

from the principal

Pōwhiri Welcome

Another great welcome for our new staff and students last Friday. As a school we like welcoming new people into our school whānau, marking a special moment for children and parents as they start with us. Special as well, this was the first time we have given a gift back to our new people. Rimu, last year, as part of some Inquiry Learning into reducing waste at DPS, recommended to the Board that they support new students to become waste free. For this pōwhiri our student Enviro Team had made a new beeswax wrap for each new student, our gift, and our way of helping to reduce waste. A nice link back to our Vision: Together we Nurture, Explore and Create for a Better Future.

Well done Audrey and Sylvie!

This is a cool story...really made my day on Monday. I got an email from Dannii and the Featherston Wrestling Club about Audrey and Sylvie. In the holidays they competed in the New Zealand North Island Wrestling Championships and had a great result!

  • Audrey wrestled in the Under 10 years age group and gained a silver medal.

  • Sylvie wrestled in the 10-13 year age group and achieved a silver medal.

In Dannii’s words:

Both the girls have shown huge potential of what they could achieve in years to come, particularly given this is their first national tournament and they have only been wrestling since February this year.

Audrey and Sylvie were a huge credit to our club and your school as they always represent themselves with pride.

That is awesome girls, well done on a great result! Good luck for the upcoming National Club Championships, keep representing yourselves with PRIDE and you will go far.

Great stuff Connor!

A great story from Miss Fraser this week about Connor from Kahikatea.

Connor often chooses to come to practice with me on a Monday (not even his team!) and while I was busy talking to another child, he offered to set up and run some drills. He set up all the equipment, explained clearly to the others how to play, knew what skills/techniques each drill was helping to practice and gave all the players positive praise and feedback to improve.

He’s in Josh F’s team and I mentioned this to him and he added that Connor can’t play at the moment because of an injury but still always turns up to practice to support his team without being asked!

That is awesome Connor! At DPS we talk about giving Service to others, doing things for others to help out, doing things for ‘a Better Future’. This is a great example of this in action and very cool to hear about. Keep it up Connor!

Staff Only Day - Friday 20th August

We are having a staff only day Friday 20th August. This is at the end of Week 4. We are looking at our assessment and reporting systems that day and doing some further work on our HERO platform. Many thanks in advance for your support.

Music lessons

There will be no more guitar and piano lessons at school until further notice. We apologise for the inconvenience, if you have any questions please email Olivia Walsh at

WRiting - Miss Choat's writing crew


This folder has a list of netball and hockey teams. Draws will be shared through Hero each week.


Here is the Team List for the season.

Games begin on Wednesday 4th August. The draw will be posted on Hero.

Fees are now overdue. Please email Hayley Sinton if you have any questions.


Thank you for your efforts so far this hockey season. It has been awesome to see the students developing and playing such lovely hockey.

A reminder to please ensure your child is at the game at least 10 minutes beforehand and let your child's coach know if they are unable to make it.

Finish dates:

DPS Mā, Whero and Pango: Friday 13th August 2021

DPS Kōwhai and Kikorangi: Tuesday 24th August 2021

Head Lice a problem? Check out this great deal!

Community notices

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at Te Hēpara Pai – 131 Cole St

Term 3 Atrium begins 29th July and then every Thursday 3.30 – 4.45pm

From age 3 through to teenagers we have something for them. We help them to become the best they can be.

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a foundational Christian education program which caters for all denominations. The traditions of different denominations build on the basics and we are able to offer a unique combination of cultural aspects that reflect NZ.

A quote from a parent “ it seems a most beautiful and dignified way to teach children about God.”

The program is presented in an area called an “Atrium”. Children are given “presentations” which help them explore a concept, with the catechist using a story from the Bible, or a parable, or an aspect of liturgical life. The premise is not sitting the children down and telling them “God is this...” nor is it about knowing all the answers. It is about creating an environment for them where they are safe to wonder, to explore, and to develop the answers for themselves.

Our Catechists – all trained and vetted: Liz, Emily, Anne, Richard and Heather

Contact: Liz Greville