flames were very close and they felt their skin burning. They all quickly jumped up and shouted loudly to try and make the dragon go away.

The dragon flew away. The boys chased him across icy cold rivers and through thick jungle and they were led to a village of dragons.

In the village, the boys saw the dragons gathered in a circle. At the centre was a girl, she had long blond hair like a lion, her cheeks were the color of roses.

Jack bumped into a spear that was leaning up against one of the tents. As it fell there was a crash! All the dragons turned around and saw the three boys standing on the outside of the village. Joel and James also turned and glared at Jack. He shrugged his shoulders and said "Run!"

Before the boys could go anywhere they were suddenly surrounded by dragons. There was a fire dragon with flames coming out of it body like a coat of fire. He pushed them towards the girl. The cat that could fly and breath fire jumped in front of them. It looked mean and angry with sparkling, glistening red eyes and big teeth.

The girl introduced herself. Her name was Shere Khan. She told the boys that they had to battle a dragon. Shere Khan said, "If you win, you can each have a dragon to help you back home.

The boys gathered to look at what they had to defend themselves for the battle. Joel had his gun bag, James had his bow and arrow and Jack was armed with a hand-held catapult. They had a team talk to discuss how they were going to win the battle.

Shere Khan picked her best dragon, a lean mean fighting machine in the form of a green dragon with spikes down its back and wings the size of an elephant.

The battle commenced. As they discussed, the boys immediately separated which confuses the dragon. Joel had an idea and ran around with a rope connected to Jack. They passed each other as the rope went round and round the dragon’s legs, with James distracting the dragon by firing arrows at his head. The boys pulled tight the rope and the dragon fell on its side. Then Joel took out his net gun. He shot It onto the dragon's snapping mouth. The boys then surrounded the dragon each holding their weapons and looked to Shere Khan for the win.

She nodded her head and admitted defeat. Straight away Joel knew that the one that they saw at the beginning was his dragon. She said to them, "Step up on the podium, pick a dragon and choose it wisely.”

James chose a magical ice dragon. That was a smart choice, but Jack's choice was not smart. He picked the stupidest dragon in the pack and his superpower is to be stupid. Which for Jack is cool. Joel chose the greatest dragon of all, TC. He was giant. He had a flaming hot breath and red like fire, eyes.

They got their dragons and went to leave pretty quickly because there was about 100 dragon staring at them in the dragon village. They started to walk away.

"Stop!" shouted Shere Khan. "If you want three of my dragons, we get one of your humans."

Joel and James stepped back and both said at the same time, "Jack!"

So they had a team chat. They said to James, "We will get you back." This was James' face 😡.

So they gave James to Shere Khan. Jack trusted Joel and James after a few hours. It was night and they were going to eat Jack for dinner. When Jack was in a little cabin the dragon was about to open the door but then Joel appeared from under the floor. They quickly when back into the floor.

They ran as fast as they could. They found other people who had just got off a plane and they knocked them unconscious. They took the plane and went home. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP!

“What is that?” Joel said looking out the window. They are halfway there. “Ahahahahahahahah, there is a giant bug on the roof. There was a clip and rope. Joel went onto the roof and fought off the bug. They finally got home, but when they got home, they had to massage each other.