Edward W


Chapter 1

BANG! Lightning hit the power station, fire immediately roared from the nuclear sphere causing me and my dad to go flying. Ash and smoke invaded my lungs grasping onto them, then slowly sinking in like a knife eating into a cake. I could feel some sort of lightning rushing through my veins clinging onto every blood cell. My eyes immediately lit up they started to rapidly move. Everything was a blur. Am I blind, or worse am I dead? No, pull yourself together Josh. My eyes slowly slowed down, everything was not a blur any more but my eyes and body started to slowly shut down like a phone running out of charge, then finally dying. My eyes slowly closed.

Ring ring. My first twinkle of noise in what seemind like eternity. “Here he is,” a serious fire man exclaimed. A soft silk like carer elevated me from the red hot ground. A huge flare of fire slapped me straight in the face. They carefully placed me into an ambulance that quickly sped me off to the hospital.

Chapter 2

My eyes slowly opened. “Ouch!” I exclaimed in unbearable pain. Everywhere hurt. My arms were bandaged, same with my legs and my vision was extremely blurry. I could barely move but I felt like I could run a marathon I had that much energy. “ He's awake,” the nurse screamed nearly bursting my already distorted ears. A tsunami of doctors swarmed into the room carefully examining me like I was a new species of animal on show in a zoo. “Urgh where's my dad?” The doctors stopped and pointed at a ragged old body bag with a small rip in the fabric of the bag. Drip drop drip. Small drips of tears streamed down my face dropping onto my already ripped pants making lots of small dark spots. My hands started to tremble. A dark expression ran over my face causing my head to sag down like wet tablecloth.

The next morning I woke up still mourning in grief but I was a lot better. I rang my bell and a small skinny nurse came extremely quickly, dashing down the hallway and quickly nursing my cuts and bruises. Days passed and I could still barely move but I was getting more and more energetic, I swear I could move. I swear I could run at 1000 miles per hour and go to Mexico 100 times simultaneously, but I can't move.

Chapter 3

My toes started to slightly move as a strike of pain ran through my foot, causing me to gasp in unbearable pain. My hand started to twinkle, this time the pain was more bearable to stand. I could not believe it, I could move. I slowly bent my legs, then my arms, like gears in a clock slowly clicking and clanging. A small nurse immediately scampered down the hallway hissing and hushing trying to get me to go back in my terrible hospital bed. “No, no, get back into your bed,” the worried nurse exclaimed in a desperate attempt to get me back into the horrible bed next to me. I got up and all my bones and body were so energised now I felt like I could run 100 times faster than a majestic african cheetah. The nurse had some sort of change of mind and immediately helped me on my way out with my revolting scraggy hospital dress on.

I got changed into my running clothes, then I picked myself up and I rushed off out of the hospital into a taxi that sped me off to the running track. I needed to see what it was like, but when I got there my heart sank. It was like the track was never there. The track was now part of the dreadful nuclear power station, they destroyed it then they built it again over the track. Something ran through my blood. I felt like I had felt this lightning rush before. Wait... I did in the lightning fire. My hand started to rapidly move. What’s going on? I thought to myself this could not be real, then my hands started to do the same thing. This time the rush was ultra strong, then in what felt like a millisecond, I sped off. Everything was a blur. I could not see anything but I was going in a straight line. I stopped. Where am I? Wait a second... am I on the other side of my country, Consteraunca the side of Bondilesiny where I live? The rush kicked in again and I immediately sped home. Everything was still and extremely blurry. I stopped at a halt. My shoes were basically ruined, luckily I had some spare shoes in my ragged sports bag so I put them on .


It had been two months since the the accident happened. I had fully recovered and l was going to Nuclutec to shut it down and get revenge on my dad and all the other innocent people that got killed for stupid land.

The lightning kicked in but this time I knew how to control it. My legs felt so energetic. A blur that's how I could describe it, a total and utter blur. I got faster and faster. For some reason it got less blurry. I stopped at a halt and my feet dug into the loose gravel on the road next to Nuclatec. I ran into a rusty old building. A cloud of toxic gas smacked me in the face causing my eyes and nose to water like crazy, my lungs felt like they had a fire inside them evaporating every last spec of air. I moved on. I looked around the place, it was deserted. No one was there, not even a fly or a rodent, but the stench in the air reminded me where I was and it was not pretty. There was moss and slime everywhere, you could hardly step without getting your foot completely drenched with disgusting green slime.

