Unit 1 - Introduction

Unit Plan:

How does a deeper knowledge of Biology make life more interesting?

This unit introduces the major themes and studies performed by biologists, with a specific focus on the field of botany. The nature of science and the methods employed by scientists for performing experiments and sharing results will be practiced. Students will also examine how the language of science is based on key root terms. Finally, the students will engage in a broad study of several different concepts which will be brought together in an examination of a specific (and bizarre) example of the wonder of nature.

Additional Activities, Review Materials, etc.

Unit Review Warm-Up UPDATE (student) (teacher)

Unit Review UPDATE Presentation

Unit Review bookwork

    1. Pg 31 1-10, 15-18, 20, 24,30,32
  1. Pg 33 1, 3-6

Unit Test UPDATE

Unit Study Guide:

Study Guide and Vocab List