

from the principal

Welcome Back!

Term 3 already! We’ve had a great start to the term here at DPS and things are humming along. It was lovely to see all the smiling faces come back into the school on Monday...children, whānau and staff! We’ve already had our first major event of the term with our Matariki Evening (it was awesome, more on that below) and there's more to come with our Tararua Challenge sports exchange, the Kapahaka Festival and Learning Conversations to wrap the term up.

We welcome Rosie back to full time teaching, starting the latest class in the Rimu team...nice to have you back! We also welcome 3 new teacher aides into the team. Pania and Laura will be working alongside some students in the Rātā and Kahikatea teams, with Cherish working with one of our lovely ORS students in Rimu. Welcome to the team guys.

I look forward to an awesome term ahead!

Matariki Festival - What a Night!

An awesome night at DPS last night! This was our first attempt at expanding the idea of our Cultural Evening (always held during Matariki), to include a wider range of things and to make it more of a social getting together. The weather really played its part...a perfect evening to chat by the fire pits, java or a hot chocolate to keep warm while listening to the amazing storytellers, and of course a clear sky to view our wider world with the telescopes from ‘Under the Stars’. Matariki, also known as Māori New Year, is a time for celebration, growth and renewal. It's a chance to get together and remember whānau who have passed, share food, tell stories, be together, be grateful, give thanks, to sing and play music. The children were amazing, I loved all of the performances. Lots of proud staff and proud whānau watching on. Well done! A massive public thanks to all the staff involved...a huge team effort to setup and pack up, Blue and Joe for the delicious hangi, the parent helpers (setup, hangi prep and cooking), Larna with her face painting, Michelle and Ali Foster for the storytelling, Jimbo for his tutelage of the kapa haka, Melnissa Faumui for the awesome Poly group performance, Olivia for the choir (and firewood!) and...the loudest cheer for Kiri for being the organiser of the event. Legends.

The ‘DPS Cousins’

Another great article in the Times Age about Douglas Park. It is phenomenal the amount of children here of staff members...far surpassing anything I have seen in my career. The article is right, we do have a real ‘family feel’ at school...something we are proud of, something that we work hard to achieve. It also shows we believe in what we do...and assures that we will always be at our best. As a parent I want the very best for my son Henry...this means as Principal I will strive to make this place the best possible place of learning. Henry will get the benefit of this...and so will 364 other children. A great read, a photo of the article is below.

HERO going offline

This term we are making some changes to our reporting, and from Week 3 we will be turning off that function inside the HERO app while we make the changes. This is the part of HERO with the graphs and the progress wheels, this part won’t be functional from Week 3 until Learning Conversations at the end of the term.

All other features of HERO will still be on, functional and used by us to communicate with you. Sorry for the inconvenience...but the changes we are working on will be worth it!

WRiting - Councillors

Knock knock as I gript the door handle and open the door to my surprise there was no one there. I shut the door and turned around and saw a girl sitting on the couch. I Noticed that she was watching youtube

“ hi ” i said she didn't reply I looked around the room trying to find a quick conversion. I spotted to controllers on my desk

“Do you like games?” I asked her

“Yes what you got?” she said

“Well i have minecraft”

“Yes minecraft”

She didn't even let me finish my sintids. I loaded up the game and l looked over at the girl. She had crazy hair and I also had a badge on her t shirt that said in einvo

“so you like tree “ I said

“Yes i love nature”she said

“ oh look the game loaded”

I started to play I went around the map looking for materials to make amor I thought I was going good but I was wong

“Do you what to pvp “ she said

Sure I said I thought I was going to kill her in the game but no she was so much more powerful than me. I tried to run away but she had a crossbow and shot an arrow through my heart and I died game over it said on my screen.

“Unfair “I said

“It not unfair” it’s how you play the game”

Right it’s time for tea you think”

“Yes” she said we ordered piazza she requested hell piazza it was her favorite so we eat pizza and watched history movies for some reason she liked them “ you better get going and also I didn’t catch your name”I said “alessandra” she replied.


The water rumbled and splashed with every sloshing stroke through the water of Edward the beach. Then a troll appeared out of the shiny blue ocean. He reached over a snatched up a near by

floating pirate ship. With a quivery step he planted his ugly scraggly toes into the road tipping a big truck onto its side. The sound of babies squealing echoed throughout the street. WEREWERE! The sirens on the cop cars wailed as they drove towards the sea then they did a drift and kept going until they got to the troll. Pewpew! Darts sawed through the air. Hitting its target, sending the troll to the ground. When he woke up he had shrunken to midget size. When he woke up he realized that he needed pants but on the aer hand he had know idea where he was or where to get his new pants. So he was in alot of stress on where he would get new pants from.”Aaaaaaah!!”said the troll. He was in big trouble with his mum. The troll looked around the room and noticed he was alone. He was in a jail kind of a room. He walked over to the door and examined it. Then he started to nose the door. He was so strong that he used his nose to push open the door. Then he had to find the exit without the guards knowing that he escaped. Then he had to find the only house that had the potion that would turn him into a big troll and his name is long nose. FIVE YEARS LATER he finally found the thing that would make him into a troll again. Oh wait it was only five minutes then he finally found it. As soon as he had drunk it he was massive again. Then he did some damage to the place that had kept him in captivity. He stormed over there and smashed the place to rubble.