I was on the second floor, it was cold, a bit too cold. Slowly, a huge blanket of darkness caved over my head. Lightning immediately struck from the cloud. I immediately dodged the strike. My body was energized now and my body vibrated, then I sped off trying to find who had caused the attack. I scanned the room. My eyes landed on someone in the corner. He looked quite slim and he looked like he had mini clouds on his hands. The clouds had lightning and rain coming out of them. How could this be that there is another person with powers? That means that there has to be more people with spectacular powers. I thought I was the only one to ever have powers. I thought that I was special but it turned that I was not special. “What do you want?” the mystery man said. I did not reply, “Ooh he's a quiet one.”

“Be quiet” I snapped. The slender man slowly floated towards the light shone on him. I could see him, now he was floating on what looked like cloud. He modestly drifted towards me, his face had a scar on it going across his eye, causing him to look less appealing than I imagined. Two huge lightning bolts came charging at me like two angry bulls, the bolts landed straight in front of me. I just dodged them then my bones and body were really energized and ready to fight. My body flashed and in almost an instant I uppercutted him causing the ragged man to stumble over. The hail almost immediately smashed the ground causing shards of ice to go flying, then hit me. My body had cuts and bruises and my vision was starting to get blurry. I needed to beat this guy for me and my dad . I could see that he was getting the slightest bit tired so I used all my remaining power and I forged up an ultra mega super punch knocking the slime man off his feet and onto his back. Smack! The man's back smashed into the rock hard floor causing the man to gasp in unbearable pain. He did not get back. I slowly limped to a dark corner so no one could see me, to rest and to get my energy back up .

Thump thump. My feet slowly hit the ground as I slowly walked to the very top of the building . My legs were now more energetic, same with my body. As I peeped into the mysterious room, a flash of light blinded me. Smash! A huge mystic blast power ball hit me in the middle of the forehead causing me to be stunned for couple of seconds. My eyes snapped back, my body had a sudden rush of coldness. I quickly moved and I smashed into a hard object. My body sat itself down but I immediately got back up. Pow! A huge blast of energy came charging at me like a big fat bull. I quickly dodged it. I looked up at a tall chubby person. I felt like I had seen this enormous object before. Wait, I think I saw him on the television. It's the boss of Nuclatec. I went to move but it felt like something was holding me back. “Wow Josh, I am surprised that you survived.” “You have killed Casey, he managed to kill your dad, but you killed him. Pathetic. Oh well, I can just modify another person to do my dirty work but I can assure you that you will not beat me.”

I was getting tired and he was barely scratched. He put a stone in his hand and a huge wave of energy hit me straight in the face. I was losing energy fast and my vision was extremely blurry. I was fighting to keep myself up, but I could see that every time he used his stone to enhance his powers, it drained his energy. My eyes started to close but I could not pass out or worse die. I was also bleeding out. Suddenly a huge rush of lightning rushed through my blood and my body, making my eyes light up. My muscles tensed making a dent in the ground. My legs sprung me off the ground at an ultra fast speed. There was lightning revolving around my hand. I ultra punched to the chest and the man went flying, smashing into the ground taking gravel and paint with him. Blood burst out of every part of his body. He groaned then his eyes close and he does not get back up. I limped to the stairs and I use the last of my energy to speed me off to the hospital.

Chapter 5

My eyes slowly shuttered open. Blink, blink. “Urgh, where am I?” I gasped in pain. Everything hurt, my arms and legs were distorted in a horrible way. I went to move them but it was like a pair of 2000 kg weights were on my each and every finger. I went to go to open my mouth, but my jaw was out of place causing me to silently gasp in unbearable pain. In the corner of my eye, I could see a small slim nurse speeding up the hallway with a big tray of food and water. In a matter of seconds the nurse was in my face forcing food into it. “Are you okay?” the nurse said nervously.

“Yes I'm fine, how are you?”

“I'm good. Now back to you, you are lucky that you survived that fight.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“And did you hear that Nuclatec got shut down?”

“Seriously, it got shut down?”

“Why are you so happy?”

“Well, well, I guess I don't know why I am so happy.”

I could not believe it. Nuclatec got shut down, all my hard work paid off. Finally the world was now free from the dreaded ways of Nuclatec.

Chapter 6

Its been 3 months since Nuclatec got shut down and I have my own statue in the middle of my city for bravery and justice. If you have not already guessed, I am now a fully fledged superhero and it is the most awesome job in the world. I love fighting crime.


Josh Smart is an ordinary boy with a hint of amazing athletic talent, but in almost an instant his perfect world will be turned around like crazy . Watch Josh overcome tragic moments and cherish uplifting times. To read all this, turn to the first page of this amazing book called ‘Lightning strikes’.