Roman L

Taka trudged through a pathway in the town of Parallaxian. In Parallaxian, when you stood completely still buildings would move, swaying like a baby in a cradle. His face was bruised with deep depression, tears rolled down his cheeks slowly drifting into little streams. He had committed a crime, which would result in him being imprisoned for at least a year; that was his guess. He was no longer a selfless 14 year old boy; he was a thief, a criminal; unloved and unwanted. Taka had stolen the batteries from the core of Parallaxian. These batteries were worth millions of Paras and that's for just one. The town of Parallaxian ran on these special batteries, making his crime a heinous one.

When Taka’s parents found out about his crime, they could no longer look at him, their eyes never connecting again. Their relationship had never been worse. He had let them down; he saw the disappointment and pain in their faces every time he closed his eyes. Although, life was vivid around him, the colour had drained from Taka. He couldn’t escape the disappointment and the hurt he had inflicted on his parents.

“I am a soulless young boy,” Taka thought. “What should I do?” Taka scanned the vast landscape around him. Taka had arrived at a marvellous idea. Run away. He decided to try his luck. He hoped this would help the memories of disappointing his parents fade away like scars.

Taka sprinted through the town, out towards its boundaries and he didn’t stop there. On and on he went until Parallaxian looked like black spec of dirt in the distance. In anger, he hurled every single rock that obstructed the route he was taking. Night fell quickly, blanketing his new surroundings. Taka approached a cave that was immensely dark and gloomy inside. This is the only little bit of shelter he had come across while running. The darkness didn't matter to Taka. Although he was tired, his curiosity took over and he entered the cave. Towards the back of the cave a light was shining. He slowly walked over. Without warning, the stone floor opened like mouth of a whale ready to swallow Taka. With one gulp, he was falling directly into the yellow waves of what he believed was a portal. He was now travelling, somewhere that he couldn’t predict or understand.

“Ah,” Taka moaned as he fell to the ground with an almighty thud. Taka lifted his head and miraculously he saw a sandy plain. He glanced at over and saw a gigantic billboard standing before him. He read the large font out loud.

“Follow Maximus.” he bellowed for none to hear.

“Who’s Maximus?” Taka questioned.

“Oh, what have we got here,” said a voice curiously, breaking the silence. Taka’s heart leapt wildly like a prisoner bursting from his cell. Taka panicked. Tape was placed over his eyes and mouth. He was bustled inside a stuffy bag, heat surrounded him like a squad of ninjas. Taka was tossed into a compartment of a transportation vehicle. He was going somewhere. Taka thought for a moment. Nothing came to him. He was clueless. The movement stopped. He felt strong arms against the bag as they heaved him out of the vehicle. The body bag was dumped to the ground and fell with a non-existent depressing thud.

Tape was ripped off Taka’s eyes; light shone into them.

“Where am I?” Taka shrieked. Before him stood an extremely muscular person. He wasn’t just a person, Taka noticed, he was half cyborg. Pieces of metal shrapnel were attached to the monster. Not a single word was needed to convince Taka to listen to him. The cyborg was fuming. He pointed in a direction, Taka followed. Two guards lead him to the building site which he had seen earlier. Taka asked the guards a question:

“Was that Maximus, ruler of this Land?”

“Yes, now, no more questions. It is vital that you follow our our strict rules and schedules. Wear these old clothes worn by previous slaves…”

“Slaves?” Taka thought, “is this what I am becoming?”

The guard continued to talk while Taka’s mind was drifting off to his family.

“Are you paying attention?” the guard snapped.

Taka replied with a small but definite yes.

“Ok, put these clothes on and begin building this road with all the others,” the guard replied. “Others?” Taka thought. There were more. It was as if it was the first time he opened his eyes to see other things. The guards looked at him one last time.

Taka was being forced to build a road with all the other people that had been captured by Maximus.

“Roads,” he thought, “Really?” Taka sighed.

Taka was a weak 14 year old and couldn't handle the heat. He was tasked to lay down asphalt to build a fresh road surface for the few people with freedom rights to use. As he began to take on the ‘marvelous’ task, he saw a boy who looked around 10 years old. Taka noticed he was struggling. The boy's arms and legs were red raw from the sun and brown dirty drops of sweat swam down his sticky face. His face winced with every movement. Taka, feeling guilty, trotted over to help the young boy. As he started talking to him, lending a hand with his bucket of asphalt, he heard someone shout.

“Silence! That's 30 lashes on the back,” Maximus boomed,

”For both of them!”

“I’ll take his,” Taka shouted bravely

“So be it,” Maximus replied.

Taka and the boy returned from the consecutive lashes. It had been an experience like no other. The agony he had felt was absolutely excruciating; pain travelled through his veins.

