Ethan P

Captured by Aliens

By Ethan Procter

Chapter 1: The Terrible News

I looked out the damp crooked window. The rain was beating hard on the weak straw roof. I was waiting for my father to come home from the battle of Revalin. He had been there for weeks and he still wasn’t home. I heard a horse galloping up the gravel path to my house. I rushed to the tilted wooden door and thrusted it open. When I saw the man my heart sunk. He handed me a letter with a dark red wax stamp holding it together. I ripped the stamp open revealing a letter that read:

Dear Jack,

Your father has bravely passed away in the battle of Revalin.

We are sending a guardian to you soon. We are so sorry for your loss.

My heart shattered into billions of pieces. I fell to the ground with my hands clutched tight to my face, tears dripped down my skin and onto the floor.

Chapter 2: The New Guardian

I woke up to a loud knock on the door. I slowly stood up and walked to the door. I peeped threw the small hole and saw a woman with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, her face was pale and slender and she wore dirty rags with holes in them. She hammered the door once more, but I wouldn’t open. I didn’t even know the lady.

I looked out the window into the dark woods. In anger the women pounded on the door again whilst I opened the brown leather trunk to reveal a sharp pointy dagger. Then I unlatched the window and leaped out and I sprinted to the frightening forest as I was struggling to place the dagger in my pocket. I heard the lady shouting louder and louder. Finally, she bashed the door open and she spotted me running. I looked behind and the women was chasing after me. The women was sprinting faster and she was on my tail. We arrived at the forest, I dodged the trees just missing protruding sharp branches. The pale lady was behind me but her forehead smacked the thick tree branch producing red velvety blood.

I ran looking back at her body on the muddy forest floor. The blood was dribbling down her face. I glanced back in front of me and there was a round fat tree just two meters in front. I tried to slow myself down but I rammed into the tree leaving my body on the dirt floor.

Chapter 3: The Circular Ship

I awoke to the sound of propellers churning. My eyes slowly opened and in front of me lay a circular ship. The ship had bright green lights squirting from the bottom and mini round windows on the border. I carefully stood up and walked over to the ship and I shouted to see if anyone was near but no one replied. The long door was wide open and I stepped in. As soon as I got in, the door fastened and the ship was ready to take off.

Inside the ship were metal pipes and bolts. Glass bottles filled with different colors hung from wooden pegs. Purple and green bubbles in all kinds of shapes and sizes were hovering around the hallway. I walked to the driver’s chamber and slightly unlatched the purple door. Inside I saw a green slender man with thin black eyes, wrinkly skin and webbed feet. Next to the alien was another. He spotted me peeking through the crack. I ran out of the driver’s chamber and into another room. The room had two glass chambers filled with gooey green liquid and one had a man who looked a lot like my father. Then I realized that the letter was wrong and it really was my father. I tried to crack open the glass and I banged loudly, too loudly because the alien heard me and barged into the room.

The slobbery aliens dragged me out of the chamber and into a high guarded facility. There were aliens with glue guns standing outside the bolted door. The ship jerked and wobbled me from side to side. I was slowly floating higher and higher, my back crashed into the roof. I couldn’t stand up so I lay there floating in the thin air.

After a few hours of weeping I realized that I had a pointy dagger in pocket. I tore the dagger out of my pocket and tried to pick the minuscule lock. I eventually opened the rusty metal door which slammed on one of the aliens face. I snuck behind the other green alien and stabbed him in the back. Weird slimy blue blood sprouted out of its back and onto the floor. In the corner of my eyes I saw my father getting taken by the aliens out of the circular ship. I followed them to the opening of the door and I saw blue and yellow dust that covered the floor, fat buildings made out of bubbles which you could see right through. There were floating bubble cars as well. There were not just green aliens, there were blue aliens, red aliens, purple aliens and many, many more. I grabbed a space helmet which was hanging on the side of the ship and walked into the open. Surprisingly the suit weighed me down so it stopped me from rising of the ground.

Chapter 4: The Alien Friend

I stood close behind my father’s chamber making sure I wasn't seen. One of the aliens turned his large head around and I ducked just getting out of the alien’s sight. I climbed on to the top of my father’s chamber but it was a mistake. All the aliens could see me now and I knew that something was going to happen to me.

