Seb W


Chapter 1: The Clock Strikes Midnight

BAM! Nigel felt a big strike to the back of the head. His body went into shock as his eyes faded into black. Bright red blood seeped out of the back of his head and onto the sandy wood. Josh, his best friend, called an ambulance.

Twenty minutes later Nigel was fighting death and Josh was crying on the floor hoping that Nigel will be ok, the ambulance came rushing down the beach boulevard.

“We had just come from a midnight surf when Nigel got struck by lightning, it scared me. We got out because we started hearing thunder. We started walking and bang, Nigel got STRUCK!” said Josh panting on the ground.

It was still pitch black and the paramedics were only using torches to light up the path to get Nigel into the van to transport Nigel to hospital. It looked difficult but they managed to do it in the time frame they had to do it within.

“GET OUT!” shouted a guy that sort of looked like Josh but much crazier. All the nurses backed away from Nigel’s body. At this point Nigel was still in an induced coma.

Within a few hours he regained consciousness. He was shocked to see where he was. He was in something just like a lab. It had a one way mirror and apart from that, everything was blank.

He realised he was in a glass tube and freaked out. His face went pale and he wondered where he was. He heard a distant voice coming from the one way mirror. He thought the voice said, “Hello Nigel.” But he didn't believe it.

Chapter Two: The Release

Nigel saw a door open and that crazy man from the hospital walked in. Nigel didn't know who he was so he was immediately creeped out by this. “Is that you Josh?” muttered Nigel. “Maybe, maybe not,” said the creepy guy. “I’ll admit, it is. And now I am back to get your water powers.” “What water powers?” said Nigel. “I thought we were friends.”

While Josh was getting something from his lab, Nigel pressed something; the door opened and he tried to sneak out. “Where do you think you’re going?” Nigel kept running and just got out the door before josh could get him. Nigel’s house was only about 1 km away so he planned to run to there.

It was pouring down rain. The storm was like a blanket covering the sun. It was like pieces of ice hitting tin cans. The trees were swaying and dripping water all over Nigel. He didn't really care, but he was still getting soaked.

igel hid behind a tree and hoped that Josh would not come and find him. Three minutes later Nigel started running again. He ran as fast as he would ever run, because he was fearing for his life.

He was about 700 metres away from his house when a very special car came past him; 300 hundred metres away he could see his house. e got excited but he was still creeped out by the special car that went past. 200 metres away he started to pick up the pace.

Finally he had reached his house. He was confused and scared at the same time because the very special car that came past was waiting in his driveway. “What the heck?” Nigel thought to himself.

The door of the car opened and Josh came out. “What are you doing in my driveway” shouted Nigel; Josh didn't respond. DDDIIINNNGG

Nigel looked at his phone, it was a picture of Nigel’s friends at the movies without him. “What, why didn't they invite me?”

Nigel looked through his friends posts at the movies. As he did, it just made him angrier that they didn't invite him. While he was doing that, Josh started to say something. “You cannot surf anymore,” he said. “Why can’t I”. “I took your water powers. “What do you mean?”

Before Nigel could say anything else Josh threw a massive rock at Nigel. Nigel retaliated and threw an even bigger rock at Josh, it hit him right in the face. Just that moment Nigel realised that Josh had dropped his car keys outside the boot of the car.

Within three seconds he was off. He ran faster than he did when he was scared. Vvvrrrmmm the car started and he locked the doors. While Josh was banging on the door he turned the radio on. “And I was like baby, baby, baby oh, like baby, baby oh I thought you would always be mine, mine.” Nigel sung at the top of his lungs. Within a few seconds he was off to get his friends from the movies.

Chapter 3: The Gathering

About half an hour after he had sped off from his house, he had reached the mall. He saw his friends out the front so he tried to find a parking spot.

He had to stalk someone just to get a parking spot. It took about three minutes but his strategy worked. He finally had got a parking spot.

Once he had got out of his car he rushed towards the cinema. When he got there his friends were taking photos. “What are you doing without me?” said nigel, to his mates. “Guys I have a little plan.” “What is it?” they answered. “Alright, so, what we have to do is, we have to defeat Josh in the surfing tournament at wategos tomorrow.” His friends went off into a circle and discussed what the decision was going to be. Would it be that they would do the same thing Nigel asked them to? Or will it be a BIG FAT NO? Once they had chosen their decision, they came back to nigel and said, “we will do it. But only on one circumstance. We can have a barbie at your house if we win.”It's a deal,” said Nigel.

That night, Nigel went for a paddle at about 7:30 pm. When he got past all the swell that was about 5 foot, he saw a splash. “What was that” he thought to himself. “It looked like a fin.” “OH NO!” He shouted, it couldn't be; SHARK! He tried to paddle away but it was too fast. It was making swirls all around him. The swirls were dragging his head under water. Within seconds his head was in the water and all he could hear was himself screaming.

Chapter 5: The Recovery

The next day he woke up in a hospital. “Mum, Dad” he said.

“Yes, darling they answered.”

“What happened?”

“Well what happened was that you were happy that your friends agreed to defeat Josh today at Wategos so you went for a surf when... well we won't tell you the rest.” He was feeling perfectly fine apart from his ear that he was born deaf in.

He put his hand up to his ear and screamed. AAAHHGG. “Do you know what happened now?” his parents said.

“I think so.”

“What happened then?”

“So what I think happened is, because i was happy i went for a surf and while I was surfing a shark bit my ear off.

“That is correct.” Nigel called a nurse into his room and asked when he could surf again. “You can go in the water today just don't get your bandage submerged, otherwise you will have to come back here straight away to get a new bandage. And that takes about an hour.”


Chapter 6: The Comp

Later that day he went home. It was only about an hour to the comp so he had to get his board ready. He had to put wax on it and put his new leg strap on it.

The competition started and it was straight into the knockouts.

Josh vs Nigels Friend Ollie.

“Oh what a great 360 air by Josh.

Josh wins and he is onto the second round.

Nigel vs his friend Harry.

Nigel wins and he is onto the second round.

Nigel’s friend Kian vs Nigel’s friend Otis.

Otis wins and he is onto the second round.

Second round starts and the first people in the second round are Nigel vs Otis.

Nigel wins and he is into the grand final.

Second people in the second round are Josh vs Harry.

Josh wins and he is into the grand final

Grand final time. As Nigel paddles out his friends shout, “go on nigel, you can do this!” this makes him want to win more.

Josh gets the first wave and it is a cracka. 8 points. Nigel has priority right now.

Nigel’s wave is the best of his life. It is a straight ten points.

Josh uses his priority on a really bad wave. It was worth only one point.

All Nigel has to do is use his priority against Josh and then he will win.

“And he wins it!” Happily shouted the commentator over the loudspeaker.

Nigel has won the WSL title and he is now the best Junior surfer in the world.

Three days later the friends and Nigel had a big barbie at nigels just like he promised.” Where is otis they said to each other.”

“Just joking.” What actually happened was Josh came into Nigel’s house with what looked like a laser gun. It was silver and had blue gooey stuff seeping out of it. “Drop those tongs right now” said josh

The end


Meet Nigel, a normal 16 year old teenager that loves surfing. Will his friend turn on him or will he retain his WSL Junior Surfing Title. If you read this book you are in for a ride.

An exciting, fun and adventurous book filled to the top with great descriptive language.

The Daily Telegraph, AUS