Baseball Card


    • Students will use Microsoft Excel to keep track of data they collect online.

    • Students will create a baseball card about themselves and data they collect online in Microsoft Power Point


    • CT.1- Use databases or spreadsheets to make predictions, develop strategies, and evaluate decisions to assist with problem solving

    • RI.1- Use a variety of websites to locate information.

    • CI.2- Create an original project using a variety of media and applications.

Baseball Card

You will be creating a baseball card of yourself that show statistics from your math baseball game. You will use PowerPoint to create a baseball card with your picture.

1. First, open up a blank Excel Spreadsheet.

Type in the title Baseball Math. In Cell A4 Type: Inning. In Cell B4 Type: Run. Bold face both titles

2. Play math baseball from Fun Brain. Play 5 innings (with scrap paper to work out the problems). Choose Multiplication, Medium, and No. You will have 3 minutes to score as many runs as you can for each inning. If you strike out, then you will wait till the next inning begins. After each inning, have them record your score.

3. Find the Average of your Runs, click in an empty cell and in the formula box type:

=AVERAGE(B5+B6+B7+B8+B9) then hit enter. This will give the average of their score.

4. You will now create a Baseball Card in PowerPoint using the information that you collected.

Open up a blank Power Point Presentation. Select-> File-> Page Set Up and click on Portrait.

Either draw picture of yourself in paint or locate a picture of a person that could represent you for the baseball card online.

You will include your name, picture, batting average, name of team, and any other inforamtion you might want to include about yourself .

Apply a background, color and make your baseball card look eye appealing!

Baseball Card in Excel & Power Point Grading Rubric


Excel Spreadsheet: 4 3 2 1 0

Student completed 5 innings of Math Baseball and recorded their results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Formulas: 4 3 2 1 0

Student used a formula in Excel to find the total and average of their runs from each inning and recorded their results.

PowerPoint: 4 3 2 1 0

Baseball card has been created on one or two slides in Power Point and contains All required information including (but not limited to) a picture, their name, team’s name, and batting average.

Overall Baseball Card: 4 3 2 1 0

Baseball Card is Colorful, Eye Appealing, & Creative

Conventions: 4 3 2 1 0

Spelling and grammar has been checked for errors

TOTAL ________

25-23 A

22-20 B

19-18 C

17-15 D

14-0 E