

from the principal

Our Vision: Together we Nurture, Explore and Create for a Better Future

Thursday this week is Outdoor Classroom afternoon…where classes will head outside to complete some learning in, for, and around our environment. Part of our vision is to help create the kinds of people who will make a difference in the future….to help make a better future. As a green-gold sustainable school we clearly think that being environmentally conscious is a big deal. We want our kids to care for what we are lucky to have. While our environment overall in NZ is something to be proud of…they do say pride comes before a fall…and we shouldn’t take what we have for granted. An easy example is our local waterways…where 20 years ago they were always safe to swim in, but now…even walking your dog alongside them is a hazard.

Our kids will inherit this Earth, so let’s empower them to care enough to make a difference…and for DPS…we’ll see some of this in action today.

Winter Sports

We are underway with our winter codes and, as always, we have huge numbers choosing to take part in school sports…awesome! Just a couple of reminders about the commitment that team sport brings with it:

  • Please let staff know ASAP if your child is unable to make it. We make lots of teams to provide this opportunity (and to not have huge numbers in teams). When children can’t/don’t make it…it puts the team under pressure with numbers needed

  • Transport - reach out to staff if getting to and from games is an issue. While we don’t provide transport…if we know, we can try to sort something out

  • Practices are at school, during lunchtimes. Ask your child what day they practice…then remind them each week in the morning. The practices are on the daily notices and read out in the morning, but the more reminders the better!

And lastly, a thanks to the Board of Trustees for subsidising the cost to play both hockey and netball. The full fee for these sports is much more than what we ask from you. We don’t want money to be a barrier…sport is universal, not just something for those that can afford the fees. It is great that we can reduce the cost (still acknowledging that these codes aren’t cheap) for our whānau, cheers Board!

Creative Kids!

Great visit to my office yesterday. Some of our Kōwhai students had an interest in doing some sewing. Teachers directed them to a student who knew how to do stitchwork…and she taught one other. This led to Kaylee sharing her new skill with some more friends…and now Kōwhai has a wee production line running, churning out pillows! Some are going to go into the medical room for the students who fall ill during the day…and I tested them out in my office after a hard morning's work. Great stuff kids!

Board Elections

Speaking of the Board…it is election year! The election isn’t until later in the year (September) but a chance now to plant the seed in your mind…are you willing to stand to be a member of the Board? We will have 3 member spaces to be elected. Serving on the board is an amazing way to give back to the school community, and great development for yourself as well. Training is provided…and some of the skills are useful, not just in Board meetings but in a variety of settings.

Have a think…will you put your hand up?

Where am I?

As you read this I’m at a conference in Martinborough. A group of Principals from around the country have been invited to present to each other about the awesome things happening in their schools. Looking forward to hearing the ideas and to sharing our DPS story.

Upcoming Dates

We have 3 short weeks at school this term that you need to be aware of:

  • Week 6: Monday 6th June is Queen’s Birthday Weekend…no school that day

  • Week 7: Friday 17th June is a Teacher Only Day for all the Masterton Primary Schools…no school that day

  • Week 8: Friday 24th June is the new Matariki public holiday…no school that day


Kia Ora

My name is Sophie Blackett and I am Douglas Park School’s new public health nurse. I will be running in-school clinics every Wednesday from 9am-12pm. I can see tamariki about any health and wellbeing concerns you may have. Referrals can be made by teachers or parents by emailing me at Students are also welcome to come and have a chat with me about anything- no referral needed.

I look forward to meeting and working with you and your whanau.

Nga Mihi,


writing - MRS bridge's class

What's on at DPS?

This week is Bully Free week, which culminates with 'Pink Shirt Day' on Friday the 20th. We will be raising funds to help support mental health and anti-bullying programmes in New Zealand schools and work places. So think pink...and bring a gold coin donation for this fantastic cause!

You can find out more about Pink Shirt Day at

Cross Country

Our DPS School Cross Country will be held on Friday 27th May (Postponement date: Friday 3rd June).

Parents are welcome, so put the date in your calendar! Students can wear their PE uniform or a top in their house colour (Rutherford = Red, Sheppard = Blue, Batten = Black, Hillary = Green). Year 6 students may dress up.

Our first race begins at 11.10am.

Order of Races

Year 3 boys and girls

Year 2 boys and girls

Rimu boys and girls

Year 4 boys and girls

Year 5 boys and girls

Year 6 boys and girls


Order subway for delivery this friday - online or at the office

Community notices