“Thanks for helping me,” the young boy shared. “In return, I shall tell you a secret.” Taka was all ears, he was hoping his new friend could shed some light on what this place was.

“To leave this place, you must complete that course,” he whispered, discreetly pointing west. “Everyone here, right here, has tried but not one of us has succeeded,” the young boy stated.

With bluster and confidence Taka barked, “Oi, you. Get over here, I want to complete your obstacle course. Arrange a meeting with Maximus.” The guards did as they were told and left from where Taka was standing. Maximus approached at a rapid pace,

“You have summoned me outcast, is that correct,” Maximus boomed

“You want to challenge yourself to my obstacle course, go ahead. If you fail you will be under my control until the day I die.

Taka was ready, very ready. All he wanted was to leave this horrific place and return home...

That night, Taka could feel his heart beating to a musical rhythm, his brain the conductor. The sun shone down on him, like a singer at a performance. He slowly gazed at something. It was a spirit; the spirit of a person. It was a peculiar sight; a man in a robe. He didn’t know what to think, Taka froze in shock,

“I am your absolute Protector. I will guide you through tough times. I will not tell, nor show; you will have to find out yourself with a few riddles along the way. You will need to be clever, not reckless. Here’s your first hint, young boy. If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably too good to be true,” he boomed.

He left within microseconds after he finished speaking. Taka thought about what the man had said as he drifted back to sleep.

The next morning, Taka stepped up to the beginning of the course, still shell shocked from the vision which had appeared and disappeared in front of him. Maximus chuckled to himself, watching Taka’s knees trembling.

“He does not know what he is actually completing,” Maximus chuckled to himself

He was about to start the tough act which he thought was extremely easy, and so he began. Taka bolted off the line yet to realize this was not a race, but a course.

He was running and going hell for leather, but with superlative control. He hurtled over every obstacle, waiting if he required. Spikes jumped out of the dry ground. Taka leaped over them, the air whispered to him, giving Taka a fresh gust of cool breeze. He powered along through this almighty course, weaving his way through the obstacles. It was the time of day when the sun was balancing on its highest peak.

The finish line was now a matter of meters away, Taka was sweating buckets: suddenly, out of the blue, BANG! Gunpowder was tossed everywhere making it a very toxic environment, but that was an eighth of the problem. Taka looked ahead to see an enormous metal ball filled with explosives was coming right at him. Taka panicked, he wasn’t ready to sprint. When the protector reappeared, he spoke.

“Taka, calm yourself,“ he exclaimed. He left as quickly as he appeared, Taka stopped, he began to breathe as slow as a sloth, waiting for something to happen…

It was almost as if the wise man had thrown an idea into Taka’s head, Maximus was trying to trick him. The obstacle course was Maximus’ bait. Taka didn’t worry about the explosives, he sprinted Taka wasn't nervous at all; he knew the mysterious grey haired man was watching over him every microsecond. He charged through Maximus’ lair door. Taka was ready!

He met Maximus in his lair, Maximus and Taka stood face to face, eye to eye, nose to nose. Taka decided to go straight into battle instead of talking and trying to outsmart Maximus, before Taka leapt in for the battle he realised he required a weapon. Taka sighed.

“Take this boy! I need to tell you this, look at his heel, his achilles. It was never dipped in the water, the holy water. It is his weak spot of this man. Go for it Taka!” the man boomed. Taka didn't hesitate. He leapt into the air, sword above his head, diving straight into the man’s weak spot. Maximus strolled backwards and chuckled. Taka fell on his face, he left his pride on the floor next to his body. Maximus pointed his arm in Taka’s direction. Maximus was ready to deliver the final blow and… Taka rapidly picked up his pride, thrusted his sword forward into Maximus’ achilles.

“Shutting down, powering down,” a robotic voice stated. Maximus was slowly but surely shutting down. He had been defeated. Taka knew he had to go home. But the problem now surrounding him was 100 guards of Maximus who were armed and dangerous. The only way to survive was to try and outrun them. He bolted through the guards. Bullets whizzed past his ears. There was a small clearing, but the guards could taste Taka’s flesh, but they could not eat it. Taka continued bolting through the crowds and finally he could see the portal. Taka jumped directly into the portal. He looked backed, guards clasping for his legs, they disappeared , all he was able to see was the cave, the cave where this journey began. Taka, about 10 hours ago was standing here depressed, remorseful. He ran straight to his hometown Parallaxian.

Taka strode home proudly, his parents may be angry but he could stand up for himself, he was able to speak; speak for himself. He felt absolutely incredible. Before his journey Taka’s life wasn't a life. He realized things had to be earned, not taken.

Taka strolled down the streets, knocking on the door as the house whizzed past him. After the house came back, Taka leapt inside the house and his parents were delighted to see the young lad. Taka was no longer a boy he was a hero, but he realised he would always be their son.