Linking Your Glog & Voice Thread to Your Electronic Portfolio

Linking Your Glog to Your Electronic Portfolio

  • After you copy the link to your Glog:

  • Log into your Electronic Portfolio.

  • Click on Settings (the gear icon in the upper right corner) and select Edit Site Layout

  • Click Navigation on your Sidebar on the left side of your website

  • Select Add URL (bottom right corner)

  • Text to Display: Significant Event Glog URL or Email: Paste the URL to your Glog

  • Click Close

Linking Your Voice

Thread to Your Electronic Portfolio

  • The very last box in your Voice Thread gives you tons of options. Click on the last box and select Copy Link and Share.

  • Log into your Electronic Portfolio

  • Click on Settings (the gear icon in the upper right corner) and select Edit Site Layout

  • Click Navigation on your Sidebar on the left side of your website

  • Select Add URL

  • Text to Display: Voicethread URL or Email: Paste the URL to your Voicethread

  • Click Close