Jerome Y


by Jerome Younan

I have just woken up and went for a nice walk in Belmore Park.

As l walked up to the bench a little bunny hopped right in front of me. l got so shocked that l fell over and rolled down the hill. This bunny would not let me go up and he was really annoying me big time. l just decided to go around the mountain and sat down and my iPhone 7 Plus went off, ding ding, ding. l answered.

"Hi I'm from SS Secret Service Clubber. Your brother has been shot. Sorry to break the news you.”

"What? Who shot him?”

"I have no idea. Ring 04076573. He has answers.”

I started to walk home to break the news to my mum. My dad passed away a few years back. As l approached the door my body was going to fall and my throat felt sore from sadness.

Knock, knock.

“Who's at the door?”

“Me” l said under my voice.

"Mum you know how Jimmy went overseas. He got shot by some man for doing something.”

"When did it happen happened? How? Where?”

"l don't know but a person from SS gave me a number who does know who. I’m going to get an answer no matter what.”

I pulled out my phone and banged a few digits in.

“Hello, who is this?”

“This is Clubber Vinwood.”

“Someone told me you know who killed my brother. Is that correct?”

“Jimmy, right?”

"Yeah, he is my brother.”

“Steve Miceness. He lives at 670 Mitchell Road. Go to him if you want more information. Just give me a ring.”

“Thank you so much for this. Come meet me at Cessnock Park, Ohio!”

“I’m on my way mate.”

I caught a plane to Ohio. It’s a two hour trip. As l approached the park I saw a man in big black robe. I walked towards him and said “How are you?”

“Good. I've got a tracker on him. Take the remote and seek your revenge on him.”

"Don't mind if a do.”

I walked following the tracker he gave to me. l thought l could see him in a distant hospital. I wondered why he is in a random hospital. l walked in and ear-dropped overhearing him saying meet me in a week or two in a secluded place. I followed him out of the hospital.

"Hey, you. Lookin at me you pervert!

"No I’m not perve just lurking around.”

He ran to his car and zoomed off. I hopped in my Ford Raptor (the beast) and I zoomed after him. It was hard to keep up. I booked a hotel to sleep in.

As the morning came l went to his location. He was talking to a man whom he called his assistant. l thought what better way to get someone scared than by killing their best friend. I waited a few but failed to get him there. Then I saw him at 66 Day Street and said “There is 1000 dollars in there. Steve put it in there.”

"That money is all mine.”

“It’s in room twelve, level 61.”

I snuck up really close to him and pulled out my pistil. Bang, bang, the bullet shot at the speed of sound. He dropped and said “You may have killed me but l know Steve. He will put a fight and I’m warning you, mark my words, you don’t stand a chance at him.”

A man hopped out behind a car l bolted away. "Stop right there sonny.” l completely ignored him and ran down 61 whole steps and outside and hopped on the back of a car.

“Beep, beep, get of my car now you annoying person.” l hopped off and jumped into someone’s semi-trailer. l ducked down so now the driver could not see me. He turned at a huge angle and l fell off l ran back to the hotel. l researched this man Steve Miceness all night long and l found out he was in Chicago. I caught the soonest fight to Chicago. The plane just landed and l stared to get a signal. It beeped people who woke up and got angry. I said in my head people need to anger management lessons. I followed the tracker to Sultan Hotel. It’s on top of a pub that looks sketchy. I followed the tracker to room 14b. l put all the force from my body and kicked down the door.

"Steve put your dirty hands on the wall right now.”

"Who's Steve? I'm Mike Mcalester. I'm just a pedestrian. Here is my ID. Look.”

It said clearly Mike Mcalester. I left the room in so much frustration. I was really angry so l decided to go for a nice walk along Chills Beach. This beach is known for being the most secluded beach in the world. It is a 6 hour walk through bush to get there, but once you get, it is all worth it. I swam for around 39 minutes and l booked an Uber to get home.

When l got to the hotel I thought maybe after all of this time that man was really Steve. It all made sense. He got away and was a smart cookie. If I’m going to stand a chance l need to get some guns now. I entered Safari Firearms and l walked up to the counter.

“Hello mate, I’m looking for a distance gun but it has to gonna instan kill mate."

"Show me your license.”

"Here you go mate.”

“Right I’ll set you up with the 308 T-Bolt browning.”

"How much is 3400 dollars? You can’t go wrong with this gun mate. Just being honest with you here.

I reached down into my pocket and pulled my wallet out l started to count 100, 200, 300, 400 and so on.

