

from the principal

Our Vision: Together we Nurture, Explore and Create for a Better Future

It has been a great first week back here at DPS, despite the mucky weather! It was lovely being on road patrol Monday morning and seeing all the smiling faces…children and parents…coming into school, and reconnecting. It has been a week of our vision in action. I’ve seen our awesome staff and children welcoming our new students into school…and welcoming back whānau who have had children through before. On Friday we will have our pōwhiri to bring them into our school whānau. Nurture in action. As a staff we had a session with Kathryn Berkett after school on Monday, learning more about trauma and the neuroscience of the brain. Explore in action. I’ve seen children hard at work in their learning…amazing art, creative stories, new words learnt, movies made…Create in action. And, we are in Board Election mode…as parents it is an opportunity to contribute to the running of the school, making it an awesome place for everybody. Better Future in action.

Looking forward to the term ahead…some big events back, particularly for the older students, with our sports exchange with Russell Street School and Camp Kaitoke to finish the term!

Board Elections - We Want You!

Speaking of Board Elections…nominations are open currently for these, closing Wednesday next week. 3 spaces on the board are up for election. Being on the Board is an amazing opportunity…you get to give back to the school community by ensuring the school is governed well, resourced well and on a good path. You also get the benefit of the experience…it is great leadership development, a good way to develop knowledge of how Boards work, property, finance etc…but also how to create and run an effective organisation. We meet 9 times a year…twice a term in Terms 1-3 and 3 meetings in Term 4. Meetings tend to run for between 60-90 minutes, with the only work in between tending to be some reading.

External training is available to Trustees, and as 2 members of the board (and myself) carry on, we are available to support and induct you in.

Nomination forms were posted out to each of you, and are also available in the office.

School Closing Early - 2.15pm Monday August 1st

As mentioned, we are doing some intensive staff development around neuroscience, how trauma affects the brain and body, and what we as educators can do. We are very fortunate to be working with Kathryn Berkett…a leader in NZ with this mahi. We’ve had our first session, but next Monday (Week 2…August 1st) we are closing the school early at 2.15pm to have a longer second session with her. School will close at 2.15pm. We acknowledge the inconvenience, but also appreciate your support with this.



Today I will be sharing some facts about a unique endangered speices.

Vaquitas are a very unique and rare marine animal.

They have black rings around their eyes and mouths which makes them look like their smiling . :)

They are the smallest cetacean in the world.

The vaquita grows about 1.2 m to 1.5 m long and weigh about 55kg.

Some of there predators are killer whales and large sharks.

Vaquita’s are carnivores and eat shrimp, small fish , octopuses , squid and other small animals.

This species has only around ten left. :(

The reason that they are endangered is because people

Fish for them to take their bladders to either eat or sell them. Sometimes they sell for 10,000 dollars in Asia or 7,200 dollars in New zealand.

This is the most endangered cetacean in the world and one of the most beautiful whales.

Thats why we need to reduce fishing and save them from going extinct!

By Maddison D

Queen cow is a new night that is good at sneaking up on people but never talks, king ry ry is an evil king that used to be a lonely boy with no girlfriend, but now he rules the land of Boffa. Once upon a time queen cow wait let’s call her cow so cow was planning revenge on Rylan or better as known king ry ry. This is the plan, so cow will climb inside a box inside of a box truck to jump scare him and split his gorget and fall open with the blade of my sword. That is what I want to happen. . .

(The next day) evil Cow is getting ready to kill ‘all of humanity’ jk only king ry ry but then she realized she didn't have her breastplate that looks like a mirror or a helmet. but she knows what has to be done so she gets ready and hops in a box nervously waiting for the box truck. all of a sudden starts to get bumped around finally the box truck stops at the palace she gets ready.

As he carefully opened the box, hello there said cow. Cows confadince is catastrofic as she was sprinting like her life depended (it did) charging at king ry ry gorges I’ve been waiting for you wait what, come fight me then she took the first swing and knocked of his elbocop, we cepted on fighting cling clang bang the it happened, he confidently stabbed her chest with the point of the blade and rode his donkey into the forbidden while saying I told you not to fight me, that was the last time we saw him . . .( that day)

By Rylan L

What's happening at DPS?

Today we will be sending home school photo forms. This year will be a bit different. We will be having Family and Individual Photos on Thursday 25th August and Class photos will taken on Thursday 1st September.

Also coming home today, latest Book Club, check out the back page for Free Book Offer!

Term 3 Sports - Miniball

Miniball - Games start Monday 15th and Wednesday 17th August.

Please pay any outstanding fees to the office or pay online. Use your child's name and Miniball as the reference

Douglas Park School


Community notices