Internet Safety Rules Presentation Using Empressr

Internet Safety Presentation


  • Students will understand what it means to safely “surf” the internet.

  • Students will be able to define technology, in regards to using the internet safely.

  • Students will be able to research a given site.

  • Students will be able to create a power point presentation demonstrating what they have learned about internet safety.


  • CI.2- Create a project using a variety of applications and formats

  • DC.2- Discuss issues related to acceptable and responsible use of technology


Students will be introduced to internet safety. To do this I will do the following:

  • We will view Faux Paw the Techno Cat video

  • Students will then be introduced to Using this site, we will view a couple of the internet safety videos and discuss the importance of “safely” using the internet and how to safely surf the net.

  • Students will then be allowed to explore While exploring this website, they will be required to take note of a minimum of 10 internet safety rules.


Using the 10 internet safety rules that the students researched using NetSmartz, each student will create a presentation using Microsoft Power Point demonstrating what they learned.

You will be creating an 12 slide Presentation using Empressr.


Ø Go to Empressr

Ø Click on Sign Up Now

Ø Choose a 6 character Username

Ø Type in your first name & last name

Ø Enter an Email Address (if you do not have one just make one up)

Ø Choose and enter an 8 digit password (your student number would make a great password).

Ø Re-Enter your password

Ø Check the box that says I am over 13 years of age and accept the Terms of Use

Ø Select Submit

Ø Write down your username and password so you don’t forget them.

Slide 1- Introduction. You will have the title Internet Safety Rules, your name and hour.

Slides 2-11- Will each contain 1 internet rule that you discovered when researching the NetSmartz web page.

Your rule should be typed on the line that you would normally put the title.

You MUST then add at least 1 image/picture to each slide.

Slide 12- Bibliography: Please site the URL of each website that you use to locate your internet safety rules (Hint:NetSmartz), including any images/pictures that you get off of the internet.

Be sure you change the colors, size and style of the font on each slide. Do not forget to add pictures/images to each slide.

To save your work you will click on Save->Save As

You MUST give your presentation a title in order to reopen it.

Sharing Your Presentation:

In order to get a grade on this assignment you MUST email me your presentation.

· Select Publish Now to publish your presentation

· Select Email

· In the Recipient Email field type

· In the Subject field type Your First Name, Last Name AND Hour

· Click Send

Grading Scale