History of Photography Exhibit


  • Students will be able to work in small groups to conduct research on and create a collaborative presentation about the history of photography.


  • CI.2- Create a project using a variety of applications and formats.

  • CC.1- Use digital resources to collaborate with peers.

  • RI.1- Use a variety of digital resources to locate information.

  • DC.4- Discuss possible societal impact of technology in the future and reflect on the importance of technology in the past.


Think about what it would be like to live in a world without pictures. Can you imagine what types of pictures were even taken in the 1600s? 1700s? 1800s? You have been assigned to a team that will travel back to a specific time period to discover how photography was created, what shaped it, who was involved, how the camera was made possible all the way to today's digital world. Your mission is to create a timeline and exhibit of events, inventors, equipment, processes, the pictures and the photographers of the past. Now with your timeline and exhibits in hand, so to speak, produce a virtual museum presentation depicting your chosen era.


With your team, you will be assigned one of the following time periods

  • Prior 1800s

  • 1800-1850

  • 1850-1900

  • 1900-1950

  • 1950-Present Day

    • One team member should log into their Google Drive and Create a new presentation. This presentation should be titled Photography: “Your era”.

    • The student who created this presentation should click on Share in the upper right corner.

    • The access must be changed to Public and the creator of the presentation must invite their team members to work on and edit the presentation using their team member’s email addresses.

Presentation Requirements

  • Your presentation will have a minimum of 13 slides with the first slide being the Title slide that will include the following (this can be done as a team):

The History of Photography

"Your Assigned Era"

Names of your 3 group members

  • Each team member will contribute an equal amount to this project and will be responsible for completing 4 slides in the presentation.

  • Below are the requirements for each slide.

Each Team Member's 4 Slides Should Be As Follows:

Requirement 1: A specific year (different from your other teammates) during your era when something happened in photography. You are required to tell me what specifically happened that year and include a picture/image of this event in the history of photography.

Requirement 2: How did people take or create photos during this year/era and/or what camera was invented, popular or used during this time?

Requirement 3: An inventor from this year or time period that had an effect on the history of photography. Tell me who that photographer was and what they did or what they discovered. You must also include a picture of this photographer or a picture of his/her invention.

Requirement 4: Choose a photographer from this year/time period to research. Tell me a little about this photographer, what type of photography style this photographer used and include a picture of this photographer's work.

All Slides: All slides in your teams presentation must be checked for spelling and/or grammar mistakes, must be creatively arranged in chronological order by year, must have an image, colorful and attractive font, transitions, and one animation.

Sharing Your Team's Presentation With Me.