Metals Technology

At Mountain View, welding (metals technology) classes are part of the Agriculture Science Systems CTE program. The MVHS metals technology classes provide experience in hands-on activities, projects, and problems. You will study agricultural mechanics. While surveying the opportunities available in metals technology, you will learn to solve problems, conduct research, analyze data, work in teams, and take responsibility for your work, actions, and learning.

Metals Course Progression.pdf

The course offerings in the Agriculture CTE program at MVHS include Intro to Production Ag, Intro to Ag Marketing and Communication, Intro to Animal Science, Plant Science, Natural Resources 1, Pre-Vet Medicine, Ag Leadership, Metals Technology 1, Metals Technology 2, Metals Technology 3, Metals Technology 4, and Ag Science and Ag Mechanics mentors. Courses in the Agriculture CTE program are offered to all enrolled students without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.