

What is Wordle?

Wordle is a web based tool and a fun way to generate “word clouds” or collages from text that you provide.


Students will be able to use Wordle to identify a minimum of fifteen traits about themselves and build a “Wordle” collage using these traits.

I can create a word cloud conveying information about myself.


CI.2- Create an original project using a variety of media to present content.

CI.3- Illustrate a content-related concept using media rich tools.


  • Access Wordle

  • Click Create on the top of the page

  • Type your first name in the text box titled Paste in a bunch of text: and then type a word that describes something about you (i.e. Funny, Happy, Music, Baseball, Tigers, etc.)

  • Hit Enter

  • Type Your name and a word that describes you AT LEAST 15 times (of course you can do more)

  • When you are finished click on Go

  • Take some time to explore all of the Editing Tools on the top of the page and the Randomize button at the bottom of the page.

  • When you have created the collage that you like best, click Print at the bottom of the page.

  • When you are finished hand your Wordle in, unless you choose to do the extra credit (see below).

Extra Credit

To earn 5 extra credit points: Take your Wordle collage home and add color to it. You may choose to color it with crayons or markers or decorate it with glitter and glue. Even taping your Wordle collage to construction paper is an easy way to add color. Bring your Wordle back to school decorated with color and hand in to your classes tray.