Dylan T

The Way Out

By Dylan Tran

Chapter 1

Dylan was a normal boy when he was knocked cold and brought somewhere. Dylan was on the floor and was still not awake. When Dylan woke up he didn’t remember anything so Dylan went to find some shelter and went to find some wood to make a fire to keep himself warm. When Dylan was searching for wood and shelter he found animals that was very different to the animals to earth. Dylan found a cave that was nice to live in so he started to build a bed to sleep on. When Dylan was looking for wood he found a gun that was loaded to shoot and kill. Dylan went back to the cave with wood and he started to make the fire. Dylan went to sleep to get some energy for tomorrow.

When it was the next day Dylan started to get his gun and started to search for animals and some water. When Dylan was looking for animals to shoot and some water he found animals that were dead on the floor. Dylan was pulling the dead animal to the shelter. Dylan started the fire to cook the animal and when Dylan cooked the animal he ate the animal. When Dylan finished eating the animal he went on a search to find some water to be not thirsty. When Dylan was looking for water he found dead animals and a strange animal alive. The animal next to the dead animal looked like a sabre-tooth tiger. The sabre-tooth tiger looked at Dylan and in a flash it walked to Dylan with it deadly claws.

Chapter 2

The sabre-tooth tiger ran to Dylan in a flash. Dylan ran for his life. The sabre-tooth tiger made Dylan run back to the shelter. Dylan picked up his gun when he was running. Dylan hid inside of the shelter and in a flash the sabre-tooth tiger jumped into the air like a kangaroo. The sabre-tooth tiger searched around the shelter.

The sabre-tooth tiger was looking around inside the cave. The sabre-tooth tiger was close to Dylan. when the sabre-tooth tiger was close to Dylan. Dylan shot the sabre-tooth tiger. It was not dead because the sabre-tooth tiger was a hologram.

Chapter 3

So Dylan went to get some water and hunt to kill some animals because Dylan was going on a long journey to find the person that put him there in the first place. Dylan started his journey to find the person that put him there. Dylan was walking for 5 days straight and he didn’t go to sleep.

Dylan went straight to the floor on his face. Dylan didn’t wake up until 10 hours of sleep. Dylan was ready to walk to find the person that put him there. Dylan went to walk for a four more days until he found the person. Dylan found a door in a sand storm. He went up to it and opened the door. Behind the door there were lot of computers but there was no people there at all. On the computers there were was the shelter that Dylan was living in and where he was hunting. Dylan destroyed all of the computers with his gun and he destroyed the whole room but when he is about to destroy the room, there was a slow clap in the air.

Chapter 4

Dylan turn around in a flash there was a man there. The mysterious man said “Well done.” Dylan said “Who are you?”

The mysterious person said “I am the boss.”

Dylan asked “You are the boss?”

The boss said “Yes I am the boss.”

Dylan started raised his gun and started to shoot the boss. The boss dodged all of the gun shots and went to hide. The boss brought out a gun and started to shoot Dylan but Dylan went to hide too. Dylan went up where the boss was hiding and started to shoot but the boss was gone. The boss escaped through a tunnel.

Dylan went through the tunnel where he would find the boss. After a few minutes Dylan found the boss in a hallway. Dylan ran as fast as he could to get the boss but the boss started to climb a ladder, so Dylan did too. When Dylan and the boss reached the top, the boss had nowhere to go, but the boss escaped in a pod. Dylan did the same thing. He went into a pod and they both got shot out in a flash. Dylan looked outside and saw the city. The city was destroyed and the towers where demolished.

Chapter 5

When Dylan and the boss landed on a strange island the land was moving but it was moving very slowly. When they both landed they were both where ready to fight. Dylan raised his gun and so did the boss. They both shot at the same time. Dylan shot the boss in the leg but the boss missed Dylan. They both went to go for cover and the boss started to shoot at Dylan. Dylan started to shoot the boss but he missed.

They both shot at the same time. The gun shots went off in both of the guns. So they both had to fist fight. Dylan went up to the boss and kicked him right in the face. The boss tried to punch Dylan in the face but Dylan dodged the punch. Dylan punched the boss where his weak spot and it was the nose. When Dylan punched the boss in the nose the boss fainted on the floor.

Chapter 6

Dylan started to build shelter because that is where he will be sleeping there. When it was the next day Dylan went to the city and looked for people. Dylan was searching for 6 hours. When Dylan was looking under a pile of rocks he saw a zombie. Dylan started to run away.

When Dylan was running away more zombies started too chase Dylan. Dylan ran to a castle and went in there but when Dylan thought he was safe there, he discovered thousands of zombies and he started to shoot their heads but there were too many.