

from the principal

Learning Conversations: A Big Change in How We Report!

I had a conversation with some DPS parents at the end of Term 1 after Learning Conversations. I was explaining the graph inside HERO that shows where your child sits against the New Zealand Curriculum...but during part of the conversation it came up that schools are different in how they report achievement and progress.

The difference is between reporting on what children ‘can do’ (Mastery) and what they are ‘learning to do’ (Working Level). At DPS we have always reported ‘Mastery’.

Bad analogy...but it is like learning how to play a guitar. If a child could play the ‘E’ chord, and was just starting to learn ‘A,’ it could be reported differently. Mastery reporting would tell parents that the learner has ‘mastered’ the ‘E’ chord, whereas Working Level reporting would say that the child’s ‘working level’ is at the ‘A’ chord. In both situations the learner's skill is identical, but reported in two different ways.

The discussion with the parents stuck with me, and I instigated a chat with our school leaders about whether we needed to consider changing from ‘Mastery’ reporting to ‘Working Level’ reporting? Time was spent investigating this...local schools were checked, and Wellington schools, and we checked nationally as well. The end result? We were part of a very, very small group reporting ‘Mastery’ rather than ‘Working Level’ well as the only local school to be reporting in this way. It became apparent that it was time to change.

Alongside all of this the staff have been working through an intensive online course this year with Dr Ann Milne. The course is a critical look at culture, particularly Māori culture, and the way education has affected generations of learners. As we were re-wording our reporting language we came across a section of work looking at the idea of ‘Poutama’, and a Te Ao Māori view of learning. The article is here if you would like to read it.

Inspired by our learning, working alongside Waireka (our Board Chair) and others, we have changed the wording that will go on our HERO graphs to better reflect this idea of learning being something that children come to us doing, and leave us continuing to do. Our graph will have a key with 4 steps to it...the language we have developed will be used to describe where your child is on the graph.

Kua Tīmata - Working Towards

Kua Mārama - Working Within

Kua Mōhio - Working Beyond

Kua Matatau - Working Consistently Above

We believe that this language better captures what real learning looks like, that this language has a bias towards progress, and that the language makes it clear where your child is and where they are headed.

Next week I will show how the graphs look in HERO, and give a preview of what you can expect at the Learning Conversations in Week 10. We are excited about the change, and excited that we can discuss this change with you face to face during the Learning Conversations, as we look at where your child has come from, where they are, and where to next in order to further progress their learning.

Alert Level 2 Reminders


  • Physical distancing for parents is the standard 2m distance. Student to student it’s they can’t be close enough to ‘smell someone's breath’, and no touching of anyone.

  • Hygiene is paramount at the moment. This includes coughing into their elbows, handwashing and drying and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.

  • Masks: Optional for students and staff, but encouraged for all parents and visitors coming into school

For whānau/caregivers:

  • Drop off and pickup will be different. We are required to keep a register of ALL people who come into school. Hands will be sanitised on entry.

  • Entry to school will only be through our main driveway gates

  • Children can also enter via the Kummer Crescent gate, but not adults.

  • Access to school for drop off time is from 8.15am and pickup from 2.45pm.

  • The Office will be open, but if you can call or email that would be better.

For children:

  • Students are to stay at home if they are sick and we will send anyone home immediately if they show any symptoms. Please, keep your children home if unwell.

  • Each classroom has sanitiser and children will use this as they enter/exit classes.

  • Water fountains at school are off, so each child will need a named water bottle

Check out these awesome learners

The theme for Conservation Week 2021 was "Noticing Nature". It was fabulous to see so many DPS students showing their creativity to build, make and create to show their learning about our native creatures, creating sustainable self-portraits, and explore through a nature scavenger hunt.

WRITING - Miss Eagle's homeclass

Kristian Lategan

Chapter 9

One rainy night I woke up. I went outside and broke into a museum. I looked at my side-watch and according to it I was close to a diamond. My job was to steal the diamond because it would cause world destruction. Just then I saw some guards. "Oi you!" they both said. I did a side-flip onto the other floor. Suddenly a dragon statue turned into a real dragon. Roooar! Smoke ran out his bursting nose. He had blood as hot as the sun. A message came through his mouth. He said "I am the power source king, meet me at my office in the museum tomorrow." The dragon turned back into a statue. "I should probably go," I said nervously as though I was going to get caught.... to be continued.

Lucy Monaghan

One stormy night there was fog in the midnight sky. I got really panicked because I was all alone near a haunted house. I knocked on the door. Screeeech the door opened. I jumped and ran away. I saw white sharp teeth and a black face. It was a black panther! I screamed. Someone heard me and came to get me. They took me to their secret hideout. It was beautiful. They asked if I wanted to stay there. I said yes and sleeped there for 100 years.

Shemuel Alex Jacob

A beyblade battle is going to be held today. I won every single match until my Mum came! We battled and battled and battled! Until the last match. My strategy was to use a turbo shield! My Mum used a flash launch. Finally one of the beyblades burst. Oh, lucky it wasn't mine. My Dad was the referee and he said 3, 2, 1, let it rip! It was a 3 point match, so straight away I used a turbo shield and I did the same for the third battle. I won the trophy! Yah!

Lacey Collin

One hot sunny day it was my cousin's birthday. When the party was over my cousin had a sleep over at my house. We woke up in the middle of the night and we were feeling petrified. The wind was howling as loud as a long roar. Zap, zing, lightning struck like a whale's splash in the ocean. We had a quick game of cards to help us feel better. Then we made a tower with pieces of wood and went back to sleep.

What's on at DPS?


Term 4 brings many sport opportunities.

Below is some information about the sports offered next term. Please start thinking if your child will commit to a team (or two) and if you are able to support by coaching or managing a team.

The netball sign up link can be found here.

More detailed information and the sign up links for the other sports will come out via HERO soon.

T4 Sport 2021

Community notices