Word Play


Task: You can do many creative things in Word. Show your knowledge by creating a Word

Play Sampler.


Create a folder and file name


Click on the Word icon on the start button.


Go to “File”-“Save”


Go to “Save In” pull-down menu. Go to your H-drive and click.


Click on “Create New Folder” icon and type “Tech Core”.


Enter the file name “Word Play” and click “Save”.


Type a heading on the Word document

Align to the right side of the document

Type your name,

Date and



Bulleted List Choose a topic and write a heading using Word Art. Make a bulleted list of 10 related items about your heading. For example, your topic

might be "Foods I Like" or "Places I Have Visited".

Be sure to tab in your list. Format the bullets


Text Box

Make a text box


Type a paragraph in this box that explains your position on the importance of learning

computer skills in today’s world.


Double-space the text; go to format-paragraph-line spacing-double.

Change the line style to 6 pt. (On the draw tool)

Change the line color.

Change the fill color.

Change the text color. (Make sure the text is still readable against the fill color)

5. Drop Cap

Write a paragraph about a topic that interests you


Do not put it in a text box. This paragraph should be at least five lines long and should

start on the margin.

Highlight the first letter, go to format-drop cap-choose dropped position-choose

lines to drop-3-click ok.

Mrs. Peterson

Today’s Date


6. Borders

Go to Format-Borders and Shading-Page Border-Art.

Choose a page border and apply to the whole document.

Click OK.

7. Shapes

Select two AutoShapes from the Drawing Toolbar

Place them into your document.

Use the shadow and 3-D tools on the drawing toolbar to alter your shape.

Select two different callouts from Autoshapes to label the shapes.



Find a portion of the text on this document

Select it.

Go to the Highlighter toolbar on the formatting toolbar and choose a color.

Highlight it.



Insert one graphic from ClipArt.

Format graphic: right click on graphic-format picture-layout-in front of text-ok.

Resize graphic using the handles, (small circles around graphic)


Make sure this is all on one page!!!!!


Print and put in the file labeled with the period you have this class. (example-period 1)

