Charlie G


NNNOOO! I screamed as I saw the murderer shanked my father. I run for my life to my mum whilst balling my eyes out. I soon found out that she saw it to from our balcony. My mum had already called the police and the ambulance, but when the ambulance came it was too late. The police arrested him and said that his name was Jim and he had killed many people before. That was the end of my father’s life.

Chapter 1 Memories

Three years later.

“Bye”, I said as I waved my mum goodbye. She was going to the port in town to go on a weekend cruise. I was absolutely shattered after 3 games of sport on Thursday (yesterday). I slowly strolled over to my bedroom and heaved multiple donnas on my back at once, and again slowly strolled back to the living room and slopped onto nanny’s ancient couch whilst trying to keep balanced because of how many donnas I was holding. I turned the TV on and went to sleep thinking about my father who died 3 years ago by a murderer.

I suddenly woke up to the sound of a news flash. I bolted upright and listened carefully. It said BREAKING NEWS - a murderer has escaped from prison. He has a black beard, blue eyes, brown styled hair and he is wearing a full black tracksuit. No one knows of his current location. If you do happen to see him, you are urged to call Crime Stoppers at 1800 333 000.

I got out from under the donnas and sprinted to the phone and tried to call mum, but she didn’t pick up.

Chapter 2 Face Your Fears

I looked up at the window and there he was a black bearded man with blue eyes, brown styled hair and a full black tracksuit. I was terrified. I went to call mum again but someone had cut the cord. As I slowly turned back to the window I saw the man of my nightmare. He was much closer, but I realised that there were no foot prints on the snow where he was standing. I turned around very slowly – “AAAHHH!”, I screamed as I looked directly into his blue eyes. To my shock and horror, he wasn’t outside in the snow. He was actually standing right behind me in my lounge room. I bolted to my bedroom and hid under my bed trying to hold my breath. “Come on out little girl, I won’t bite. I promise” as he slowly crept into my room. I silently got out from under my bed and jumped out of the window and onto the porch and rushed to the forest opposite our house painting.

Good I think I lost him I said to myself as I walked past a cave. I walked in and it was dark and scary but it would have to do. I slowly went to sleep dreaming about staying alive. With some hope I will last the night I said to myself. I woke up to the sound of someone laughing AAAHHH! It was the murderer. I sprinted for my life. He was right at my tail and I had to do something, something big. I trailed him back home so I could get the mobile phone and call the FBI so that they can arrested him.

Chapter 3 The Plan

So I sprinted for my life to the house. After a few minutes I got there. Yes I said to myself. I haven’t died yet. I opened the door and picked up the mobile phone and dialed the police. I walked into the kitchen and guess who I saw? It was the murderer. I ran out with the phone but I hung up because I was running. Back into the forest I went. The phone had nearly run out of battery. I got worried so I called the FBI in a quick manner whilst I was still running away from him. The FBI answered and I said “Help me. A murderer is chasing me. Help me.”

They said “Ok, where are you?”

“I’m at Number One Oxford Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Just please help me. My mum’s on a cruise and my dad died three years ago. I’m home alone.”

She says “Ok, we are on our way.” Then she hung up and I was left alone with no one.

I ran outside into the open and I heard nothing but birds chirping deep in the forest and began thinking to myself about how I had survived this without anyone helping me and that I’m pretty much an adult.

Wait I said to myself ... what if he killed my father?

What if he knows who killed my father and he knows that I am his daughter?

What if he is still out there searching for me because of my nightmares?