Arlo M

I’m an ordinary man named Mack and I have a magical power. You may think I’m lazy but I’m not. I have a staff and if I a dream it goes into my it. I also, have a girlfriend named Ella. One day I had a nightmare with a guy named Daniel taking Ella, and somehow I woke it on the ground and he came alive but I didn’t know he was alive.

Daniel was very big has a pig nose, one eye, two big eyebrows tentacles and a small ear and a big one. They’re a lot of people in New York and he was roaming around the city eating people. Ten at a time. Finally, I woke up and I heard loud screaming. I looked out the window and the Daniel from my dream was alive. Worst of all Ella was walking down the street.

“Worst day of my life,” I said. I quickly got changed and with my staff ran out the door. When I got out, Daniel had Ella. “Help,” Ella screamed.

“I’m coming,” I said. Suddenly, Daniel saw me and started to run. I banged my staff on the ground and a gun was in my hand. I had a shot and missed. Daniel started climbing up Trump Tower. “I will get you,” I yelled.

“You can try but you won’t succeed,” Daniel said.

Bang! It goes again - a bazooka this time. I have a shot and again I miss. “I’m dying” Ella said.

“Hang in there,” I said. Daniel starts squeezing Ella.

“Mack I’m dying” Ella cried.

“No,” I cried.

“Mack, I have magical powers. Think of a dream when I’m dead.” Ella said. My heart felt like it had a crack in it. “There will never be another girl like you for me,” I whispered to her.

Once I had a dream that if I kissed a person they will come to life, so I chose that dream and kissed Ella on the lips. I think it was the most crucial moment of my life. Minutes seemed like hours and seconds felt like minutes. “Comeback Ella, I need you,” I cried out.

“Where am I?” Ella said. “Mack, your staff. It’s falling.”

“No,” I said. I ran as fast as I could. I was too late. My staff fell and there was nothing I could do.

Crack! it shattered into small pieces. “My dreams, all my precious dreams,” I yelled.

“Oh, oh. I have nightmares in my staff too,” I worried. I panicked. All of my dreams had just been released into the real world.

“Why me?” I said. All my dreams were there lying on the ground. But l had all the gear I needed to defeat them but it was all over the place. A feeling of anger came inside me.

“Ella, come on. Let's get the equipment we need,” I said. So we got all the equipment. Then we discovered the nightmares were somehow in Asia. “I think we’ve got everything we need apart from jetpacks to get to Asia,” I said.

“Lets kick some alien butt,” Ella said with a smile.

We arrived in Asia but nobody was to be seen. We went a bit faster with our jetpacks. “Is that them?” Ella questioned.

“Oh, oh Mack. Where is Daniel?” Ella said.

“My guess is at the front of the pack,” I said. There he was, Daniel leading the pack but the aliens didn’t know that these Chinese people who lived here loved traps and had them in the streets. Only they can see there traps but they are quite obvious. “I can see one now, look,” I said softly.

Boom! Poof! The fighting was over with Daniel’s slaves all gone. But, the horrid Daniel was still up. I had one more shot on my gun. I wasn’t sure if I could do it. So I said, “I want you to do it.”

“No,” Ella shouted. “Let’s both do it.’’

“Ok,” I said with confidence.

“Three, two, one”... in those milliseconds Ella and I were waiting for the bullet to at least a touch of Daniel because will make him disintegrate. “That would be nice” I said.

“Yes! We did it, Ella,” I said. The bullet went straight through the chest.

“I can’t believe we did it,” I said.

“Yeah,” Ella said.

Ella and I got back safely and three years later we had baby Angus who is very cute. Well that's what I think. Ella, Angus and I had a wonderful life together. All the dreams I had never came to life. Well when I really want to. I still wonder if any other monsters are out there and whose family lost a person.