Photo Peach: Digital Timeline

History of Technology

Digital Timeline Presentation

You will now take your History of Technology that you created

and transform it into a digital timeline. Your project must include photos or

images, text, and captions.


Step 1: Your Digital Timeline Script:

Open your History of Technology Popplet flow chart on your computer.

Step 2: Locating and Saving Images:

Locate a minimum of 15 photos or images (you can always have more)

from various websites that go along with your History of

Technology Popplet. Save the images you find to your My Pictures folder.

You need at least 1 image for each of the 15 technology innovations that

you chose to create your flow chart about.

Step 3: Creating Your

Digital Timeline Presentation:

· Go to PhotoPeach

· To create an account click on Sign Up For Free and enter

all of the required information. **Make sure you write username and password down so that you don’t forget them.

· Click on Upload Photos and upload your pictures/images (remember you need at least 15). You will also need to upload the JPEG image of your Popplet that you exported, giving you a total of 16 pictures/images.

· Once your photos have uploaded, arrange your images

and put them in the order of the dates in that you used in

your History of Technology Popplet.

· When you are done uploading and arranging your images, select Next

· Give your digital story a title followed by your name (i.e. History of Technology By: Betty B.)

· Select a song for the background music and click Finish

· Once your digital story begins to play, click on Edit (in the upper right corner.

· Click on Edit Caption & Photos and create captions for each one of the photos in your History of Technology digital story, listing each year that you researched and a brief description of the

technology innovation that occurred that year. Don’t forget to add a title.

· The very last picture in your Photo Peach presentation that should be uploaded is the .JPEG image of your Popplet mind map. The caption under it should read: 20 (the year) My History of Technology Popplet.

Step 4: Sharing Your Digital Timeline Presentation:

· Watch your digital story to make sure it’s absolutely how you want it to be and that it meets all requirements.

· Once your digital story has ended and is exactly how you want it, hover your cursor over the right side of your presentation and click on the blue Email to Friends button.

· In the Friends Email box, type Mrs. Maurus’ email address: and click Add

· In the message box, type your first and last initial and hour.

· Click Send

**In order to get a grade you MUST share your History of

Technology presentation with Mrs. Maurus.