Music Video

Music Video


· Students will be able to create a music video using presentation software.


· CI.2- Create an original project using a variety of media.

· RI.1- Use a variety of digital resources to locate information


1. Choose an appropriate song.

2. Copy the lyrics.

3. Paste the lyrics into a blank Microsoft Word document and save it to your My Documents folder as Lyrics.

4. Open a blank Power Point Presentation.

5. Create a slide for each line of song lyrics. Each slide should include the lyric and an

appropriate graphic that goes along with each verse. (Background or picture). Feel free to use

3-D Text Maker or Flaming Text or Signbot for your lyrics.

6. Fancy Things Up

7. Insert music to each slide

8. Set the auto-timer on each slide so that they advance in synch to the music.

9. Play the song as the slide show is displayed.