Photo Peach: Photography Quiz

Creating a Photography Quiz Using Photo Peach

Step 1: Creating a Photo Peach Account

· Go to Photo Peach

· Click on Sign Up For Free and create an account. Make sure you write down your username and password so that you don’t forget them. If you already have an account, Log In

Step 2: Creating Your Presentation

· Using the internet, locate a picture or image to go with each one of your photography vocabulary words and save each picture to your My Pictures folder. You will have at least 30 pictures/images.

· Once you are logged into your Photo Peach account, click on Upload Photos and select all of the photos that you located online that represent each one of your technology terms.

· Once you have uploaded all of your pictures/images, click on next.

· Name Your Slideshow Photography Terms Quiz

·Select a song for your quiz and click Finish

Step 3: Turning Your Presentation Into a Quiz

· After you create your slide show, click on the Edit tab

·Click on Edit Caption & Photos

· Click on the Quiz tab

· Underneath Q (Question), type out your technology question (this could be your definition or something to do with each technology term)

· Underneath A (Answer), you will need to type 3 multiple choice answers with one being the correct answer.

· Place the radial button in front of the correct answer by clicking on it.

· Make sure you preview your quiz questions and answers for each picture/image to make sure everything looks correct. You may also adjust the speed of your presentation.

· When you are finished with your quiz and have looked over everything, you will click on OK

Step 4: Emailing Mrs. Maurus Your Quiz

· Using the same link that you copied for your electronic portfolio, Compose an email using your Gmail Account pasting this link into the body of your email. Send this email to Mrs. Maurus at In the subject field type your name and the words Photo Peach Quiz.