Taliesin D



Chapter 1

It's been a rough year for my mum and I. My dad died and my mum is still recovering from his death. We had to move to a horrible town because we didn’t have enough money to afford our old house. I had to go to a new school, that was the worst bit about moving. In my new school there's these really mean kids who always bully me, they shove me in lockers and do other horrible things to me. They only bully me because I'm at the top of the class for every subject and they’re at the bottom for every subject.

In the morning when I walked out my front door all I could see was rubbish on the street , it was like a dump and the smell was worse. It’s like the sewage runs up your nose and makes you sick. This is why I was going to leave this town. I'd been making a time machine since I got here. I was going to go into the future and see if this town was better. I told my mum and she agreed with the idea, I could tell she hated this town as well. She told me to come back when I was done and tell her if this town gets better or worse. It was time to leave. I hopped in the time machine and started to go but then the machine started making noises and I knew something was wrong.

Chapter 2

I looked out the window that I made and I saw particles flying through the sky. I saw a massive portal. My time machine was going straight towards the portal, I couldn't stop the time machine it was too heavy to move.The sukish of the portal took my time machine. My time machine was right in front of the portal and the portal looked endless. It was like forever going black circle. Then I went through the portal. I was in the future! I looked out my window again I was falling from the sky. I thought it was the end! I couldn’t survive the fall, I was falling at a rapid speed. I was getting closer and closer to the ground. I was ready for impact.I remembered what the plane videos showed me incase of an emergency. Then I landed on something that felt like a marshmallow, but my time machine still broke into 2 pieces. I poked my head out of the crack and I saw monsters horns and massive teeth, all the monsters had them. I heard a noise from under me. I looked down and saw a monster. I pushed the time machine off him.When he got up he gave me this confused face then walked away. He was quite fat and he walked really slow. I started walking down the street and there were at least 100 monsters just looking and talking about me. I knew they didn't have humans here too often.

Chapter 3

I was out of the town now and I could see the smoke suddenly stop, I couldn’t believe how weird the smoke was and everything else in this place. I realised that if this was the future humans would be extinct. I looked at my studies of how I made the machine and I couldn't believe how many materials I would have to get to build another machine. Then from the distance I heard someone talking. I looked down the mountain and saw the monster I fell on earlier, but this time he was with a friend. I jumped behind a rock so the monsters couldn’t see me, I peeked over the rock to see if the monsters had passed but they hadn’t. Really they were sitting on top of the rock I was behind. one turned his head and saw me, I was shaking when both of them turned and looked down at me. Then the monster I fell on helped me up and said.

“You're not from here are you,” I shook my head and said,


Then he started laughing. I didn’t get what was so funny. He snatched the plans from me and said,

“I have half of these materials.” Both of the monsters ran off.

sters were here, I started to doubt that they

were coming back to help me. I heard the monsters from below. I looked down the hill and saw the monster. With a handful of materials I ran down the hill and helped them carry the materials up. The monster told me we would have to go to get the last three materials.I nodded my head then we started walking. It had been an hour of walking and my legs were killing me when we came to a massive mountain. There was a hole in the mountain with light coming out of it. I asked the monster where the next part was and he pointed to the hole in the mountain. I was relieved that we didn’t have to climb the whole mountain. We were about to climb the last bit of the mountain when the monster stopped me and told me this tale about there being trolls and goblins which I didn't believe so I started climbing. When I had vision of the hole I saw then that the tale was correct.The monster poked my shoulder and pointed upwards. I followed his finger and I saw 2 really big and fat goblins and trolls. I saw what we needed, it was used as a crown for the goblin king.We both started to walk in.We went up these really old stairs, then another set of old stairs, then it all stopped. We weren’t near the king’s head.Then the monster jumped on some rocks and started to climb, now he was next to crown, he mouthed “Run.” He grabbed the crown and jumped for the stairs, we ran down both flight of stairs then the king noticed.He started throwing boulders at us. The monster was out of the cave but I wasn't, I jumped for the gap between the boulders but I got stuck, the monster started pulling my hands but the goblins and trolls pulled on my legs, then out of nowhere a monster appeared he pulled and got me out, what a relief.

Chapter 5

It was the middle of the night and we setup camp, all looking at the stars when the silence was broken by the fat monster. He asked me what my name was,

“John,” I said, “what's your name?”

Then he said, “People call me the panda, but my name is Semon,”

I ask what the other monster’s name was.

He told me not to tell him that I said this. Then he said other people call him pizza pig but his real name is Jim. He was called this because how fat he is and his favourite food is pizza.

It was the morning and we set off for the next walk. I was still laughing from last night but I kept it in like I promised. I asked where we were going, he said.

“The Dark Forest.” I felt like I had seen that name before.I remembered at Monsterville a sign saying to never go into the Dark Forest yet we were heading straight for it. I couldn't argue, this was the only way for me to get home or into my own dimension. Semon said this walk will be longer than the last walk. Only 30 minutes of walking and my legs were killing me and I knew we still had hours before we got there. I had to think if this was the only way, but I gave up after an hour of thinking, I had to keep walking. I could see in the forest there was a sign that said ‘Beware of the Dark Forest’ and this made me feel terrified but I kept walking. They told me that if I made any noise there would be a problem. When we walked in I could see the part shining, it was so bright you could get blind from staring at it for too long It was in a hole to keep people out but I just rolled down it and slowly grabbed and screamed, “YES!” The trees turned around, they had faces and they started saying, “Get them, get them,get them!” Jim pulled me out of the hole and started running through a gap, we all followed him out of the forest but I got stuck on a tree, phew, this tree wasn't alive. The monster snapped the branch to release me and we were back in the mountains.

Chapter 6

We headed back the way we had come and I asked him where are we going?

He said, “Back to Monsterville.”

Then we headed off. Monsterville was in sight and we walked around the whole town to get to this massive house. It said ‘The President's House’. We climbed the gate and found an open window, they lifted me up and we all went into the house. An alarm went off, we all went and tried to hide. I jumped into the wardrobe and left a gap so I could see what was going on. A massive monster came in with a robot and started walking over to the wardrobe. He turned around and closed the window, he grabbed something behind the tv, it was Semon. He threw him into the robot, then he found Jim behind the bookshelf.He walked over to the wardrobe, I saw a vent and I climbed through the vent. I climbed until I was on top of the robot and I dropped on it. It broke and so I pushed the president into the wardrobe, locked it, grabbed the part and we jumped out of the window.

Chapter 7

We were back on the mountain and I made the machine. I said goodbye when suddenly they got grabbed by the president. I grabbed a spare piece of metal and threw it at the president. He fell to the ground then they jumped in with me. This time the teleporting was quicker, we didn’t fall from the sky, we were just sitting in the living room. My mum hugged me, asked me who the monsters were and I told them they were Jim and Semon and that they helped me get out. My mum said, “I want them to go.”

It’s been a year later and Jim and Semon are still here. They have been a replacement for my dad and they’ve made me a lot happier. My mum is a lot happier also. I guess she's changed her mind!


‘Another World’ is an exciting book about a boy who faces difficult challenges on his quest to find home. His dad sadly passed away and he has to move to a new town. He thinks this is the worst thing ever... but little does he know of the unusual things that are waiting for him.