
Creating A Menu


Students will be able to conduct research and create a fictional menu using the internet and Microsoft Publisher.


  • CI.2- Create a project using a variety of applications and formats

    • RI.1- Use a variety of digital resources to locate information


You have just purchased a vacant building and have decided to turn it into a successful restaurant! For this activity, you will be creating a fictional restaurant along with a descriptive menu for your restaurant. You will be researching some of your favorite restaurant menus for some yummy food and drink ideas!


  • Use Google to research a minimum of 3 of your favorite restaurants. These restaurants may NOT be fast food restaurants. When researching each restaurant be sure that there is an option to view the menu. You will view the full menu to get ideas for your menu.

  • When creating your menu you must have the following information:

    • Name of your restaurant

    • Restaurant Address

    • Restaurant Phone Number

    • An Appetizer section with at least 5 appetizers.

    • A Salad section with at least 3 salads.

    • A Soup section with at least 3 soups.

    • An Entrée section with 6-7 entrees.

    • A Dessert section with at least 4 desserts

    • A Beverage section with 3-4 beverages (be appropriate).

  • Below each food and beverage item you MUST have the following:

    • A complete sentence with at least 1 adjective describing the food item (See Comprehensive List of Adjectives for some ideas).

    • Prices for each item written in proper form (Example: $2.95)

    • Clip Art Throughout your menu.

  • You may get food and beverage ideas from the websites that you research, but you MUST change the items up a little. Be creative with your food names and make them connect with the name and theme of your restaurant.

  • Spelling and Grammar does count for this activity. If you don’t know how to spell something, check out for help.

Directions For Creating Your Menu

· Open up Microsoft Publisher

· Underneath Publication Type select Menus

· Select a menu of your choice (your Menu MUST have 2 pages and 2-3 columns)

· Begin creating a menu for your restaurant.

-Your menu will consist of 6 columns (2 pages).

-On page 1 the far right column will be the front page of your menu and the center column should have your restaurants name, address, phone number (make it up), days and hours that your restaurant is open, directions and possibly a map.

-The rest of the columns (both pages) are the inside of the menu)

· Be Creative J

**Extra Credit- 5 Points**

For extra credit, create (on a separate page) a placemat kid's menu consisting of a minimum of 5 items. Make sure you describe what comes with each kids meal and give each item a Kid Friendly name. Also, don't forget your sentence with at least 1 adjectives. You may also add games and activities.

To create your kids menu in landscape form, open up a new Microsoft Word document.

Click File-> Page Set Up-> Landscape-> Ok

Grading Rubric

Creating a Menu in Publisher Grading Rubric


Research: 4 3 2 1 0

Student accurately researched required information about various foods and beverages using online menus from different restaurants.

Length: 4 3 2 1 0

Menu consists of 2 pages and has 6 columns filled with required information.

Overall Menu: 4 3 2 1 0

Eye Appealing

Very creative

Easy to understand

Did not include too many and/or unnecessary pictures

Neatly organized and constructed

Content: 4 3 2 1 0

All required information from the instructions for the menu is included.

Each food/drink item has a brief (and creative) description of the item with at least 1 adjective and a price written in proper form.

Conventions: 4 3 2 1 0

Spelling and grammar has been checked for errors.

Total Points Received: /20

Grading Scale:

20-18 A

17-16 B

15-14 C

13-12 D

11-0 E