Digital Footprint


Students will be able to identify what a digital footprint is, how their digital footprint began, grows and effects others

  • I can identify what a digital footprint is.

  • I can identify the size of my digital footprint and understand how it began, grows and effects others.


DC.6- Discuss long term ramifications (digital footprint) of participating in questionable online activities.

DC.7-Describe the potential risks and dangers associated with online communications.

CI.2- Create an original project to present information to an audience.

TC.1- Identify file formats for a variety of applications.

Your Digital Footprint

Are you aware that your digital footprint cannot be erased

and is available to others at any time?


11 Tips For Students to Manage Their

Digital Footprints

All of your work for this assignment will be done using Google Drive.

  • Once you are logged into your Google Drive, select Create-> Document (the orange button in the upper left hand corner)

  • Once the document opens, in the upper left corner you will need to change the name of the Untitled Document to Digital Footprint

  • In the upper right corner, type your name, date, hour, and the assignment title Digital Footprint

Step 1: What Does Your Digital Footprint Look Like?

Watch the following short video:

The Cyber Bullying Virus

You will now create a physical picture of what your digital footprint looks like.

Follow the steps below.


1. In your Google Document...

2. Click on Add-Ons and select Get Add-Ons, making sure you have Gliffy Diagrams installed.

3. Select Gliffy Diagrams and click on Open Sidebar->Create a Diagram.

4. Click on the Flow Chart

5. In the main shape you should type My Digital Footprint and in each connecting shape, you will type in all of the websites, programs, digital tools and applications that you have left a footprint on. These would include all of the websites and applications that you have created accounts with such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Gmail, Google, Target (or any shopping sites), Xbox Live, Kindle, Amazon, Student Connect, etc. - basically any site, program, or application that you create a log in, have a password for and/or access on a regular basis... Remember to list specific programs, applications, and websites. **only use one digital tool per shape**

6. Make your flow chart creative and colorful looking.

7. When you are done, if your diagram doesn't automatically show up on your Google Doc sidebar, you will need to select File->Export It (in Gliffy) and save it as Gliffy to your Downloads folder and then Insert your Gliffy flowchart into your Goggle Document.

Step 2: Adding Your Image Chef Footprint to Your Document

1. Open your Digital Footprint image in Google Drive

2. Click on the Insert menu option on the top of the page

3. Select Image (to the right of the word Picture).

4. Click on Choose File

5. Select your Image Chef Digital Footprint Image.

6. Click Open

Step 3: Digital Media Use Homework

A. Homework: Your next task is to log your use of digital media over the next 24 hours using the Digital Media Use worksheet.

B. Some examples include: playing video games 30 minutes, surfing the internet 15 minutes, texting 10 minutes and so on.

C. Log your media in 5 minute increments using tallies

D. Bring your log into class the next day

Step 4: Charting Your Digital Media Use

(This activity will take place the day after you complete your

Digital Media Use Worksheet)

A. Add up your total media use in each category (i.e. internet, gaming, cell phone, etc.) by MINUTES.

** If you did not use a form of digital media, you do not have to log it on your pie chart.

B. Go to Create a Graph to create your graph.

C. Click on Pie Graph

D. Go through each tab on the right and use your Digital Media Worksheet to fill in your data

E. Design

Feel free to change the Shading and Style to whatever you choose or you can leave them all as they are.


Graph Title: Digital Media Use

Source: Digital Media Use Worksheet

Data Set: Pie Slices: 8

Item Label: The item label should be each of the titles under Digital Media Used on your worksheet.

Value: The amount of time you used each of the digital media's

(feel free to change the color of each pie slice if you would like).


Data Set: Feel free to set the data labels to whatever you choose or you can leave them as they are.


Preview your pie chart and make sure it's a clear representation of your Digital Media Worksheet.


When you get to the Print/Save tab, you are going to want to Download your graph as a .JPG to your My Documents Folder and SAVE your Pie Graph to your My Documents Folder.

Adding Pie Graph to Your Document

1. Open your Digital Footprint Document

2. Click on the Insert tab on the top of the page

3. Select Image (to the right of the word Picture).

4. Click on Choose File

5. Select your Digital Footprint Pie Chart PDF file.

6. Click Open

Step 5: Your Evolving Footprint

Just as you can be a different person to different people (sibling, child, cousin, student, friend, etc), you can be deliberate about developing different areas of your web presence. Even at your age, it is important to begin thinking about creating a more formal or “professional” web presence.

Watch the movie The Digital Dossier . This is a movie about how your digital footprint began and is evolving. Follow the steps below to reflect on how your Footprint has developed and is currently being developed.


Reflection: In your Digital Footprint document, answer the questions below using complete sentences.

1. What have you learned about Digital Footprints?

2. What do you think your digital footprint says about you? Think about the specific "footprints" or information you leave behind on websites (such as what sites you view, log into, create accounts for, or access), if this was the only information someone knew about you, what would they think? Would the information be positive or negative?

3.What can you do in the future to avoid having or creating a negative digital footprint?

4.Google "your first and last name" (i.e. "John Smith"). Use Quotation Marks for a more specific and accurate search. What did you find (tell me a little about what you found)? Do you think the information that you found about yourself is accurate? Do you think you have a small or large footprint? Do you think the information you found is positive or negative? Sometimes too much information is revealed and this can sometimes be dangerous. Did you discover personal information about you and/or your family that was revealed?