Hunter F

Chapter 1 The Explosion

Timmy heard the boom sound just after the bomb went off. He felt the force of the explosion and watched as the fire quickly dominated the skyline. Timmy jumped through the broken glass window and ran straight into his bedroom where he knew he could hide. His parents had built a safe room that could be accessed from his bedroom in case of an emergency. His parents soon followed with their family pet dog named Cuddles.

They sat in the safe room for what seemed like hours trying to work out what may have happened. Timmy was sure that his friends had a good chance of surviving the explosion as safe rooms had been built all around the city and in many homes to protect people from attacks. When his parents felt it was safe enough they left the room and made their way to the study. They needed to do some research. The news were reporting that the incident was caused by a suicide bomber and thankfully no one but the bomber himself had died. Timmy felt relieved but he needed to know more. Was a suicide bomber really responsible or was there something more sinister going on?

He contacted his friends Millvon, Gabrel and Sylvia to find out whether they had witnessed what he had. They all had seen the ball of fire light the sky. All four friends curious to uncover the truth decided on a game plan. Gabrel and Sylvia would search the websites reporting the incident to check for any inconsistencies. Millvon and Timmy would search the city for any clues.

The two friends made their way to the city where they found the streets empty of people. It seemed that the explosion frightened everyone into staying in their safe rooms. While Millvon searched a dirty lane way Timmy emptied trash bins looking for anything that could give them answers. He found a white tablet that was pin code protected. Timmy wondered whether the tablet held vital clues. He knew Millvon, a computer expert could hack into any device.

Excited with what they had discovered they headed to Millvon’s house. They wanted to be sure they had found something meaningful before contacting Sylvia and Gabrel with the news. Within 30 minutes of arriving at his home, Millvon had unlocked the code to gain access to the tablet. The information was in ancient tongue and the only person they knew who could translate for them was Gabrel. They contacted her and asked her and Sylvia to meet them the following day on the corner of Millvon’s street.

After a sleepless night, the four friends met as planned. They understood the importance of deciphering the code and gave Gabrel plenty of quiet time to work it out. She translated what the four words meant - eclo delomo la temnalo - open and enter portal. The four friends in unison chanted the magic words and to their astonishment a portal opened.

They saw the most amazing scenery. A backdrop of mountains, waterfalls and running rivers. It was the most beautiful thing Timmy had ever seen. Millvon was so overcome with emotion he started to cry. Then they heard what seemed like a cry for help. Someone was calling out to them but they could not see anyone.Suddenly scared, Gabrel said, “nomanj delomo la temnalo” and the portal closed. They stood there for what seemed like hours in silence just trying to absorb what had happened. It was simply mind blowing.

“I think we should go through the portal and help whoever or whatever needs help.” said Timmy.

“What about our families? They will want to know where we are.” said Millvon with a worried face. Millvon had never slept a night away from his parents. He loved them saying good night and singing him his favourite lullaby.

Knowing that their parents would not allow them to go on the voyage if they told them the truth, the friends agreed to meet outside Timmy’s house at midnight. They would sneak out once everyone had fallen asleep. The plan was underway, they needed to be careful and not get caught.

Chapter 2 Through The Portal

Gabrel said the words again, “eclo delomo la temnalo” and the portal opened. The four friends jumped into the portal and instantly felt cold. A gust of wind blew them onto a giant marshmallow and then safely onto the ground. The scenery was beautiful, simply breathtaking. They found themselves on top of a cliff looking down at a colourful village. One by one they grabbed a big, green mint leaf and glided down to the village. As they got closer, they realised that the people were made from sweet candy. At first the village people were not friendly and appeared quite frightened by the four friends.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity the friends were welcomed into Chief Stripe’s home. He told them they had travelled into the Candy Dimension. He explained that his people were under threat from a villain who was killing them and making robots to destroy their habitat. He pleaded with them to assist him and his people. Without hesitation, the friend’s agreed. They could not bear the thought of this village being destroyed by a malicious beast.

With the help of the Chief and the candy people they devised a plan before they went to sleep. Millvon was starting to panic, worried that his parents would be looking for him. Timmy on the other hand was excited and ready to face whatever was thrown at him. The following morning, accompanied by a team of candy people the four friends wandered into the forest.

Within two hours of leaving the town centre they spotted what appeared like a castle in the distance. They knew they had to approach the building quietly and with care. They needed to surprise the villain if they had any chance of beating him. As they got closer the beautiful colours they had seen in the town centre disappeared. The scenery was now dark and bleak.

They slowly made their way into the castle, careful not to make any noise. It was cold and empty of furniture. The walls were smeared with blood and there was a foul smell. They continued in silence walking through the castle into a section of the building that was not fully constructed. Then they stopped suddenly. In front of them stood a huge beast, half man and half animal. Frozen and unsure of what to do the four friends stood in front of the candy people protecting them from the beast.

Angrily the beast asked what the humans were doing in candy land. He thought he had destroyed earth with his missile and killed everyone on it. He knew that the only people who could protect candy land from destruction were earthlings which is why he had targeted them first.

Without waiting for the beast to finish his story the friends ran out of the castle with the candy people into the forest. They hid behind some trees and collected their thoughts.

Chapter 3 Home Sweet Home

Timmy had read about this beast. He knew the only way to destroy it was to shoot him in the stomach with a plasma gun. To his amazement the candy people had these weapons but could not operate them. They told the friends that their ancestors had passed them down from generation to generation with instructions to find humans. The only people who could destroy the beast were humans.

It was the Chief who planted the tablet in the bin on the night Timmy had found it. He had hoped that someone would crack the code and enter the portal. Luckily for the candy people the four friends were brave enough to take the voyage.

One of the candy people whistled and a dragon appeared with a plasma gun. Timmy took the gun and made his way back to the castle. His friends stayed in the forest and prayed for his safe return.

Timmy used all his willpower not to run back to the forest. The survival of a whole civilisation depended on him. He barged back into the castle and started shooting at the beast. The beast would not fall and started to make his way towards Timmy almost overpowering him. Just when Timmy thought he was going to die he heard a loud noise. It was enough to distract the beast and with one bullet to go Timmy shot the beast in the stomach. Finally he hit the ground.

Relieved Timmy turned around to see his three friends. Millvon, Gabrel and Sylvia had followed him just in case he needed help. Boy was he glad they did. They headed back to the town centre victorious. They had saved the candy people.

The townspeople celebrated for days with the four friends. When it was time to go home the Chief cast a spell so that their parents would not know they had left their houses.

Turning back one last time to wave at the candy people the four friends jumped into the portal. Within seconds they were back home.