Vacation Presentation


Surprise!!!!! You are going on a 4 day vacation this coming up weekend (Pretend you have no school Friday or Monday;0). You may choose any city in the United States to travel to.

Your assignment is going to be to create a PowerPoint presentation that will advertise your vacation. The daily weather, hotel information, a map, and 3 activities to do while you're there need to be included in your slide show.

PowerPoint Presentation

Your PowerPoint Presentation will have at least 8 slides (or more) with graphics, animations, transitions and different backgrounds (see Fancy Things Up for help with this).

    • Slide 1: Title of your Vacation with your name (i.e. Virginia Beach Vacation by Mrs. Maurus)

    • Slide 2: Map of your chosen destination (Google Maps is a great resource to use.

    • To locate your map, use Google Maps or Mapquest. Click on directions. Enter O.W. Best's address as the starting point and enter the city and state as the ending point. Copy the map to your PowerPoint as well as the website address (URL).

    • Slide 3: Your means of transportation. Use Travelocity to plan your trip. Be sure to include in your presentation the dates that you will be gone, cost of all forms of transportation (flight, rental car, etc. ) and what companies you will be using.

    • Slide 4: Picture, description (Copy the Property Amenities which are listed at the bottom of the hotel page) and price of Hotel at the city using

    • Slide 5: Weather for this Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday at Your chosen destination. Use and type in the name of the city and state. Click on the link that says weekend. Copy the weather using the screenshot (Control + Print Screen) and paste it into your PowerPoint Presentation.

    • Slide 6: List 3 Activities with pictures to do while you are viciting the city you chose (Concerts, Sports events, attractions, amusement parks etc.) You can search using Google for activities by typing in the name of your city and add attractions after it (i.e.Virginia Beach attractions)

  • Slide 7: You have been given $500.00 to buy a wardrobe and/or supplies for your trip... so let's go shopping!!!

  • Follow the directions below to do this!

1. Open up a new Excel Spreadsheet

2. Your spread sheet shoud be formatted as shown above. To merge the cells in row A, highlight the entire row and click the merge cell button. With the row still highlighted, Increase the font size and bold face the font.

3. Make sure you Bold and change the font size of your titles and the word Total.

4. Fill in the

4. To calculate the total of each column, highlight the entire colum under the word price (all the way down to the cell in the row where you typed the word Total. Click the Auto Sum


5. Highlight the entire row that says Total and has your total dollar amount added up together and click the merge cells button again.

6. Highlight your completed spreadsheet.

7. Click on File -> Copy

8. Go back to your Vacation Power Point Presentation. Click on Slide 7. Click on File -> Paste

Slide 8: Bibliography page that lists all the websites you got pictures and information from ( is NOT a citiation).

3. Add at least 3 animations to your PowerPoint (these animations will count as the required clipart). Go to and download two powerpoints to your documents. To download the file, click on the picture with your mouse and choose download image to disk. Open up PowerPoint. Click on Insert and choose picture from file. The animations will only play when you show the PowerPoint!

4. When you are finished, make sure your name and period is on your title page of your PowerPoint. Get your teacher’s approval before printing your PowerPoint!

5. Click on File and choose print.

6. Click on the arrow beside the words general and choose Background Printing. Click on background.

7. Click on the arrow beside the words general and choose Microsoft PowerPoint.

8. Click on the arrow beside the words slides and choose Handouts (6 slides per page). Click on Print.