Peter K

Nick saw red, yellow, orange leaves which were ready to fall. Nick was surrounded by trees that were as tall as skyscrapers. He was lying in a large pyramid-shaped tent with his best mate Daniel. Luckily he wasn’t alone in this large bushland. Nick loved nature and sleeping outdoors and Daniel was one of those kids who loved eating food. He could eat every hour if he was allowed. The two of them could hear birds chirping like a chorus of voices of angels. Suddenly, the chirping stopped. It was pitch black and the two of them could hear peculiar sounds not very far from them. They were high pitched and were terrifying. It sounded like lions roaring and tigers making unpleasant sounds. It gave them the creeps.

Nick was so terrified that his body was quivering. Daniel could smell a foul breath inches away from him. He went outside with his black, small torch and turned it on. He saw a creature that had pale eyes that were the size of large lemons and was an orange hairy beast. The creature ran quickly towards Daniel. He desperately tried to escape but the creature grabbed him and bit him on his right arm. “AHHH!!!!” Daniel screamed.

As Nick tried to comfort Daniel, out of the high trees an elderly man with a grey bushy beard appeared. This man was holding a weapon in his right wrinkly hand. He pointed his tranquilizer gun towards the creature and it bolted. Nick saw Daniel was wincing in pain as if he was going to die. He was very dizzy and fell down on to the lush grass, just outside of the tent.

The next morning Nick woke up in shock. Outside the tent he saw a hairy, small, green creature with one massive eye. “Daniel,” he said edging towards the beast. “Is that you?” He figured it was Daniel because he was wearing his clothes.

“Help me! I've turned into a monster!” shouted Daniel. Nick looked petrified. A wiseman appeared from behind the tent and he looked weary. He was a wiseman because he was tall and looked very intelligent.

“You!” said the wiseman, pointing his long finger straight towards Nick.

“Who are you?” said Nick, ready to punch him out.

“I'm a wiseman” replied the wiseman.

The wiseman rubbed the sandy ground and magically an ancient looking door appeared.

It had a big monster on the ancient door that made note him, that there’s a monster once you open the door.

“You have to open this door because it leads to Monster Island. You must destroy the king monster of the island. Take this sword to kill the monster who keeps medicines that turn monster’s back into humans,” explained the wiseman.

Nick stared at the long gold sword. The sword looked rare and expensive and like it hadn't been used before because of how shiny it was. Once Nick was holding the sword, it glowed like a bright star.

“Nick, this sword relates to you because your Grandfather owned this sword 100 years ago. He too was intending to kill the king monster of the Monster Island. Unfortunately, he was unsuccessful. Now everyone in this world is depending on you,’’ explained the wiseman.

‘’How do you know my Grandfather?”

“We were neighbours and after a few years later my mum decided to invite over your grandfather to my house, since it was one block away from my house.”

“So that means Daniel will be saved?” said Nick.

“Correct,” replied the Wisman.

To Nick’s horror, the wiseman opened the ancient door and placed his hands on Nick’s back and pushed him through the door into Monster Island. He fell in the door for a long time and saw clouds while he was falling. He could see floating islands like clouds beneath him. He fell to the muddy ground with a bang.

Nick raised his head gingerly. In the distance, he saw an enormous, green, ugly monster. The monster stood tall and Nick could see the medicine bottles hanging on the monster’s belt. Within seconds he had to make a quick decision. The monster with all the medicines on his belt began to approach him. Something told him that this monster was hungry and evil. The monster used his thick hairy arm to wipe the dribble running down his mouth. The monster grabbed Nick and was ready to eat a scrumptious lunch. Nick was facing upside down and he quickly grabbed his sword and used it as a spear. He threw the sword

so hard that it was going as fast as a lighting bolt. The sword hit the monster’s girth and a tremendous amount of green slime oozed out of his tummy.

Within a few minutes, Nick could see a river of slime surrounding him. He had to swim quickly to get the medicine off the belt because Daniel would remain a monster forever. In just a few minutes Nick managed to get the medicine just in time for Daniel. He made his way back to the ancient door.

Daniel was surprised that Nick managed to survive. He quickly drank the medicine and transformed back to a normal human being. Nick’s body was full of slime and could feel the chill in his bones. “How did you get out of the Monster Island?” said Daniel.

“I magically flew out of the island to the door,” said Nick.

Daniel looked amazed. The wiseman interrupted Nick’s conversation with Daniel.

“You!” exclaimed the wiseman, in a very harsh tone. “You have to complete an impossible mission that may kill you.” Nick looked extremely scared and not really prepared for this mission. “You have to find the creature that that turned Daniel into a monster.”

“Why?” said Nick looking puzzled.

“Because everyone in this world is turning into a monster because of the creature. I will give you a clue little boy, the creature is somewhere in this large forest. Off you go now and good luck,” said the wiseman, cheerfully.

Nick began to walk forlorn in the large forest. Daniel couldn’t search for the creature because he felt exhausted and sick. “Stop,” said the wiseman. “Use this tranquilizer gun to make the creature fall asleep when you find it.” Nick grabbed the tranquilizer gun with his strong hands and was searched it thoroughly. Then he heard a weird sound that made him shiver. Nick checked his surroundings and behind a large tree he saw the vicious creature with razor sharp teeth. The creature looked like it was ready to bite his head of. Nick quickly pulled the trigger with all his might and the tranquilizer bullet flew out of the gun. It hit the creature’s leg and within a few seconds the creature fell to the rough ground and was fast asleep.

Later that night zookeepers arrived, congratulating him. He felt so proud of himself. “Well done,” the wiseman said, looking astonished. “You just completed an impossible mission that no one has completed in the entire universe,” he told him again, not believing the situation. The zookeepers grabbed the creature by the neck and dragged him along the floor.

“This creature,” said a young male zookeeper, “is supposed to be an extinct animal in Tasmania. It was an orange striped animal with razor sharp teeth, and this is it.” The zookeeper grabbed the creature and explained that he was going to take good care of it.

The next day Nick saw his friends at the front of his porch, praising him for his bravery. Instead of going with them to his dirty, messy bedroom that has pieces of rubbish scattered everywhere on his wooden floor, they entered the living room which was completely clean.

“Congratulations,” said one his best mates for the second time. Daniel was saved which meant a lot to Nick and everyone else in this world. Nick didn't have to do any more difficult adventures, which made him more relaxed. His father said that he earned himself a holiday to Hawaii with all his friends, including Daniel, where he could enjoy the delicious pizzas for dinner and where he could also drink whatever soft drink he wants at their nice beaches. He played with his friends and was recognised for his bravery and resilience. He was very happy and he thought to himself that in life, everyday is a good day.