

from the principal

Our Vision: Together we Nurture, Explore and Create for a Better Future

I was at TeeBall on Saturday watching my son, when one of our awesome parents came up to me to have a chat…wanting to know what I thought of the new education policy released by one of the major parties last week. We had a great chat about it and it was nice to hear that our learning direction is valued by our parents. 

In summary, the policy is promoting a ‘return to the basics’, with schools having to deliver an hour a day of reading, writing and maths, test children twice a year using a tool called e-asttle, and have expectations for what is to be taught in reading, writing and maths at each year level. On the surface nothing seems too bad about this…at DPS we teach literacy and numeracy for the full morning (8.45am - 12.30pm), we use the e-asttle tool (for those that are ready for it) several times a year, and both the Ministry of Education and DPS have clear expectations about what reading, writing and maths looks like across the school (examples in the links). The issues with the policy are multiple in my eyes:

But…It isn’t an either/or choice! The ‘basics’ can be delivered inside a rich, vibrant curriculum that allows kids to shine in many areas. You can develop great readers, writers and mathematicians who are also great humans, excellent creators, confident singers, amazing dancers or exquisite artists. You can give everyone the chance to shine…the child author who has written a great story, the child engineer who has built an amazing LEGO creation, the child playwright performing a puppet play they have developed, the child mathematician who can solve complex problems, the child designer prototyping a new toy. It isn’t an either/or choice! Reading, writing and maths are important…kids deserve to leave us literate and numerate (and they do!) but…other areas of learning are also important, creating a well rounded human with knowledge, skills and a desire to ‘do good’ should be our aim.

Dr Sarah Aiono wrote a piece in The Spinoff that is worth a read. Our school has worked alongside her company Longworth Education for many years now, developing our play-based learning. The article expands on the ideas above and makes some great points including: 

“Yes, you will get children who will shine in the areas that are identified as “non-negotiable” – if those areas are their strengths. But we also know the incredible damage it will do to children who do not shine in those areas if they do not have the time or permission to explore what they are good at. They will leave school disillusioned and with a sense of failure. These students will often have unrealised brilliant minds and abilities, thanks to a school system that doesn’t celebrate all areas of learning”.

Learning Conversations + HERO

With our upgrade of the HERO app we are now booking learning conversations inside HERO directly. On your sidebar you will see a ‘School Bookings’ area, and inside that you can manage the bookings for your child/ren. Super easy to use, and again it is bringing all of our communication into one place. 

If you haven’t booked a time for your child's Learning Conversation for Monday or Tuesday next week, hop into the app and book a slot..easy!

Thanks also for making use of the Absence reporting feature inside HERO…it really streamlines our work in the AM chasing up absences. 

Gastro Bug

Like other local schools, we’ve been hit with a gastro bug that is doing the rounds! Not fun for those that have picked it up, but we appreciate you keeping your children at home if they are unwell. 

Out of Zone Enrolments for Terms 3 & 4

Last call for these, the enrolment process closes āpōpō. If you know of anyone who lives out of the school zone who is considering our school…they need to reach out to us before the end of Friday otherwise they will miss their chance. Flick an email to  

Teacher Only Days - Reminder

We have two upcoming teacher only days:

Thanks in advance for your support of these days. 

What's happening at dps?

Lucky Book Club Orders…here is some information so you can plan out your orders over the year.  When each edition arrives - students are offered the magazine but taking one home is not compulsory! We encourage parents to enstall the LOOP app on their devices to make ordering easy.  Please have your orders submitted by the closing date to avoid postage costs to yourselves.  

Any problems please contact Gemma McPhail at or you can find me in room Kōwhai.  Or you can talk to Meryl in the office and she may be able to help you. 

Scholastic Website for all of your Q&A


Winter Hockey starts in Week 2 Term 2 and runs over Term 2 and 3.

Students are required to attend a lunchtime practise and their game each week. Please talk with your child about this commitment before signing up. They will need to commit to their team for the whole season! 

Years 3/4 Tuesday afternoons (quarter field, 15 minute halves) May 2nd – August 1st (12 weeks)

Years 5/6 (Half field, 20 minute halves) Friday May 5th – August 4th (12 weeks)

Fees are heavily subsidised by the school and are set at $40 per player. This is to be paid to the office before Friday 28th April. Students will not be able to play until either their fee is paid to the office or a payment plan is established.

Thanks for your support.


Hockey Wairarapa also require players to register individually through PlayHQ. Please use this link to create an account and register your child.

Order Subway online or at the office for delivery to school friday

Every Friday we have Subway lunches delivered to school.  If you would like to order your child a subway lunch, the easiest way is to order online.  Please make sure you put your child's class (teachers name) on the order as it makes it much easier to sort our end.  Subway can also be ordered by filling out a form at the school office before school on a Friday.

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