Hunter V


There was once a small quiet village that had nothing to do with the world. They only had one enemy and it was Escpill Empire. The Empire had been planning to capture the village for a while and now they are going to start right now.

All I can hear is screaming, yelling and dead bodies lying on the ground. I am Hanze Fearow. My brother Beaze and I watch our village drive away. We softly cry to ourselves. Both Beaze and I look at each other at the same time. We both say at the same time “Let's kick some butt!” We both jump on our horses and gallop way, determined to save our village.

When we enter the haunted forest to the path of Escpill I get a bit worried. I know how dangerous the forest was and my little brother could be at risk. I need to protect my brother. I was suspicious by how quiet it was around here. In the faint distance I saw a small foot. I was running my heart out completely forgetting about my brother. After I had run for half a kilometre I realised I had left my brother behind. “How could I be so selfish and mean?” Just as I thinking I’ve reached the spot where I wanted to be standing but it is too late. Beaze wasn’t there anymore! I was running as fast as I could through the bushes to find Beaze. Just when I got out of the forest I saw a car drive away into the distance. Now it is just me.

Now I am determined to save my village. Just as I am at the doors of the Empire I realised that I could easily be spotted by the guards. Everywhere I went I could easily be spotted so I decided to enter by the back because it was more quiet around there. I was so lucky that the dungeons were at the back of the Empire. But there was one huge problem, there were guards at each door. I sneaked behind the small building and onto the roof. I get my bow and arrow and as quick as lighting shoot my bow at two men. But just as I open the doors of the dungeon doors a pedestrian walked by and screams for the police. I jumped into the dungeon and lock the door with a big wooden block and lock the door.

After two days of living in the dungeon without my village I thought I would die of starvation. Just as I am about to faint I heard a small knock on the door. I knew that an actual police man would knock really hard and shout at the top of his lungs but this didn’t happen, it was a small quiet tap. I slowly open the door and I’m looking at one of the most unexpected people in the world to see right now, Beaze.

Beaze explained it all to me about when Hen was in the forest that it was a monk who had found him and that he said that you looked hungry and if you wanted food. I had to say yes because he was so hungry and then he asked him if I could have some food too and then he mentioned that you were not there. Then he looked around and he was right.

I wasn't there. He suddenly started dragging Beaze into his car and he was really shocked. He said I could live with him if I became a monk, so I agreed. The very next day I was going on my casual walk and then I saw you kill the guards so I called your name but then you ran away and I was a bit worried. I came back the next day and you are right here in front of me. But there is one problem, how are we going to get the whole village out of the empire?

Beaze and I were trying to think of an escape plan to get our village out of the Empire in a very quiet way. It almost seemed impossible until Beaze remembered a secret pathway that he had gotten into the dungeon. It led to a small exit out of the Empire but it was very cramped so they all could not all fit in there, so only a few people at once. But people could see them entering so they would they need to do it when there is a village meeting, but it wouldn’t happen for another week until Christmas Eve. The whole village couldn’t eat for a very long time. Will they ever get food?

Hanze knew that his village weren’t going to survive this long without food. He was going to have to get his village out of the Empire as fast as possible. He told his idea to the village and they agreed with his idea. So that night when nearly the whole empire was asleep, the village went out to leave the Empire once and for all. They all got through without being noticed except when Hanze went through, a pedestrian saw him walk into the small lane and then looked over at the wanted sign and the face was the same and ran up to the police station. Then in only one minute the whole empire was on a hunt to find the that had escaped from the dungeon. Hanze now knew he had made biggest mistake of his life.

When Hanze and his village stopped in the forest to do a head count and then he figured out the one person was not there and that was his mum. The whole village tried to explain to him that they didn't want to tell him because they thought that it might upset you. Then for the first time in his life he was really angry. His eyes were getting red and he shouted really, really loudly. He got on his horse and started to lead the village to their home and he was planning on seeking revenge on the Empire that killed his mother.

When Hanze’s people came to the village they were safe but they knew they weren't safe for much longer, so they had an emergency lockdown. It only happened really rarely. Emergency lockdown is when a huge wall goes around the whole village which no one could ever climb up. Now the village were truly safe.

Three years later Hanze was still seeking for revenge. In that time nuclear bombs had been invented and Hanze had to go to black markets. How was Hanze going to get the bomb over there? Well there were launchers for the bombs and he could buy one of those as well. Hanze didn't need to be smart to think of all that. He aimed the bomb right at the army military and then, WALAH! The military magically exploded.

Now Hanze and his village lived in harmony without any people disturbing them at all for the rest of their lives.