Jahn K

Tyson’s Quest to Find the Indestructible Stone

Chapter 1: Call to Adventure:

Tyson had an unforgettable dream about his dead parents, it was like they were trying to tell him something but nothing came out clearly. But then one sentence came out clear, his mum whispered, “Tyson you’re a sorcerer. Complete the quest me and your father never completed, retrieve the indestructible stone before Scyther does and save the planet.

He woke up, took some deep breaths and calmly said, “So the fate of the world is in my hands?”

“So now I guess I can source power, yeah right like I'm going to believe that stupid dream.”

As he tried to push the fire out of his hand he had a huge look of doubt on his face and then he was amazed with himself, fire was actually in his very hands. He was confused but yet amazed. He said to himself, “If I’m going to save this world I may aswell do it in style.” He grabbed his cloak that was blue and put a belt around his waist. As soon as Tyson had done all that he zoomed out the door, stood in a pose and said, “Adventure awaits.” He scratched his beard then sprinted off to Amy, then John’s house and started the journey.

Chapter 2: Onwards We Go

Tyson, Amy and John started climbing the foggy and misty snow covered mountain, they knew it wasn’t going to be easy. They continued to climb up the mountain with their grapple hooks, digging them into the side of the mountain. As they went on, five minutes seemed like one hour. Their arms were aching as they slowly climbed up the mountain.

They finally found a surface they could rest on and ate some of the food they had packed.

Suddenly John cried out, “Watch out avalanche!” They saw a cave carved into the vast mountain. They hid themselves there until it had settled down or stopped. The entrance of the cave was blocked by tons of snow. “Now what?” Amy questioned while twirling her hair. “Simple just dig out the snow,” Tyson answered.

“But it’s going to take so long,” Amy complained.

“Well what other choice do we have Amy?” Tyson answered.

As they scooped the snow from the entrance John wondered what was going to be at the top of the mountain. They eventually cleared all the snow out of the entrance and continued to climb. As they went higher and higher it continued to get more and more cold. There woolly jumpers weren’t going to keep them warm forever. They finally made it to the top of the snowy mountain.

Chapter 3: The King of the Mountain:

Suddenly a huge creature popped out of nowhere with white fur and large horns it definitely didn’t seem friendly. It started throwing huge boulders at the group of friends, obviously he was hostile. John distracted the creature while Tyson was throwing fireballs at his back. The creature noticed Tyson and charged at him with his two horns and a angry look on his face. Amy found a rope behind her wondering how it got there. She picked it up and lassoed it around the creature's legs like a cowboy but the creature didn’t lose balance at all, he remained up then charged at Tyson once more. Tyson timed himself perfectly right and slid under the creature’s legs and fireballed him in the back once more until the creature decided he had had enough. The creature left them alone and lay on the ground where he could barely move.

Tyson and his group headed back down the mountain knowing he had defeated the snow creature but he also knew that it was only the first trial.

Chapter 4: The Violent Woods

They eventually made it down the mountain where they continued on and followed their path to the woods. “We have made it to our second trial. Ha, piece of cake I can handle going through some trees,” Tyson arrogantly said. He pushed the fire out of his hand and used it like the fire was a torch and lit up the path for the group.

They entered the incredibly dark woods, all were scared except for Tyson, he did not show any sign of fear whatsoever. They continued to stroll until a wolf pack jumped in their path, they had vicious eyes and showed their teeth to them. As soon as they knew, it the wolves started to attack. They swiftly fought back putting in all they had. It didn’t seem to be enough there were just too many of them until John and Amy wanted to be brave for a change and help Tyson. One by one they took out the wolves with only their hands and continued their journey leaving the woods with major bite marks and scars, they did not back down from their journey.

Chapter 5: Road to Glory

They continued on their path to the dark realm until they faced a river. One by one the group used the rocks sprinkled across the river to jump their way to the other side. They went on for weeks trying to find the dark realm. Until one day they fell into a very deep hole. They screamed their heads off and continued to fall.

They fell into a place seeming like hell but a little bit darker.

“Could it be the dark realm?” Tyson questioned. They looked around some more and wondered.

Chapter 6: The Dark Realm

Tyson slowly entered the dark realm with Amy and John. It had felt like entering the gates of hell. As they slowly entered they saw smokey black clouds, the pitch black sky and the roars of the fierce thunder. Dead trees were sprinkled everywhere over the realm and there was also tons of ghastly sounds coming from everywhere. The wind whistled as the trees swayed side to side. The smell of smoke flooded the air. And they had only been halfway. Suddenly a huge lizard like monster jumped in there path. The monster spat out huge fireballs from its mouth. One fireball burnt Tyson’s arm, then he couldn’t summon the fire from the arm that was burnt giving him a disadvantage for the big battle against Scyther. John sliced the monster open with his blade. Green ooze spat from the inside of the monster. They finally made it to the palace where the indestructible stone lay in Scyther’s very hands.

Chapter 7: The last Trial

Tyson pulled on the knob of the huge door and entered inside. A voice out of nowhere started saying, “It’s about time you’ve made it. There is something I have to tell you. I am your Uncle. I killed your father and your mum.” Tyson said, “All this time I’ve been trying to find out who it was, you will pay for this,” and ran at him like a psychopath with flames fuming from his left hand. Scyther summoned lightning, striking Tyson badly. “Why are you doing this?” Tyson questioned with a weak voice, Scyther answered, “Because your father was better than me at everything, so I killed him. He made me like this.” Tyson lay on the ground shocked. After that John and Amy did the same thing but charging at Scyther with swords. That gave Tyson enough time to recover and he threw a fireball at Scyther’s hand. The fireball burnt him and and the stone fell out from his hand. John grabbed it and zoomed out the door escaping the palace with Amy and Tyson. But Scyther wasn’t done yet, he sent out his minions to get the indestructible stone. Tyson threw one humongous fireball at the horde of minions and took them all out in one hit. They made it to the hole and grapple hooked their way up swiftly.

Chapter 8: The Return Home

They took the long trip home and felt honoured that they had saved the planet from evil. They took deep breaths of relief. They started the journey back and Tyson had an illusion of his parents congratulating Tyson on saving the world, his father saying, “You were able to do what we could not, so we congratulate you.” Tyson slept well knowing he was safe.


‘Tyson charged at Scyther with fuming flames from his hands…’

Save the world with Tyson and his friends by joining him on his quest to stop the evil forces from taking over the world. On his journey he faces many foes as he attempts to find the indestructible stone. Read this life-threatening quest to find out more.

‘This is a great book for thrill seekers or people that just want to read an exciting book.’

The Daily Telegraph