"3400 dollars mate, right here.”

“Here is your rifle. Hunt as careful as possible.”


How on earth am l going to find him? I must to go back home to that tree and just pray there is a sample of his hair that may have fallen off. l caught 3 flights to get to the tree. l pulled out my magnifying glass and searched for black hair. l was lucky enough to find a single strand of hair. All l have to do now is take this to BBC. Now to ring PF.

(Ring tone)

"Hi who would you like to search?”

“Steve Miceness please. He is in Ohio.”

"Ok here is Steve’s number, 04764675. I’ll forward him to you right now.”

"Hi who's this?”

"Hi this is Greg. Can you meet me somewhere please?”

"Good try clubber. l know ya trying to kill me but you can’t keep up with me mate. I'm way too quick for you mate.”

I think l need to go get the findaphene from the tech people. I’m smart but l have to get it off President Kickbutt. She controls all of the superheroes that live with us. He usually lives in a blimp. l went to go get a flight. It is around 49 minutes. I have spent 6000 grand just on plane trips trying to get this Steve.

When I arrived l searched more than half of the town until l came to a big blimp in the Garo Desert. l pulled out my rifle and shot a hole in it. It should have come down. Soon enough when air comes out it started to get lower and lower until it hit the ground head first. l bolted up to it and walked in.

“l want President Kickbutt now. l want the findaphene device now. l need it now.”

"Who now?” said Kickbutt.

“Steve Micenesss.”

"Steve. Hate that man so much. Come in and l will give you the device to go and get him. He killed my brother four years back. When you kill him just remember to take a photo and bring the device back as soon as your done with that disgrace to earth. You are fulfilling so many people’s hearts.”

I grabbed the device out of a case. The code was ssbbtt. l took it all back to Mount Chille. l sat down on a bench and typed in Steve Micenes.

"Guess what? It’s me, Kickbutt. Steve is my husband. You just got fooled like a little baby.”

"Steve, Steve. l will get Steve. No matter what l will find you, even if l have to kill 10 000 000 000 people just to get you killed.”

I decided to call the one and only GT. He is the man that will find anyone in this world. This man is no ordinary man. He is the smartest man in the world and the strongest man in the world. He is just an all-round expert. He will find Steve. I'm pretty sure he lives in Belmore in JPD Street. I taxi there and it was a half hour drive.

"Go mate. Do you know anything about this man Steve? He is really annoying me. I’ll get him no matter what.”

“Steve he is annoying. H is my brother and he ditched me when l turned 18. l still know his address. You can kill the man. l don’t care. He is in a hut in the bush. Come meet his parents first.”


“I’ll take you there instead.”

As we pulled up Steve”s mum said “Who are you?”

"I’m a man who wants to kill Steve. He killed my youngest brother 4 weeks ago.”

"Come in. I hate my own son. My son just ditched us a few years ago. He tried to come back after two years but l said you put me through all of this stress. He said he was going to live an evil life. Up to that day l hate him.”

“Did he have a dad growing up because sometimes people run wild and become villains because they did not have a dad as a kid.”

"Maybe your right. We had a divorce when he was six years old. Ever since he kind of became depressed in a way. He would just never talk to anyone. He would put his head onto his pillow and not go to school. He would just sit home and cry. Everyone at school would try to help but it did not work. He sometimes would hit them in the face. No one started to like him after he turned 15. He went away and did nothing good. His life was just depressed. He really had a bad childhood as a kid. We all feel sorry for him. I'm not sure why I didn't get depressed at that time in my life. Now we have a chip in his head that shows us where he is. It is in my room. I’ll go get the remote now. Here is the remote. Take it and go kill my son. Wish l would never have to say that but it needs to happen. He has taken so many lives.”

I followed the tracker to south east Asia. I’m really getting tired of following this man from country to country but now l have a 100% chance of getting him because the tracker is in his head and he does not even know it is in his head. It tracked him to a pub. He was sitting down playing pool. He beat the guy who ran away. Steve chased right after him. He got closer and closer till he was in a road with a dead end. l quickly got my gun from my bag.

I lent on the top of a bin waiting to kill him. The thing I’ve wanted to do for 3 months now. I adjusted my crosshairs right on his forehead. Bang, bang. l shot both of them so there is no evidence of anything ever happening. l ran up to him and said “You just got clubbed.” l started to walk to the airport.

“Mum, I’m home.”

"Hi check your phone.”

699 miss calls from mum.

"You could have just told the cops.”

“I’m an idiot. Now we can just carry on with our lives."