Beams of purple blazing light passed my body. A burning hole pierced through my skinny arm. I cried in agony clutching tight to my arm. My head was whirling like a tornado and I fell to the ground.

I found myself in garbage factory. There were moving floors which were lit up by blazing fire. I was entering a dark oval tunnel and I was that I saw light and I thought I could go home. But at the end of the tunnel it revealed a boiling hot acid. The floors were moving faster and faster, my feet were burning up.

I fell quickly, I closed my eyes fearing my death. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHA” I screamed loudly. Luckily a girl dressed in a black hoody swung from a colorful rope and placed me on the side of a sparkling ruby cliff.

The girl slowly pulled her hood down from her face which exposed dazzling purple skin. I shrieked emphatically nearly running of the ruby cliff. The purple hand grabbed mine just before I could fall in to the blazing acid.

“Hi, name is Kendall, what’s yours?” I was relieved, I thought she was going to kill me.

“Uhh, Jack, that’s my name. Why aren’t you going to kill me like all the other aliens” asked Jack trembling in fear.

“Because human aliens are funny and fleshy like jelly” replied Kendall.

“How did you learn to speak English?”

“There was another human jelly about the age of 15 and it was he who taught me your weird language” responded Kendall. “Now follow me” she whispered.

Chapter 5: The Plan

I followed Kendall into dark room where bright lights flickered before settling. I told Kendall what had happened and how I had seen my father in a green gooey chamber. Kendall understood me and she said she would bravely help me find my father. I had a plan in my head but I needed to know where my father was being kept. Young Kendall said my father had been held in an underground room surrounded by sizzling lava ready to have his thoughts taken out of his mind.

“How long do I have till that horrid thing happens?” I asked shaking in fear.

“About 23 hours” answered Kendall.

“Here’s my plan. We sneak behind the guards who are protecting the high tech gate and knock them out. With your card we can open the gate which leads to the underground room. You drop a rope down which I will climb. Then I will get my father and tie him to the rope which you will bring up.”

“Good let’s get started right away” said Kendall.

I told Kendall to get a long rope and the body armor while I hid from all the aliens walking past the darkened room. My head hit the floating shelf which made books and pencils crash down with a big bang on the cold floor.

A few minutes later I heard I loud knock on the door. “Come in” I said. When the door opened it wasn’t Kendall at all. It was an alien with a purple ray gun who had found me and said something which sounded like “Godlesnerp reping doo, godlesnerp reping doo.”

Soon crowds of aliens in all colors were surrounding me. I wished for someone to save me but no one came to help.

Chapter 6: The Victory

I was standing there waiting to be saved. The aliens grabbed me by the wrist with their wrinkly hands and took me away to the underground room. The room was light with tall glass windows hung from the roof bringing in burning light from the lava. Two chambers filled with gooey green liquid stood beside me guarded by aliens. I saw a colossal machine being wheeled in. There was a large needle connected by many different stained wires. The machine was placed beside my father’s chamber. I cried out to my father but he couldn’t hear. The guards who were holding onto me clutched tighter to my hands.

In the corner of my eyes I saw Kendall. She was next to one of the guards near me. She whispered into my ear “Open you palms.” Kendall gave me a long wooden baseball bat. The baseball bat just fitted up my sleeve. With the baseball bat up my right sleeve, I whacked one of the aliens in the back of the head resulting in it falling to the ground. Kendall shot the alien who was controlling the needle machine which created a blazing purple hole through the alien’s chest. She turned the needle to point at the leader of the planet Morazer. Kendall said something in her language to Morazer which led her and her guards out of the underground room. “How my father and I get home?” I asked.

“Leave that to me” replied Kendall.

Chapter 7: Going Home

Kendall pulled out her purple gun and burst open the glass leaving the other man in the chamber next to my dad. Instantly my father awakened and said “Son, Son” in a trembling voice. “I love you. I’ll never leave you again.”

“I love you too father. I missed you so much.” We hugged for a long time until Kendall shouted “You two ready to go? I’ve got the rocket ready to go.”

My father and I climbed aboard the long cylinder rocket. We waved goodbye out the circular window at the top while the numbers were counting down - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1m lift off. Burning fire came out of the bottom and blasted the rocket out into space.

I could see the planet from where we heading. It looked absolutely beautiful.