

from the principal

We’re Back!

So awesome to have the school full again! So many happy, excited faces came in through the main gates this morning...and to hear the sound of children’s voices and laughter is just priceless. A school without children is a fairly drab place...but the return of our DPS Kids today has brought back the colour, fun and energy. As I wandered around the classes this morning these girls were hard at work...hard at work on their project that they had started pre-lockdown! Straight back into it, so cool.

Anne’s Gone!

The timing wasn’t ideal with the lockdown, but Anne Kershaw’s long career has come to an end during our lockdown. For 27 years she has served the Douglas Park and Cornwall St School communities and became a real fixture, a legend in the Office. Her knowledge of the job was immense...and all of us would go to her with our questions knowing that she would have the right answer! She served 3 principals in those 27 years, and in my experience, she has been an invaluable ally and support as I stepped into the role.

As a staff we compiled a video for her during lockdown...our thoughts, wishes and memories of her and shared that with her. We had a virtual ‘morning tea shout’ as well…stopped work for a cuppa, share speeches and to wish her all the best. Anne will pop back in at some stage for a face to face send off...but for now is enjoying her time at home. If you missed is worth taking the time to read some of the comments on our FaceBook post. Anne touched a lot of lives in her time, gave a lot of her time to our community and is well loved and respected.

Alert Level 2 Reminders


  • Physical distancing for parents is the standard 2m distance. Student to student it’s they can’t be close enough to ‘smell someone's breath’, and no touching of anyone.

  • Hygiene is paramount at the moment. This includes coughing into their elbows, handwashing and drying and regular cleaning of commonly touched surfaces.

  • Masks: Optional for students and staff, but encouraged for all parents and visitors coming into school

For whānau/caregivers:

  • Drop off and pickup will be different. We are required to keep a register of ALL people who come into school. Hands will be sanitised on entry.

  • Entry to school will only be through our main driveway gates

  • Children can also enter via the Kummer Crescent gate, but not adults.

  • Access to school for drop off time is from 8.15am and pickup from 2.45pm.

  • The Office will be open, but if you can call or email that would be better.

For children:

  • Students are to stay at home if they are sick and we will send anyone home immediately if they show any symptoms. Please, keep your children home if unwell.

  • Each classroom has sanitiser and children will use this as they enter/exit classes.

  • Water fountains at school are off, so each child will need a named water bottle

School Photos

We have shifted the date for these to Wednesday 15th September (next week). Please return all envelopes to the office.

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