Nicholas T

I woke up startled, frightened and nervous. I stepped out of bed and checked under it for the little green mice that had appeared in my dream. I tiptoed downstairs because I knew my mum would still be asleep now. I sat on the sofa, grabbed the remote and turned the television on.

The screen flashed on and the television started blaring at full volume! I knew if I didn’t fix it mum would wake up, and when mum wakes up there is no turning back. If she does wake up she gets grumpy and she stays that way for the whole day. I quickly grabbed the remote and fumbled with it until the volume was turned down. I flicked through the channels until I came to a news channel. I was interested in the title of the discussion, DREAM CONVERTED TO REALITY. A scientist was talking about a dream that this girl had that was going to physically happen in real life!

Believe it or not the dream the girl had was the exact dream I had!!! It was the exact same the aliens and the green mice. I was so frightened I froze on the sofa, I couldn’t move for the next fifteen minutes! I was so terrified. I was involved in a world war against aliens!

When someone knocked on the door, it was even more frightening. The reason why it was so terrifying because mum and dad were still sleeping. I didn’t know what to do, open the door or wait until they go away. But just then the knocking got louder. I tiptoed to the door and slowly opened it. Then he creepily said, “you are the one. You are the chosen one.”

He stepped inside, walked over to the sofa and pulled of his hood. I noticed it was somehow starting to rain outside. “Who are you? And why have you come to my house?” I asked.

“You are one of fifteen kids that have been chosen to defend the earth so it doesn’t get overrun by aliens and their little green mouse creatures.”

“But why have I been chosen?”

“Its because of your dream Zac,”

“My dream it's coming to life!” I exclaimed.

“Do you trust me?” the man whispered.

“Yeah kind of,” I answered.

“Then jump into the fireplace,” he demanded.

“What?” I whispered loudly. “While it’s still burning? Thats crazy!!”

“Its our only way of transportation to the training area,” he whispered. “You have to jump into the fire.”

“OK. I'll trust trust you,” I said quietly. “Here goes!” I stepped in the fire and... FLASH!

I woke up to the sound of bullets and arrows hitting targets and training dummies. I sat up and tiptoed to the doors of the gigantic building. The double glass doors opened and a man walked through them. He said to me “Zachary,” in a pleasant voice. “Your here!”

“Yes, I am.”

“Where is Goroth?”

“I don't know,” I mumbled. Boing, boing, boing. I heard as I looked behind me and the same man that was in my house was coming out of a portal. “Goroth! You're finally here,” the man said

“Sorry I'm late George. I had to write a letter to Zac’s parents to tell them what happened to Zac,” said Goroth.

“Ok. Well enough waiting around, let's go in,” George said excitedly.

We walked into this facility room where all of these kids about my age were shooting guns and slicing swords. Just then, an announcement came on to the loudspeaker. “Everybody report to the cafeteria for lunch today.” That's when everybody that was training went to where the cafeteria sign was pointing to. I went with them. Everybody ate their lunch and went back to training. We trained for two days and that's when we decided it was time to leave to the battlefield.

We hopped into a jet that flew us to a grassy field. We got off the jet and we waited there until suddenly I heard a noise coming from my feet. I looked down and I saw these little green things on them. I tried to shake them off but they had a surprisingly good grip. We finally got them off by doing enough shaking my feet.

We moved forward. All of a sudden a bullet flies past me. Then one random kid on our team shoots a bullet at them. Then ten seconds later everybody is trying to shoot the other team. The shooting got faster and I hid behind my barricade. I shot my gun once or twice then I hid myself behind the barricade again. I did that a few more times but one time I did it I went out too far and I got myself shot by an alien. The force knocked me out and I fell to the ground.

I woke up to the sound bombs exploding outside. I tried to get up but I couldn't because of my shoulder. It took me a while to realise where I was but I noticed all the walls and then I knew it was the jet. I looked out the window and I could see a lot of kids dying out there. What if I didn’t survive the war? I kept thinking to myself. I looked at the bandage and then looked at the nurse. Then I asked her “when is my bandage going to be off?”

She replied, “it's going to be off tomorrow”. And the next day I was back to fighting aliens.

It has been another day and the last alien soldier has died. We got back into the jet and it flew us back to the training facility. We all jumped through our portals and went back to where we came from. I was relieved that the war was over because now I can just go back to me just watching TV all morning back on the couch.