Cadet Corps

Looking for an interesting class? For extracurricular activities? To develop skills that will pay off inside and outside of school? Cadet Corps has what you want. Whether you have an interest in the military or have absolutely no intention of joining the service, Cadet Corps will develop you into a more capable person. We study many high school subjects, including history, science, health, and leadership. We have monthly get-togethers, competitive teams, and community service opportunities. Students in Cadet Corps improve and do better—no matter what their starting point was.

Cadet Corps classes are open to all students and can be taken for elective credits. Courses are taught by former military personnel. Expect Cadet Corps classes to include high expectations for your behavior, effort, and respect. Participation in certain Cadet Corps activities may have additional requirements.

Cadet Corps Course Progression.pdf
  • 0.5 credit of Cadet Corps may be transcribed as PE 2 credit after you have completed four semesters of Cadet Corps (typically when you finish Cadet Corps 2).

  • 0.5 credit of Cadet Corps may be transcribed as social studies (SS) credit after you have completed six semesters of Cadet Corps (typically when you finish Cadet Corps 3).

  • In both of these cases, the 0.5 PE and/or social studies credit will take the place of 0.5 of the elective credit normally assigned to Cadet Corps courses.