Aidan L


Carmen, Juni and I were friends, ever since we were kids, at the first day of school. I’m one of the lost protectors of an ancient Egyptian tomb of an unknown monster, though my ancestor was also one of the lost protectors, five thousand years ago, he was kept in a tomb. Juni’s also one of the lost protectors, keeper of another unknown monster, though he doesn't know that he is. He is an archaeologist, though very lucky indeed, to survive and make it out alive from the tomb his ancestor had guarded. No one ever in the past except for me, Carmen, and of course, Juni could be able to get out alive. Now he knows the traps better than I do. Carmen is a mountain-climber, though she does everything alone, everything, except with her friends, I and Juni. Just like all of us, her ancestor guarded all of us, stopping sliding avalanches. She would soon take on her ancestor’s job, and take care of the unknown monster.

We were studying an old clock while Carmen was out mountain-climbing, her favourite hobby (quite obvious). I found the clock in an old tomb my family used as a shed,underneath our house (there was a few artifacts I could’ve not known, if it was or not). As Carmen came back from mountain-climbing, all of us touched the clock all at once. Suddenly it began to tremble and shake. Sparks sprang out as the glowing clock pulled us into a mountain, which started to brake what is holding it into the ground let go. It drove all of us into a portal, which I recognised: It was “The Portal of Time”!

We landed in the times of Egypt, where we found a pyramid around fifty metres away. An aura was pulling us to the tomb, though we would have to go through the raging sandstorms, made by the dreaded “Sand Moth”, dodge the treacherous traps, and get out of the never-ending maze. Juni knew how to get past all of those things, but never was able to get through to the final chamber, until now. Once we came to the final chamber, we found three ancient spheres, three carved statues, and carved stone tablets enough to make an entire army! When we touched the spheres, everything glowed, even us! When the glowing stopped, there was good news and bad news. The good news was Carmen’s red ball became “Uria, Lord of Searing Flames”, and she became “Arcana Knight Joker”, Juni’s blue ball became “Raviel, Lord of Phantoms”, and he became “Dark Paladin”, and my golden ball became “Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder”, and I became “Buster Blader,the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman”. The bad news was the statues and stone tablets began to shake and crumble. Now inside was “Obelisk the Tormentor”, “Slifer the Sky Dragon”, “The Winged Dragon of Ra”, and an entire army of monsters bursted out the stone tablets, ready for battle. With the combined strength of our power and collaboration, we were able to defeat them and have peace with all of them. We all assumed that the battle was over. But we were wrong. What are the Egyptian God Lords real power?

With collaboration, we were able to defeat the army and the Egyptian Gods with our ancestor’s power and the Egyptian God Lords. As a reward, we each had one small marble-shaped ball, identical to our Egyptian God Lord’s spheres, but smaller. With it came ritual equipment, looking like a cross used at a chapel, but with holes on the three ends of the cross, small enough to fit balls inside it. We did not know what it would do when we would put the balls and equipment together, but suddenly, out of nowhere, a dragon and knight appeared out of nowhere,combined together, and formed the “Dragon Master Knight!” Now we new what the equipment we had was for. We put the equipment together, when suddenly our Egyptian God Lords started to glow again. Now what standed there was “Armityle, the Chaos Phantom”, the most powerful being in the entire time of history (past, present, and future!).

And with that, Armityle defeated the Dragon Master Knight and the clock started up again. When we got back to our own time, we kept what was ours, the Egyptian God Lord’s sphere in our pocket, a necklace to access our ancestor’s power. I took the ritual back to my family’s tomb-like-shed, and stopped anything evil. But what if the evil was right in front of us? What if the Egyptian God Lords were cursed? How can we reverse it? How does the clock work again? How can we come back? Because the last time we used it, we had to go on a quest. What is it this time, pharaoh?