

from the principal

Vision - Together we Nurture, Explore and Create for a Better Future

Some exciting news and recognition for us as a school, our Teacher Led Innovation Fund (TLIF) report has finally been published! Midway through 2018 we were selected by the Ministry of Education to fund a project looking into our ideas around Maker learning, and our Core Beliefs. These projects are selected nationally, and we were one of just a few primary schools chosen around NZ (only 18 primary school reports published), and the only school chosen from this region.

A team of teachers (Shaun, Rosie, Sophie, James, Kiri and Miss West) spent 18 months investigating, trialling, exploring and creating new ways of teaching in the classroom...and they had great success. The project has led to our maker culture within the school, the development and teaching of our 4 Core Beliefs (Creativity, Learner Agency, Collaboration and Critical Thinking) and the empowerment of our learners.

Being chosen, running a successful project, and being published nationally is a huge success in itself...but it is also massive recognition for the quality of our staff here at school, our thinking, our direction...and recognition that our awesome learners are getting some fantastic, research-based, cutting edge learning in class daily.

You can read the report here

Neuroscience Lessons for us as Parents

I’ve come across a wonderful, wonderful resource that I’m going to share with you in the newsletter over the term. Nathan Makaere Wallis is a well known NZ neuroscience educator. He has partnered with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu to create a set of videos for parents explaining the neuroscience of learning.

In this week's video Nathan speaks about Learning through Play, and explains the success behind Finland as a country that tops the academic charts each year. As a school system Finland has embraced the research around play-based learning, and has done some very bold things (reduced the school year, reduced the amount of time each week at school...and increased the amount of time for play) that have led to them being held up as the country with the best academic results in the world. Some messages from Nathan:

  • Academic learning needs to come on top of play, play is how children learn

  • “What they are doing in play is more cognitively advanced, does more for brain development than bringing them to the mat to learn to say the letter ‘b’.

  • “Play is what makes your child, as a human being, intelligent”.

He mentions that academic instruction is still important...and it is...but needs to sit inside a learning environment where play is valued, nurtured and developed.

For us at DPS this idea of play is well entrenched now. Both Rimu and Kowhai run play-based classrooms...the children are taught reading/writing/maths just like any other NZ school, but they do this inside classrooms that value play, and when the child has finished their reading...they rejoin the play learning happening. We value this enough to make sure a teacher each day is part of the play...basing some of the resources and ideas around student interests (play invitations based on what the teachers notice). This teacher is there to do what Nathan speaks enhance the play, to help the children develop their skills inside the play and to show them the links to learning (how they are enacting the core beliefs for example, or how their patterning with blocks links to algebra, or how their tower construction links to the technology curriculum, or all the amazing science links being made when the children bake, explore insects/creatures and engage in water play.)

Enjoy! And give me your feedback:

Daring to Dream! - Cross Country

That time of year again...cross country! The big day is tomorrow, the children getting to show their learning in a very real, physical way. They have been preparing for the last few weeks pounding the pavements. I look forward to the struggles, the smiles, the puffed faces and the successes that tomorrow will bring.

Cross country isn’t just about running around a course, the learning is wider than that. What I like about the event is the goal setting, the determination, the failing, the resilience and the Grit needed. The event is an opportunity for these skills to be developed outside of the classroom setting. Being resilient is the face of a challenging maths problem, coming across Shakespeare at college for the first time, trying to craft an essay, standing firm when friends are making bad choices, attempting to bake scones...and cross country is just one way we provide the vehicle to develop this important skill.

Success in cross country isn’t just about coming first, it’s about tackling the challenge, and about improving self. To all those kids who struggle, who find it hard, but in the face of that improve themselves...that’s awesome, that’s the real success.

What's happening at dps?

Stay safe on the way to school, Call in to the school office to pick up your free backpack cover. We have limited stocks available.

WRiting - Renee's homeclass

I am turning six on Friday. Papa is buying all of the food.

Cadey-Lou Gilles

I saw an orange tiger. It looked like it was going to bite me. I sprinted away. I hid in the green bush.

Kaelan Hall

Please try to stay safe. Seventeen people have to move house because of the flood.

Maisy Hohepa

It is flooding. Oh no, it’s wet. We need to move to a new house.

Bowie Matthews.

Crunch! Crunch! I ate Henry and his bones because I am hungry. Look out! I will eat you all.

Cooper Suckling

It is my birthday soon and I am getting a sign post kid’s present. I will have Elsa balloons.

Milly Stark

Once I went on a holiday and I went to Napier. The best part was when we went to the playground.

Leo Wilkie

Sh! Sh! Dad is asleep and he is snoring very loudly. Mum woke up. Sh Dad! Everyone woke up. Sh! Dad!

Emma Dickon

Once upon a time I saw a tiger. I hid in the tree because I was hiding.

Zane Spierling

I am scared because it is scary. Look out! Oh! I said. It’s very scary.

Jaxon Tobin

I am at the beach in my camping bag. I like the beach.

Ashton Dyer

I see a dog. He is jumping on the grass.

Deegan Pickett


This folder has a list of netball and hockey teams. Draws will be shared through Hero each week.

Week 5 Term 2

DPS Cross Country

This will be held on Friday 4th June. The first race starts at 11.15am. Please arrive in plenty of time as we cannot give accurate start times and do not want you to miss it - Some races are very quick!

Order of Races

Year 3 boys and girls

Year 2 boys and girls

Rimu boys and girls

Year 4 boys and girls

Year 5 boys and girls

Year 6 boys and girls

Students can wear their sports uniform or dress in their house colour (Sheppard = Blue, Rutherford = Red, Batten = Black, Hillary = Green.) Year 6s are allowed to dress up.

Please be very aware of runners if you are using our surrounding streets at this time.

FoDPS - AGM 5 JULY 2021, 7.30pm in the staffroom

Our Annual General Meeting is being held Monday 5th July 2021 @ 7.30pm in the staff room followed by our regular meeting.

We encourage and welcome new families to join us.

Any queries email

Community notices