PicNik Collage

Let’s go on a PicNik!

PicNik is one of my favorite photo editing sites! Through this site, you will be creating a photo collage that you will post onto your electronic portfolio.

Student Objectives:

  • Students will be able to save, upload, and edit pictures using PicNik.


  • CI.2- Create an original project using a variety of media.

  • RI.1- Use a variety of digital resources to locate information.

  • CC.1- Use digital resources to collaborate with various audiences.

Locating Pictures

The first step is to locate 4 pictures of yourself (or pictures that represent yourself from online). You MUST save these pictures to your My Pictures folder, a Flash Drive, or CD. You may scan, save and/or email actual pictures of yourself from home to use. Once you locate your 4 pictures you will then access PicNik.

Creating a PicNik Account

(if you already have a PicNik account

please feel free to use that account).

If you do not have a PicNik account,

follow the directions below.

  • Go to PicNik

  • Select Registration in the upper right hand corner.

  • Username: Choose an appropriate username that you will remember

  • Password: Enter a password that you will remember (you will do this twice)

  • Email Address: Enter your email address (you will do this twice)

  • Click I Accept! Create My Account!

  • Answer the questions on the next screen that pops up and select Onwards!

  • Your PicNik account should be created now!

Creating a Collage

You have created an account in PicNik. Please understand that this is a basic account (as we are not paying money to purchase the Premium account). You will not be able to use any tools that are Premium.

  • Select Collage on the top of the page.

  • On the left hand side, choose any 4 photo collage.

  • Click on Upload Photos (on the bottom) and upload the 4 photos that you will be using in your collage.

  • Drag and drop each of your 4 photos into your collage.

  • Select Done!

  • You will now be on a page that allows you to add effects, text, stickers, touch-ups, etc. to your photos within your collage.

  • Choose at least 4 different things to snazz up the pictures in your collage. Get creative with this J.

  • When you have Snazzed up your collage, choose Save & Share on the top of the page.

  • Select Save at the bottom of your page and save your collage to your PicNik account.

You MUST Now Email Me Your Collage.

· Select Email Photo on the top of the page

· Email Address of the Recipient: maurusja@d7.k12.mi.us

· Your Email Address: This should display your email address. If it does not, you will need to enter it.

· Your Name: Type in your First AND Last name

· Subject: Type your name and the word Collage

· Select Email Photo

Adding Your Collage to Your Electronic Portfolio

  • Log into your Google Site

  • Select Create Page

  • Title your new page PicNik Collage

  • Click on Insert->Image

  • Click on Browse and then locate your PicNik Collage

  • Click Open

  • Click on your collage image and select OK

  • Center your photo and make it large

  • Add your PicNik Collage page link to your sidebar