Jadyn and Charlotte

The dinosaur age

“Come on, let's go” says lucy. Lucy's friend Molly is over at her house. They go into the basement/dads lab. They go exploring down into the unknown. “What's that?” says Molly. They see a giant metal portal thing. “Let's go in it,” says molly. They slowly walk into the portal and go to the dinosaur age. “What in the world” Lucy exclaimed in surprise when a t-rex came hurtling towards them. Fortunately Molly has a way with animals. The t-rex sniffed her hand and ran away from them. They went back through the portal and back to the basement. “What an adventure!!!!” says Lucy. then at that moment mollys mum came to take her home. But molly and lucy both agreed to go back through the portal tomorrow

Madison L

The fluffy monster, a fluffy squishy and friendly monster.

The appearance of the fluffy monster. The fluffy monster is a really tall monster how towers over people at the hite of 10 foot 9. Fluffy monster is colourful he is blue green and black. He has claws that could easily penetrate the skin good thing he only uses it to cut food for a job.

The fluffy monsters house is a giant house he lives in space on a planet that is really large. He lives on planet squishy a squishy planit. He lives in squishy town the main town in plait squishy with the richest people in it.

Fluffy monster has good friends and family. He has friends that wreck for nasa wear white shoes that help them breve. His mum and dad are tall and strong they are 12 foot tall and have big muscles. His best friend is his dog they -play together all day.

Alex M

I'm writing to you to talk about how much we need an ice hockey rink.

DPS needs an ice hockey rink because it's a good sport that keeps people fit. It could go at the back of the field on the right side of the pool because there's nothing there. I did some research and found out that there are teams all over nz so we could face them.

Another good thing is If we did build it we would be famous in the Wairarapa and everyone would want to come. We could get a team and name it the Jr Oilers because the Oilers are like the best team ever. We could even go on the news and then people would think that their kids should come here.

Finally we could make more teams so that we can face each other in playtime, also since we would win lots we would have to get a bigger trophy cupboard. If you go ahead with it I will be the happiest kid ever and I could train kids up and in no time we would be the best in NZ. By the way, it Also it cost 4 to 8 million dollars.

This is a good idea because it is a good sport that I think lots of kids would play.

Levi W


This folder has a list of netball and hockey teams. Draws will be shared through Hero each week.


Here is the Team List for the season.

Games begin on Wednesday 4th August. The draw will be posted on Hero.

The $15 fee needs to be paid to the office by Friday 30th July. Please email Hayley Sinton if you have any questions.


Chanel College Badminton Squad Sunday Competition Pasta Tournament

To encourage players to mix and play to increase their skills.



· Open to players who have played before.

· Games to be played at Chanel College Gym, Herbert St, Masterton

· Sunday 1 August will be a practice, entries, grading and coaching day

· Players to enter individually in Pasta Tournament

· Format for the Competition will be all players will be graded then drawn out of the hat for teams.

· Games will be singles and doubles 1 game to 21

· All games will be between 1-3pm on Sundays

· Commences Sunday 8th August 2021 and will run for 4 weeks during August

· Players should wear sports clothes i.e. tee shirts, shorts and sneakers

· Racquets will be available

· Entry Fee: $5 per individual with additional $5 shuttle fee. Total Cost $10.00

· All fees to be paid before play starts on 8th August. Cash only.

ALL ENTRIES TO Kim Siemonek or 0274575024

Download the entry form HERE

Head Lice a problem? Check out this great deal!

Community notices

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at Te Hēpara Pai – 131 Cole St

Term 3 Atrium begins 29th July and then every Thursday 3.30 – 4.45pm

From age 3 through to teenagers we have something for them. We help them to become the best they can be.

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a foundational Christian education program which caters for all denominations. The traditions of different denominations build on the basics and we are able to offer a unique combination of cultural aspects that reflect NZ.

A quote from a parent “ it seems a most beautiful and dignified way to teach children about God.”

The program is presented in an area called an “Atrium”. Children are given “presentations” which help them explore a concept, with the catechist using a story from the Bible, or a parable, or an aspect of liturgical life. The premise is not sitting the children down and telling them “God is this...” nor is it about knowing all the answers. It is about creating an environment for them where they are safe to wonder, to explore, and to develop the answers for themselves.

Our Catechists – all trained and vetted: Liz, Emily, Anne, Richard and Heather

Contact: Liz Greville